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Open Data Kit: Mobile Data Collection Framework For Developing Countries

use of computer tools of data collection is a major asset.  ...  To evaluate and improve the delivery of health care services and programs; to collect and share information on agro-biodiversity; to fill the gaps in the data of artisanal or industrial fisheries, the  ...  CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS Open Data Kit is a mobile data collection framework specifically designed for use in developing countries.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.l3583.1081219 fatcat:ayc53nxksbhinnljiwckjae74a

A Survey on Universal Mobile Users Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks

Purimetla Mounitha
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
We actualize the proposed convention in a model framework and test its plausibility and pertinence by a 49-hub testbed.  ...  We propose a novel approach for mobile users to gather the far reaching information.  ...  Note that a virtual got flooding parcel will be offered to the sink hub at the underlying phase of Data Collection Tree Updating.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.4445 fatcat:3heimyho4rasdd3axqr6amd3fm

Crowdsourced mobile data collection

Evan Welbourne, Pang Wu, Xuan Bao, Emmanuel Munguia-Tapia
2014 Proceedings of the 15th Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications - HotMobile '14  
In this paper we explore a scalable data collection methodology that simultaneously achieves low cost and a high degree of control.  ...  We use popular online crowdsourcing platforms to recruit 63 subjects for a 90-day data collection that resulted in over 75K hours of data.  ...  data collection studies; x a low-cost mobile data collection approach that uses crowdsourcing to collect mobile data from a large number of participants while supporting a rich diversity of data types  ... 
doi:10.1145/2565585.2565608 dblp:conf/wmcsa/WelbourneWBT14 fatcat:2tx2qf2iebbwrm6t2nsbve7ilu

Why energy matters? Profiling energy consumption of mobile crowdsensing data collection frameworks

Mattia Tomasoni, Andrea Capponi, Claudio Fiandrino, Dzmitry Kliazovich, Fabrizio Granelli, Pascal Bouvry
2018 Pervasive and Mobile Computing  
Consequently, it is crucial to investigate how to maximize the efficiency of a Data Collection Frameworks (DCF), which is defined in terms of the costs sustained by the organizer and the revenues [15]  ...  Hence, devising energy efficient data collection frameworks (DCF) is essential to foster participation. In this work, we investigate from an energy-perspective the performance of different DCFs.  ...  PDA achieves a high spatial distribution of amount of collected data and this is because it collects data until the collector has gathered a sufficient amount of data and lowers the transmission probability  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.pmcj.2018.10.002 fatcat:hzpfec5kcndkjisahvdhsif65i

Evaluating Mobile Survey Tools (MSTs) for Field-Level Monitoring and Data Collection: Development of a Novel Evaluation Framework, and Application to MSTs for Rural Water and Sanitation Monitoring

Michael Fisher, Benjamin Mann, Ryan Cronk, Katherine Shields, Tori Klug, Rohit Ramaswamy
2016 International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health  
Information and communications technologies (ICTs) such as mobile survey tools (MSTs) can facilitate field-level data collection to drive improvements in national and international development programs  ...  The EF is applicable to MSTs for a broad variety of applications. We also conducted an MST user survey to elucidate needs and priorities of current MST users.  ...  Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge the 40 survey respondents who took the time to participate in the user survey included in this study, and thank Teresa Edwards of the Odum Institute at the University  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijerph13090840 pmid:27563916 pmcid:PMC5036673 fatcat:dd7non76wfehzmvj2z3ofndcim

A solution for the data collection in the field survey based on Mobile and Wireless GIS

Haidong Zhong, Ping Li, Yingjie Hu, Zhenhua Lv, Jie Yin, Bailang Yu, Jianping Wu
2010 2010 18th International Conference on Geoinformatics  
For these reasons, a solution for the data collection in the field survey based on Mobile and Wireless GIS is proposed in this study. Key technologies involved in the solution are reviewed at first.  ...  Then, a prototype of mobile GIS with basic GIS functions is designed and implemented based on independent development.  ...  Apart from existing data that can be acquired using data mining technologies, the data are often collected during field surveys.  ... 
doi:10.1109/geoinformatics.2010.5567747 dblp:conf/geoinformatics/ZhongLHLYYW10 fatcat:cjakjve25ndlnln2daoc5w3ysu

Workflow Support for Mobile Data Collection [chapter]

Peter Wakholi, Weiqin Chen, Jørn Klungsøyr
2011 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
This research focuses on the processes related to data collection by integration of workflow systems to support mobile data collection.  ...  collection forms that can run on the simplest Java-enabled mobile devices, and therefore receive and provide data from the Internet.  ...  The first contribution is a framework to enable generic MDC tools to adopt the use of WFMS, thereby enabling workflow support for mobile data collection.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21759-3_22 fatcat:gihfcnfhf5dzvmvi6wx23doqpe

Privacy Preservation for Preventing Data Over-Collection in Smart Phones using Mobile-Cloud Framework

M. Radhika
2017 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
To overcome this problem we are using a mobile-cloud frame work where user data is stored in cloud and apps work as data requesters and further the encryption/decryption operations also done with in cloud  ...  The main challenge is data overcollection problem in smart phone apps. Data over-collection means collecting data more than its original function within permission scope given by user.  ...  So, using mobile-cloud framework to solve data over-collection problem not only improves the security for the sensitive data of citizens of smart city but also saves storage space of smart phones which  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2017.4206 fatcat:ckh5dsbr2fevze3qn7m25bd4ra

Willingness to Participate in Passive Mobile Data Collection

2019 Public Opinion Quarterly  
We surveyed 1,947 members of a German nonprobability online panel who own a smartphone using vignettes that described hypothetical studies where data are automatically collected by a research app on a  ...  The rising penetration of smartphones now gives researchers the chance to collect data from smartphone users through passive mobile data collection via apps.  ...  A UNIFIED FRAMEWORK Previous research suggest that some of the factors that influence willingness or actual participation in passive mobile data collection are directly linked to participants' smartphone-related  ... 
doi:10.1093/poq/nfz007 pmid:31337924 pmcid:PMC6639765 fatcat:2m2djnkw2vgejlbs2fvw75hudm

Using Mobile Phones for High-Frequency Data Collection [chapter]

2015 Mobile Research Methods: Opportunities and challenges of mobile research methodologies  
The results suggest that using mobile phones for short and frequent surveys can produce high-quality data more quickly -and more cheaply on a per survey basis -than traditional methods, and can be a valuable  ...  But, in order for mobile data to produce timely information for policy decisions, the system for mobile surveys must be in place before the crisis starts.  ...  The authors encourage further research using these data and materials.  ... 
doi:10.5334/bar.c fatcat:xm4glay2zrhi3cfybwctbv745m

Data classification for secure mobile health data collection systems

Marriette Katarahweire, Engineer Bainomugisha, Khalid A. Mughal
2020 Development Engineering  
Data collected in Mobile Health Data Collections Systems (MHDCS) are diverse, both in terms of type and value.  ...  We propose a data classification model as a basis for secure design and implementation. Our method combines interviews with case studies.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank the survey and interview respondents for taking their valuable time to give us feedback.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.deveng.2020.100054 fatcat:dp2s77wzarhrlnzzpcbpee2jaa

The use of mobile phones as a data collection tool: A report from a household survey in South Africa

Mark Tomlinson, Wesley Solomon, Yages Singh, Tanya Doherty, Mickey Chopra, Petrida Ijumba, Alexander C Tsai, Debra Jackson
2009 BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making  
data using mobile phones in a large baseline survey Methods: A web-based system was developed to allow electronic surveys or questionnaires to be designed on a word processor, sent to, and conducted on  ...  of data collection that needs to be further explored.  ...  to collect data using mobile phones in a large health survey.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1472-6947-9-51 pmid:20030813 pmcid:PMC2811102 fatcat:ff6uwowidnh3pmuhks5gywdora

Process-Driven Data Collection with Smart Mobile Devices [chapter]

Johannes Schobel, Marc Schickler, Rüdiger Pryss, Manfred Reichert
2015 Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing  
Such paper-based approach, however, results in a massive workload for processing and analyzing the collected data.  ...  In this context the presented process-driven approach offers promising perspectives in respect to the development of mobile data collection applications.  ...  To reduce overall efforts, a framework for rapidly developing and evolving mobile data collection applications shall be developed.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-27030-2_22 fatcat:kuicao7dljgndistjlaedad6bu

Design of field wrappers for mobile field data collection

Peisheng Zhao, Sarah Nusser, Leslie Miller
2002 Proceedings of the tenth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '02  
In mobile field data collection, data gatherer requires to get geospatial information service to support in navigating to the right locations, describing context of observed object and providing thematic  ...  In this paper, we present a new concept--field wrapper, which is an extension of wrapper concepts to the field data collection environments as a means of isolating the heterogeneity of field users, applications  ...  In this paper, we explore this concept via a mobile field data collection testbed environment based on the National Resources Inventory (NRI) survey setting.  ... 
doi:10.1145/585147.585161 dblp:conf/gis/ZhaoNM02 fatcat:ztbpirba7vh7flqzqktrb5f7xm

Design of field wrappers for mobile field data collection

Peisheng Zhao, Sarah Nusser, Leslie Miller
2002 Proceedings of the tenth ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems - GIS '02  
In mobile field data collection, data gatherer requires to get geospatial information service to support in navigating to the right locations, describing context of observed object and providing thematic  ...  In this paper, we present a new concept--field wrapper, which is an extension of wrapper concepts to the field data collection environments as a means of isolating the heterogeneity of field users, applications  ...  In this paper, we explore this concept via a mobile field data collection testbed environment based on the National Resources Inventory (NRI) survey setting.  ... 
doi:10.1145/585159.585161 fatcat:yont6roqhrg7xaovfq7djrcpta
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