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Modeling the Dynamics of Network Technology Adoption and the Role of Converters

Soumya Sen, Youngmi Jin, Roch Guerin, Kartik Hosanagar
2010 IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking  
To this end, the paper proposes and solves a model for adoption of competing network technologies by individual users.  ...  The goal of this paper is to develop an understanding of competition between network technologies, and identify the extent to which different factors, in particular converters (a.k.a. gateways), affect  ...  We apply the model to study the role that converters can play in the adoption of network technologies.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnet.2010.2048923 fatcat:qqr2no2xlfarxger35hytsazlq

Do converters facilitate the transition to a new incompatible technology? A dynamic analysis of converters

Jay Pil Choi
1996 International Journal of Industrial Organization  
When there are changes in the adoption behavior due to the existence of converters, I also analyze the welfare consequences of the changes in the adoption regimes.  ...  This paper analyzes the process of transition in standards between incompatible technologies when converters are available.  ...  network benefits of another [Katz and Shapiro I modify their model to allow for the availability of converters.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0167-7187(96)01013-2 fatcat:w4eid6imlbedfpjdozat7cic5i

Dynamics of competition between incumbent and emerging network technologies

Youngmi Jin, Soumya Sen, Roch Guérin, Kartik Hosanagar, Zhi-Li Zhang
2008 Proceedings of the 3rd international workshop on Economics of networked systems - NetEcon '08  
A model for the adoption of competing network technologies by individual users is formulated and solved.  ...  A model for the adoption of competing network technologies by individual users is formulated and solved.  ...  The authors would like to thank Prof. Andrew Odlyzko for his feedback and comments.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1403027.1403039 dblp:conf/sigcomm/JinSGHZ08 fatcat:mvs4kdxffvevdionw4o36h625e

Value‐creating networks: organizational issues and challenges

Verna Allee, Peter A. Smith
2009 Learning Organization  
They include both system dynamics and VNA in their -Lean +‖ toolkit as next generation modeling tools.Value Network Analysis is also gaining fast adoption in the area of customer support.Symantec and other  ...  The emergent purpose and value dynamics of the network are revealed through the particular pattern of roles (contributing individuals or organizations) and their unique negotiated value exchanges in service  ... 
doi:10.1108/09696470910993918 fatcat:bc5m527zvfbxpoi7skofnhzrfe

Standards Competition in the Presence of Digital Conversion Technology: An Empirical Analysis of the Flash Memory Card Market

Charles Z. Liu, Chris F. Kemerer, Sandra Slaughter, Michael D. Smith
2008 Social Science Research Network  
We then analyze whether these network effects are moderated by the adoption of digital converters, and find that the availability of digital converters provides a measurable reduction in the price premium  ...  These market dynamics imply that producers of non-dominant digital goods standards are better off with the provision of conversion technology, as this technology tends to neutralize the impact of network  ...  Research Model and Hypotheses Since the role of conversion technologies is of primary interest when network effects exist, identifying the presence and magnitude of network effects is an important first  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1021352 fatcat:ixucynfdmfchxh63fjrmglwg4e

Technology Adoption With Forward Looking Agent

Paolo Colla, Filomena Garcia
2004 Social Science Research Network  
We investigate the effects of forward looking behaviour in technology adoption.  ...  The setup is an overlapping generation model where agents choose between two alternative networks taking in consideration the installed base as well as the expected base.  ...  models. 7 Since then, the literature developed and recently some models have been put forth to analyse the dynamic implications of the technology adoption decision  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.967608 fatcat:ljrawgnhczg57hqzoh7slrkxq4

Exploration and Exploitation in the Presence of Network Externalities

Jongseok Lee, Jeho Lee, Habin Lee
2003 Management science  
T his paper examines the conditions under which exploration of a new, incompatible technology is conducive to firm growth in the presence of network externalities.  ...  In particular, this study is motivated by the divergent evolutions of the PC and the workstation markets in response to a new technology: reduced instruction set computing (RISC).  ...  The authors also thank participants at the Carnegie Mellon University conference for the special issue of Management Science.  ... 
doi:10.1287/mnsc.49.4.553.14417 fatcat:jckyjgotvzglzbkeuxytsbi7uy

Third-party Provision of Conversion Technologies in Network Markets

Arnaud X Varé, Ralf W Seifert
2009 Journal of Technology Management & Innovation  
In this paper, we develop a mathematical model to analyze the effects of third-party converter introduction on the adoption process of incumbents' base technologies and discuss managerial insights based  ...  In network markets, the provision of third-party converters is an important dimension of standards wars.  ...  We develop mathematical models to capture the time dynamics of technology adoption for base technologies and converters alike. In particular, we address the following research questions: 1.  ... 
doi:10.4067/s0718-27242009000200001 fatcat:sqcbwri2fzdkzpw5fbvzj4fgpm

A Review of Blockchain-Based Access Control for the Industrial IoT

Peng Zhai, Liping Zhang, Jingsha He
2021 Converter  
with the traditional access control technology, and the access control model constructed by completely utilizing the brand-new mode (full blockchain mode) of the distributed and non-tampering characteristics  ...  in the distributed network environment, while blockchain technology benefiting from the advantages of decentralization, high confidence, and difficulty tampering are able to solve the trust problem existing  ...  Since the operation of RBAC model depends on the association relationship among users, roles and permissions, the system needs to maintain a large amount of associated information of {users, roles}, {roles  ... 
doi:10.17762/converter.62 fatcat:lvtb7ozgvfb4nipdx7hm2hnssm

A note on critical masses, network externalities and converters

Luciano Andreozzi
2004 International Journal of Industrial Organization  
This note builds on his model to show that the critical mass of a given technology depends upon its efficiency and its compatibility with the existing standard, and hence that more efficient technologies  ...  Some consequences for the economics of converters and "gateway technologies" are also discussed. † I would like to thank Ulrich Witt for valuable comments and suggestions on a preliminary version of this  ...  A simple model of technology adoption Two partially incompatible technologies V 1 and V 2 are available to consumers in a given market.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijindorg.2004.01.005 fatcat:wq2za67ggng7lls6ytzpfpj35m

T-RBAC based Multi-domain Access Control Method in Cloud

Dapeng Xiong, Liang Chen
2017 Network Protocols and Algorithms  
New method combined the advantage of RBAC and task driving model, joined with limit aging and real time strategy synthesis.  ...  In order to improve the deficiency of the current multi domain access control in timeliness and flexibility. This paper put forward a dynamic access control policy on the basis of task driving idea.  ...  Acknowledgement This research has been supported by National High Technology Research and Development Application of China (2012AA012902) and "HGJ" National Major Technological Projects (2013ZX01045-004  ... 
doi:10.5296/npa.v8i4.10411 fatcat:gbmzmnehafd4nhcfgj6s4imike

Modeling the adoption of new network architectures

Dilip Joseph, Nikhil Shetty, John Chuang, Ion Stoica
2007 Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference on - CoNEXT '07  
We use mathematical analysis and simulation studies to understand the role of various factors such as user and network benefits, switching costs, and the impact of converters on the adoption of new network  ...  For example, while in general, increasing the efficiency of converters hastens the adoption of new network architectures, there are cases in which more efficient converters hinder the adoption of such  ...  Unlike [2] and [11] , our paper focuses on the role of converters in the adoption of new network architectures.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1364654.1364661 dblp:conf/conext/JosephSCS07 fatcat:exyg4advb5f2rf7nfcl3s6brmy

Dynamic Capabilities, Resources, and Social Capital in Creating Sustainable Competitive Strategies in Indonesian MSME

Maria Imelda Novita Susiang
2024 International Journal of Business, Law, and Education  
The study also reveals the mediating functions of social capital and resources in converting dynamic capabilities into long-term competitive advantages.  ...  With a robust R-squared value and a Goodness of Fit (GoF) rating of 0.68, the model demonstrates a substantial fit, indicating its adequacy in explaining the intricacies of the MSME environment in Indonesia  ...  Mediating Role of Resources and Social Capital The indirect impacts that have been observed shed light on the mediating functions that resources and social capital play in converting dynamic capabilities  ... 
doi:10.56442/ijble.v5i1.499 fatcat:6sjkfprmqze2lphwwv55ddgwo4

A Review on progress in wireless charging technologies for electric vehicles

D.Sai Kumar, Dr.D Rajesh Babu
2024 International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews  
Countries such as Korea, Germany, and the UK are actively driving the adoption of wireless charging.  ...  Traditional EVs rely on cable charging, but major manufacturers like Tesla, BMW, and Nissan are spearheading the development of wireless charging technology, eliminating the need for cumbersome wires.  ...  However, unresolved technological challenges, such as low power density and efficiency over longer distances, have hindered the widespread adoption of WPT technology.  ... 
doi:10.55248/gengpi.5.0324.0797 fatcat:jsxpjw5ny5hprmo7mpy45p7dju

Implementation of DC voltage controllers on enhancing the stability of multi-terminal DC grids

Moussa Belgacem, Mohamed Khatir, Mohammed Abdeldjalil Djehaf, Sid Ahmed Zidi, Riyadh Bouddou
2021 International Journal of Power Electronics and Drive Systems (IJPEDS)  
These two control strategies are implemented in the proposed model, a ±400 kV meshed multi-terminal MTDC network based on VSC technology with four terminals during the outage converter.  ...  The simulation results confirm that the DC voltage droop technique has a better dynamic performance of power sharing and DC voltage regulation.  ...  However, the MTDC network can adopt LCC technology.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v11i3.pp1894-1904 fatcat:mxs4cj4tazeshafphqbypqncyi
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