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Functional Consequences of an Integration of Motion and Stereopsis in Area MT of Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex

Markus Lappe
1996 Neural Computation  
Communicated by David Heeger Functional Consequences of an Integration of Motion and Stereopsis in Area MT of Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex Markus Lappe Department of General Zoology and Neurobiology  ...  Area MT Our investigation here is concerned with the functional consequences of the specific combination of motion and disparity signals in area MT 1452 Markus Lappe that has been found experimentally.  ... 
doi:10.1162/neco.1996.8.7.1449 pmid:8823942 fatcat:uax4ja3tqjerdd7b6ufbc36vqa

Neural Mechanisms of Visual Motion Anomalies in Autism: A Two-Decade Update and Novel Aetiology

Samuel Spiteri, David Crewther
2021 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
Central to these observations is the development of motion areas MT+, the seat of the dorsal cortical stream, central area of pre-attentional processing as well as being an anchor of binocular vision for  ...  The 21st century has seen dramatic changes in our understanding of the visual physio-perceptual anomalies of autism and also in the structure and development of the primate visual system.  ...  The functional development of each stream has shown a somewhat variable pattern in both human and non-human species.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.756841 pmid:34790092 pmcid:PMC8591069 fatcat:o2jx4dola5azbfvf2e7iggqgwq

Circuit Mechanisms Governing Local vs. Global Motion Processing in Mouse Visual Cortex

Rune Rasmussen, Keisuke Yonehara
2017 Frontiers in Neural Circuits  
The visual cortex of the mouse is an attractive model for experimentally solving this issue due to the large molecular and genetic toolbox available.  ...  Although mouse visual cortex lacks the highly ordered orientation columns of primates, it is organized in functional sub-networks and contains striate-and extrastriate areas like its primate counterparts  ...  such as pattern motion develops at the stage of V1.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fncir.2017.00109 pmid:29311845 pmcid:PMC5743699 fatcat:suur3ddr6ranldhpjpi2vajjz4

Plasticity of Visual Pathways and Function in the Developing Brain: Is the Pulvinar a Crucial Player?

James A. Bourne, Maria Concetta Morrone
2017 Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience  
development and functional capacity Furthermore, there is evidence to suggest involvement of the pulvinar following lesions of the primary visual cortex (V1) and geniculostriate pathway in early life  ...  The pulvinar is the largest of the thalamic nuclei in the primates, including humans.  ...  In contrast, the response of V1 to motion is more immature compared with other areas. This last result suggests the need for reconsideration of the hierarchical model of development of visual cortex.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnsys.2017.00003 pmid:28228719 pmcid:PMC5296321 fatcat:2u3m2tqmmffo3ekwlb66v4jfau

Brain Development: Critical Periods for Cross-Sensory Plasticity

Maria Concetta Morrone
2010 Current Biology  
input connections to MT at three different developmental stages in humans, suggested by the results of Bedny et al. [4].  ...  This is a region of the cortex that, in visually normal humans, is particularly important for the perception of visual motion.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cub.2010.09.052 pmid:21056835 fatcat:le76zz5oi5cv5pv6r3fynjde2e

BOLD Response Selective to Flow-Motion in Very Young Infants

Laura Biagi, Sofia Allegra Crespi, Michela Tosetti, Maria Concetta Morrone, Michael Posner
2015 PLoS Biology  
Taken together, the results suggest that the development of motion perception may be limited by slow maturation of the subcortical input and of the cortico-cortical connections.  ...  Little is known about the neural substrate of visual motion in infants, although behavioural studies suggest that motion perception is rudimentary at birth and matures steadily over the first few years  ...  We thank all the parents that dedicated so much time and enthusiasm to the recording of their infants, and we thank David Burr for comments on the manuscript. Author Contributions  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.1002260 pmid:26418729 pmcid:PMC4587790 fatcat:i4hpak7ntvdlndd7n4ptclpjfu

Spatio-Temporal Brain Mapping of Motion-Onset VEPs Combined with fMRI and Retinotopic Maps

Sabrina Pitzalis, Francesca Strappini, Marco De Gasperis, Alessandro Bultrini, Francesco Di Russo, Samuel G. Solomon
2012 PLoS ONE  
Neuroimaging studies have identified several motion-sensitive visual areas in the human brain, but the time course of their activation cannot be measured with these techniques.  ...  We found that cortical activity initiates in the primary visual area (V1) for slow stimuli, peaking 100 ms after the onset of motion.  ...  sign, and to motion area MT+ as defined by functional localizer (see Methods).  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035771 pmid:22558222 pmcid:PMC3338463 fatcat:7l5lzate4fbavor4ht72fpmi7m

See me, hear me, touch me: multisensory integration in lateral occipital-temporal cortex

Michael S Beauchamp
2005 Current Opinion in Neurobiology  
Our understanding of multisensory integration has advanced because of recent functional neuroimaging studies of three areas in human lateral occipito-temporal cortex: superior temporal sulcus, area LO  ...  and area MT (V5).  ...  Area MT Area MT is recognized as a key locus for visual motion processing in the primate brain (see glossary).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.conb.2005.03.011 pmid:15831395 fatcat:dhpsmuiy2rdfnevjy27byrw4gu

Multivoxel Pattern Analysis Reveals Auditory Motion Information in MT+ of Both Congenitally Blind and Sighted Individuals

Lukas Strnad, Marius V. Peelen, Marina Bedny, Alfonso Caramazza, Jean-Claude Baron
2013 PLoS ONE  
Here, we investigate these principles by testing responses to auditory motion in visual motion area MT+ of congenitally blind and sighted individuals.  ...  Replicating previous reports, we find that MT+ as a whole shows a strong and selective responses to auditory motion in congenitally blind but not sighted individuals, suggesting that the emergence of this  ...  How are the new nonvisual functions of visual areas related to their original visual functions? Here, we study these principles in the context of motion processing.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063198 pmid:23646195 pmcid:PMC3639971 fatcat:tv5edf2e5vcsfpb262ykqdgqw4

Motion area V5/MT+ response to global motion in the absence of V1 resembles early visual cortex

Sara Ajina, Christopher Kennard, Geraint Rees, Holly Bridge
2014 Brain  
Using functional magnetic resonance imaging, the response of human V5/MT+ to increasing the proportion of coherent motion was measured in seven patients with unilateral V1 damage acquired during adulthood  ...  This human motion area also receives a number of inputs from other visual regions, including direct subcortical connections and callosal connections with the contralateral hemisphere.  ...  This work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (SA, GR), the Royal Society (HB), and the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Oxford Biomedical Research Centre (CK).  ... 
doi:10.1093/brain/awu328 pmid:25433915 pmcid:PMC4285193 fatcat:5maii2u4bnh2fjnukhfrsmfoma

Visual and Eye Movement Functions of the Posterior Parietal Cortex

R A Andersen
1989 Annual Review of Neuroscience  
From Golomb et al (1985) .VISUAL FUNCTIONS OF PARIETAL CORTEX 387 Figure 5 5 The effect of ibotcnic acid lesions in area MT on shear motion thresholds. .  ...  Thus restricted lesions to area MT produced motion scotomas in the visual field.  ... 
doi:10.1146/annurev.ne.12.030189.002113 pmid:2648954 fatcat:yieskar22ff55em3xzfaoc4gh4

Visual And Eye Movement Functions Of The Posterior Parietal Cortex

R. Andersen
1989 Annual Review of Neuroscience  
From Golomb et al (1985) .VISUAL FUNCTIONS OF PARIETAL CORTEX 387 Figure 5 5 The effect of ibotcnic acid lesions in area MT on shear motion thresholds. .  ...  Thus restricted lesions to area MT produced motion scotomas in the visual field.  ... 
doi:10.1146/annurev.neuro.12.1.377 fatcat:ve2uho6ktfb6pn2jw6yfvtqm2y

Visual motion and the human brain: what has neuroimaging told us?

Jody Culham, Sheng He, Sean Dukelow, Frans A.J Verstraten
2001 Acta Psychologica  
We suggest that in the domain of motion perception neuroimaging has: (1) revealed an extensive network of motion areas throughout the human brain, in addition to the well-studied motion complex (MT+);  ...  Recently, neuroimaging techniques have been applied to the study of human motion perception, complementing established techniques such as psychophysics, neurophysiology and neuropsychology.  ...  V5 is believed to be the human homolog of monkey areas MT, MST and adjacent motion selective cortex.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0001-6918(01)00022-1 pmid:11388143 fatcat:oy4ypq7jwffk3hhixxltvkjuia

Parallel motion signals to the medial and lateral motion areas V6 and MT+

Sabrina Pitzalis, Chiara Bozzacchi, Alessandro Bultrini, Patrizia Fattori, Claudio Galletti, Francesco Di Russo
2013 NeuroImage  
Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier's archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit: MT + and V6 are key motion areas of the dorsal visual stream in both macaque and human  ...  The response timing of these cortical sources indicates that motion signals flow in parallel from the occipital pole to the medial and lateral motion areas V6 and MT+, suggesting the view of a differential  ...  This research was supported by grants from the University of Rome "Foro Italico" to SP and FDR, the Italian Ministry of University and Research, and the Fondazione del Monte di Bologna e Ravenna, Italy  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2012.11.022 pmid:23186916 fatcat:bwiwfu2ddnefnnx526bgpszmtu

A GPU-accelerated cortical neural network model for visually guided robot navigation

Michael Beyeler, Nicolas Oros, Nikil Dutt, Jeffrey L. Krichmar
2015 Neural Networks  
The model includes a 10 rate based motion energy model for area V1, and a spiking neural network model for 11 cortical area MT.  ...  This study demonstrates how neural signals in a 16 model of cortical area MT might provide sufficient motion information to steer a physical 17 robot on human-like paths around obstacles in a real-world  ...  of 495 motion generated in a model of visual area MT.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neunet.2015.09.005 pmid:26494281 fatcat:ggqnx47wefbbjfhoml4dvsm6pq
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