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Towards modeling agent negotiators by analyzing human negotiation behavior

Yuyu Xu, Pedro Sequeira, Stacy Marsella
2017 2017 Seventh International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII)  
Our research aims to contribute towards the creation of artificial agent negotiators that can be used for training purposes to improve human negotiation skills.  ...  In turn, this data will allow us to build agent negotiators that have a rich behavioral repertoire and are able to adapt to human negotiation trainees, thus fostering more interesting learning experiences  ...  In turn, this information may be used to model the behavior of our negotiator agents.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acii.2017.8273579 dblp:conf/acii/XuSM17 fatcat:3br7i7oimzaw7pa7gyzytc4amq

A negotiation model for autonomous agents

Fernando Lopes, A. Q. Novais, Nuno Mamede, Helder Coelho
2005 Proceedings of the fourth international joint conference on Autonomous agents and multiagent systems - AAMAS '05  
This paper presents the key features of a new negotiation model for autonomous agents.  ...  The model is generic, handles multi-party and multi-issue negotiation, acknowledges the role of conflict as a driving force of negotiation, formalizes a set of human negotiation procedures, allows the  ...  This paper presents the key features of a new negotiation model for autonomous agents, characterizes the model along a set of dimensions, and compares it with other developed models.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1082473.1082698 dblp:conf/atal/LopesNMC05 fatcat:fmkmol5yz5autm3pywvaszg3da

The C-IPS Agent Architecture for Modeling Negotiating Social Agents [chapter]

Diemo Urbig, Dagmar Monett Díaz, Kay Schröter
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The basic concepts in agent negotiation are negotiation object, negotiation protocol and reasoning process.  ...  The components of the C-IPS architecture are modeled according to the BDI approach. As an example for the application of C-IPS we consider agents that are required for the INKA project.  ...  Conclusions In this article we have proposed the C-IPS framework to model negotiating agents.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-39869-1_19 fatcat:dbv5xfv5tzf7zozyxxa5b6kvme

Negotiation in Multi-Agent Environments [chapter]

Dorin Militaru
2011 Multi-Agent Systems - Modeling, Control, Programming, Simulations and Applications  
However, we believe that with the evolution of Internet pricing mechanisms and agent intermediation, the search costs will become an important aspect in modeling agent-based markets.  ...  Negotiation in Multi-Agent Environments 129 negotiation. For example, a negotiation process using two intelligent agents to negotiate a solution autonomously would be more efficient and objective.  ...  In our model, we completely ignore the possibility of price negotiation between buying agents and selling agents.  ... 
doi:10.5772/15654 fatcat:ie5tkld7lzgcbi47jqlnwjrpiq

An agent-based negotiation model and its implementation in Repast [article]

S. Bai
2020 arXiv   pre-print
It is worth pointing out that this model can be used to create a java module for any use of agent-based negotiation simulation.  ...  We propose an agent-based model, MNegoti, for simulating multilateral negotiation process, which can be naturally employed in group decision support system.  ...  Discussion This report introduces the architecture of the agent-based model for multilateral negotiations, MNegoti.  ... 
arXiv:2004.06135v1 fatcat:ckemph745feehg4xdhvvpwfcxe

Distributed model predictive control based on agent negotiation

J.M. Maestre, D. Muñoz de la Peña, E.F. Camacho, T. Alamo
2011 Journal of Process Control  
We assume that each agent has access only to the model and the state of one of the subsystems. This implies that in order to take a cooperative decision, the agents must negotiate.  ...  At each sampling time agents make proposals to improve an initial feasible solution on behalf of their local cost function, state and model.  ...  Aspects such as the way agents share information are crucial.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jprocont.2010.12.006 fatcat:nrznp6pmpre5xngthnpqgu3bna

A Possibilistic Logic Modeling of Autonomous Agents Negotiation [chapter]

Leila Amgoud, Henri Prade
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Abstract Negotiation plays a key role in agent dialogue encounters as a means for sharing information or resources with the aim of looking for a common agreement.  ...  The process of negotiation is founded upon the notion of compromise and this comes about as a result of agent's preferences (goals): an agent may be willing to make concessions if in so doing, preferred  ...  Définition 2 (Un modèle de négociation) Un modèle de négociation est un tuple <Joueurs, Coups, Dialogue, Terminaison> avec : Joueurs = {a, a} est l'ensemble des agents impliqués dans la négociation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-24580-3_42 fatcat:zbdx5xubprd4hcbsb2esycin3e

A Service-Oriented Negotiation Model between Autonomous Agents [chapter]

Carles Sierra, Peyman Faratin, Nick R. Jennings
1999 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We present a formal model of negotiation between autonomous agents. The purpose of the negotiation is to reach an agreement about the provision of a service by one agent for another.  ...  The model defines a range of strategies and tactics that agents can employ to generate initial offers, evaluate proposals and offer counter proposals.  ...  The Negotiation Model The negotiation model for autonomous agents proposed in this Section is based on a variation of the two parties, many issues value scoring system presented in [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/10703260_12 fatcat:podhk62l6nejtmcshjpu6zb5fm

Web User Modeling via Negotiating Information Foraging Agent [chapter]

Xuehong Tao, Yin-Leng Theng, Terence Ting
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we proposed an agent based approach that modeled the dynamic information seeking process of information foragers.  ...  In the real world, a user's information goal often evolves, and information foraging is a negotiation process between the user and the system.  ...  The NIF agent is able to model the goal evolvement, goal's context and the negotiation process of information foraging. • NIF Agent Knowledge Model Users may have different level of search goals.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-03655-2_49 fatcat:obxyujpipbhnjiyxk5pclhawe4

Intelligent Application Implementation Model for Automated Agent Negotiation

Wrya Anwar Hayder, Mohammed Hassan Husain
2018 Kurdistan Journal of Applied Research  
This study has merged REST-AP and JSON technology into an automated negotiation model, and then a prototype is developed to successfully apply the proposed model.  ...  This model can facilitate application in business application negotiations and even internet of things (IOT) where HTTP protocol is used.  ...  The models that going to be covered are about commercial models to automate negotiation between seller agents and buyer agents.  ... 
doi:10.24017/science.2018.1.14 fatcat:e34mgutga5ekbcghaqdt7jobua

A service-oriented negotiation model between autonomous agents [chapter]

Carles Sierra, Peyman Faratin, Nick R. Jennings
1997 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We present a formal model of negotiation between autonomous agents. The purpose of the negotiation is to reach an agreement about the provision of a service by one agent for another.  ...  The model defines a range of strategies and tactics that agents can employ to generate initial offers, evaluate proposals and offer counter proposals.  ...  The Negotiation Model The negotiation model for autonomous agents proposed in this Section is based on a variation of the two parties, many issues value scoring system presented in [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-63077-5_23 fatcat:s5scv7stnfakhem3kgev26ruxe

Assistive Large Language Model Agents for Socially-Aware Negotiation Dialogues [article]

Yuncheng Hua, Lizhen Qu, Gholamreza Haffari
2024 arXiv   pre-print
We simulate real-world negotiations by letting two large Language Models (LLMs) play the roles of two negotiators in each conversation.  ...  In this work, we aim to develop LLM agents to mitigate social norm violations in negotiations in a multi-agent setting.  ...  Benefiting from recent advances of large language models (LLMs), we explore the potentials of using LLMs to build social norm remediation agents to assist business negotiations in a multi-agent setting  ... 
arXiv:2402.01737v1 fatcat:tdn2ifwzgfcupbncqnpghslqqa

Bilateral Price Negotiations by Software Agents - A Model for Measuring Marketplace-Related Negotiation Behavior

Stefan Sackmann
2004 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
The measuring system has been implemented in software agents and evaluated within a prototypical electronic marketplace.  ...  Software agents are seen as a promising technology for automating economic transactions as they can act autonomously on behalf of their human owners.  ...  model and negotiation strategy.  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/Sackmann04 fatcat:v6upyg4oszhnzij53aokcr65om

SettleBot: A Negotiation Model for the Agent Based Commercial Grid [chapter]

Florian Lang
2005 Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005  
To address the inefficiencies of negotiations on imperfect markets, the negotiation model suggested by the SettleBot research effort includes both self-interested negotiations driven by a heuristic strategy  ...  Multiple-issue negotiation among autonomous software agents allows the efficient alignment of resource consumers' demand profiles and the service capabilities of resource providers.  ...  The SettleBot research effort aims at developing a heuristic negotiation model that deals with the inefficiencies prevailing in real-world settings.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-7908-1624-8_9 fatcat:sijuk6qe7fc33i6lybvuq6jdny

ANEGMA: an automated negotiation model for e-markets

Pallavi Bagga, Nicola Paoletti, Bedour Alrayes, Kostas Stathis
2021 Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems  
AbstractWe present a novel negotiation model that allows an agent to learn how to negotiate during concurrent bilateral negotiations in unknown and dynamic e-markets.  ...  The agent uses an actor-critic architecture with model-free reinforcement learning to learn a strategy expressed as a deep neural network.  ...  Proposed work In this section, we formulate the negotiation environment and introduce our agent negotiation model called ANEGMA (Adaptive NEGotiation model for e-MArkets).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10458-021-09513-x fatcat:x7nsbxywxbed5bznj3xq4ykpdy
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