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Information security investments: An exploratory multiple case study on decision-making, evaluation and learning

Eva Weishäupl, Emrah Yasasin, Guido Schryen
2018 Computers & security  
, (3) the security process is perceived to impact the business process in a disturbing way, (4) both the implementation of evaluation processes and the application of metrics are hardly existent and (5  ...  In the presence of budget constraints and a diverse set of assets to protect, organizations have to decide in which IT security measures to invest, how to evaluate those investment decisions, and how to  ...  In another study, Dor & Elovici (2016) investigate the information security investment decision-making process focusing on different phases and concepts showing that the decision-making process is heavily  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cose.2018.02.001 fatcat:myvuf5wlnjbpdhsuujqp3tigni

Framework and Key Technologies of Human-machine Hybrid-augmented Intelligence System for Large-scale Power Grid Dispatching and Control

2024 CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems  
and openness, which makes operation and control of power grids face severe security challenges.  ...  Finally, state-of-theart and future development of HHI in power grid regulation are summarized, aiming to efficiently improve the intelligent level of power grid regulation in a human-machine interactive  ...  PGDC system through human-machine interaction for power grid perception and decision-making process under the HMC.  ... 
doi:10.17775/cseejpes.2023.00940 fatcat:o5wutxxwqzdtfnuhls2buca3e4

Analysis and Assessment of Situational Awareness Models for National Cyber Security Centers

Timea Pahi, Maria Leitner, Florian Skopik
2017 Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy  
We foresee this illustrative scenario to aid decision makers and practitioners who are involved in establishing NCSCs and cyber security processes on national level to better understand the specific implications  ...  As a prerequisite, NCSCs need to collect, analyze, process, assess and share security-relevant information from infrastructure operators.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was partly funded by the Austrian FFG research program KIRAS in course of the project CISA (850199).  ... 
doi:10.5220/0006149703340345 dblp:conf/icissp/PahiLS17 fatcat:2rsotzwpq5hwtecqykv44ic3qq

AI Potentiality and Awareness: A Position Paper from the Perspective of Human-AI Teaming in Cybersecurity [article]

Iqbal H. Sarker, Helge Janicke, Nazeeruddin Mohammad, Paul Watters, Surya Nepal
2023 arXiv   pre-print
human experts in the loop, i.e., "Human-AI" teaming.  ...  Human experts can explain AI-generated decisions to stakeholders, regulators, and end-users in critical situations, ensuring responsibility and accountability, which helps establish trust in AI-driven  ...  Acknowledgement The work has been supported by the Cyber Security Research Centre Limited whose activities are partially funded by the Australian Government's Cooperative Research Centres Program.  ... 
arXiv:2310.12162v1 fatcat:pqicx4mhtzbqto7wtxpslt33ga

Applicability Of The Ooda Loop Theory For Analysis Of Human Error Processes In The Maritime Safety

Boyan Mednikarov, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy, Siyana Lutzkanova, Nikola Vaptsarov Naval Academy
2021 Pedagogika = Pedagogy: Bulgarian Journal of Educational Research and Practice  
The publication evaluates the applicability of John Boyd's OODA Loop (observe-orient-decide-act) theory for the analysis of human error in the maritime industry.  ...  In conclusion, the role of the time factor in the realization of the OODA Loop is assessed and in this context, approaches are offered to increase the possibility for realization of a quality loop.  ...  Thus, the situation analysis covers the Observe and Orient steps, resulting in decision-making process and action (situational awareness).  ... 
doi:10.53656/ped21-7s.21ooda fatcat:ndtlibexe5ejvah2x3c7lvpdgq

Visual Analytics for Network Security and Critical Infrastructures [chapter]

Karolína Burská, Radek Ošlejšek
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The knowledge generation loop is important for its ability to help analysts to refine the nature of the processes that continuously occur and to offer them a better insight into the network security related  ...  Our research is focused on designing new exploratory methods and interactive visualizations in the context of network security.  ...  This research was supported by the Security Research Programme of the Czech Republic 2015-2020 (BV III/1 VS) granted by the Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic under No.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-60774-0_13 fatcat:hb4yivvmcrgwtdrn36h5wy54wu


Oleksandr Milov, Maryna Kostyak, Stanislav Milevskyi, Hazail Nuraddin Ogly Rzaev
2019 Advanced Information Systems  
firms make informed investment decisions in the field of information security.  ...  Answers to questions arising from the analysis of the integrated model of investment in information security can not only determine future research, but also have managerial consequences that will help  ...  While single-loop learning is a common model of action, dual-loop learning provides "feedback and more effective decision making" [52] .  ... 
doi:10.20998/2522-9052.2019.4.14 fatcat:ayy6sp2rxffo3eay4ugyvbvpaq

The Individual and the Organizational Model of Quantum Decision-Making and Learning: An Introduction and the Application of the Quadruple Loop Learning

Meir Russ
2021 Merits  
plays a key role in the process, leveraging decision making and learning by human as well as artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) algorithms.  ...  amalgamated diamond model of individual and organizational decision-making and learning processes.  ...  Acknowledgments: The author is grateful to Chayale Szarfer for her help with the graphics, and to Daniel Worden and Kelly Anklam for their helpful feedback and comments.  ... 
doi:10.3390/merits1010005 fatcat:pulez76asfdvrbh5btf22nmhre

Gaining an Edge in Cyberspace with Advanced Situational Awareness

Vincent Lenders, Axel Tanner, Albert Blarer
2015 IEEE Security and Privacy  
A new cyber-situational awareness framework relies on the OODA (observe, orient, decide, act) cycle to provide near real-time cognitive mapping for corporate environments.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank Stefan Engel and Marc Stoecklin for their valuable contributions during the project and the reviewers for their very constructive feedback to the article.  ...  IBM, Tivoli, and Netcool are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation, registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2015.30 fatcat:3ze2ygkasvdytajncl2iwvvwqe

Cybernetic Approach to Project Management: Where Sense Making Intelligence Is Needed [chapter]

Bogdan Lent
2012 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
Paper presents the mental model of project management based on cybernetic system approach with several asynchronously running decentralised subsystems based on specific component-goal oriented processes  ...  Yet complexity and chaos of projects are better reflected by non-linear systems, which in turn are better manageable in adaptive and self-organised distributed systems with positive feedback.  ...  This unpredictability of his decisions, due to the changing mental model may be viewed as the initial values change in non-linear second order cybernetic loops of the process.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24806-1_8 fatcat:did3vayu4bc5lpopczcar7xbjy

Modelling Methodology for Engineering of Complex Sociotechnical Systems

Rudolph Oosthuizen, Leon Pretorius
2014 INCOSE International Symposium  
In a complex sociotechnical system cognitive and social humans use information technology to make sense of a situation in support of decisions.  ...  A modelling and assessment methodology in support of the Systems Engineering process is required to understand the sociotechnical system's behaviour and underlying structure.  ...  The SD modelling process develops a Causal Loop Diagram and Stock and Flow Diagram.  ... 
doi:10.1002/j.2334-5837.2014.00021.x fatcat:gplnitjzfzee5ev4nttzvdkspi

Ethical Risk Factors and Mechanisms in Artificial Intelligence Decision Making

Guan Hongjun, Dong Liye, Zhao Aiwu
2022 Behavioral Sciences  
In this paper, we identify the ethical risk factors of AI decision making from the perspective of qualitative research, construct a risk-factor model of AI decision making ethical risks using rooting theory  ...  Accordingly, we propose strategies for the governance of ethical risks in AI decision making from the perspectives of management, research, and development.  ...  In modern life, AI plays an increasingly important role in helping humans to make decisions and is seen as a process that can enhance the efficiency of human decision making [1] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/bs12090343 pmid:36135147 pmcid:PMC9495402 fatcat:nhx4mavnobdmdbnaoaruvkzjhe

Explainable Human-in-the-loop Dynamic Data-Driven Digital Twins [article]

Nan Zhang, Rami Bahsoon, Nikos Tziritas, Georgios Theodoropoulos
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Additionally, different decision-making algorithms and models have varying complexity, quality and can result in different utility gained for the model.  ...  Sensing loops can consequently steer measurement, analysis and reconfiguration aimed at more accurate modelling and analysis in DT.  ...  Human factors can be present in the two computational feedback loops in DDDASbased DT and can be captured in an additional physical human-in-the-loop feedback process, as illustrated in Fig. 1 .  ... 
arXiv:2207.09106v2 fatcat:g5ohhvizwzcpjedfq7ar4y4ely

Effect of Information Technology on the Human

Yuhan Guo
2017 Research in Economics and Management  
This paper starts with the essence of information handling and analysis of information technology, explores the influence of information technology on the model of human resource management, and builds  ...  the closed loop model modern human resource management supported by information technology.  ...  Effect Analysis of the Closed-Loop Model of Human Resource Management Supported by Information Technology In the closed-loop model of human resource management supported by information technology, the  ... 
doi:10.22158/rem.v2n3p98 fatcat:cndb7y2z3ratffhawh6imvb3ma

Artificial Intelligence Strategies for National Security and Safety Standards [article]

Erik Blasch, James Sung, Tao Nguyen, Chandra P. Daniel, Alisa P. Mason
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, the use of AI applications in a national security environment is often problematic because the opaque nature of the systems leads to an inability for a human to understand how the results  ...  Specifically, we focus on the standards outlined in Intelligence Community Directive 203 (Analytic Standards) to subject machine outputs to the same rigorous standards as analysis performed by humans.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors appreciate the support from the  ... 
arXiv:1911.05727v1 fatcat:ysmzfhop2vewppv5ixes252e5i
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