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Mining with rarity

Gary M. Weiss
2004 SIGKDD Explorations  
These descriptions utilize examples from existing research, so that this article provides a good survey of the literature on rarity in data mining.  ...  Until recently, however, rarity has not received much attention in the context of data mining.  ...  Section 4.1 provides a mapping from each problem associated with rarity, listed in Section 2, to method(s) from Section 3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The content of this article was influenced by previous research  ... 
doi:10.1145/1007730.1007734 fatcat:sb2tk62wrffifcirx75kw22etq

A Unified Framework for Link Recommendation Using Random Walks

Zhijun Yin, Manish Gupta, Tim Weninger, Jiawei Han
2010 2010 International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining  
The global and local influence of the attributes is leveraged in the framework as well. Other than link recommendation, our framework can also rank the attributes in the social network.  ...  One such problem is that of link recommendation which is a critical task that not only helps improve the user experience but also is essential to network growth itself.  ...  We study the problem of expressing the link relevance to incorporate both attributes and structure in a unified intuitive manner.  ... 
doi:10.1109/asonam.2010.27 dblp:conf/asunam/YinGWH10 fatcat:45igmtcb45hnpko5ai3iyx4p2m

"And DPSIR begat DAPSI(W)R(M)!" - A unifying framework for marine environmental management

M. Elliott, D. Burdon, J.P. Atkins, A. Borja, R. Cormier, V.N. de Jonge, R.K. Turner
2017 Marine Pollution Bulletin  
Finally, the unifying framework for integrated marine management is completed by encompassing ecosystem structure and functioning, ecosystem services and societal benefits.  ...  However, to deliver these sustainably in the light of human activities requires a Risk Assessment and Risk Management framework; the ISO-compliant Bow-Tie method is used here as an example.  ...  Acknowledgements This paper arose within the framework of two projects funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration (FP7 -2007  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.marpolbul.2017.03.049 pmid:28396077 fatcat:ayfx6wq3ujbq3dluhb3sgqyp2a

Reviewing the role of peptide rarity in bacterial toxin immunomics

Giuseppe Novello
2012 Frontiers in bioscience (Scholar edition)  
Clostridium tetani toxin epitopes: a set of rare motifs 5. Anti-tetanus toxoid antibody CDR3 sequences: mirroring the epitopic peptide rarity 6.  ...  with a tetanus toxoid vaccine (58).  ...  Using this scientific framework and mining for information on the biological features that define TT immunogenic properties, we explored the TT-sequence identity profile versus the human proteome.  ... 
doi:10.2741/263 pmid:22202055 fatcat:ultu375m6jcnxcl2wlg4ddjmee

The effects of class rarity on the evaluation of supervised healthcare fraud detection models

Matthew Herland, Richard A. Bauder, Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar
2019 Journal of Big Data  
With our research, we demonstrate the effects of severe class imbalance and rarity using a training and testing (Train_Test) evaluation method via a hold-out set, and provide our recommendations based  ...  The United States healthcare system produces an enormous volume of data with a vast number of financial transactions generated by physicians administering healthcare services.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank the reviewers in the Data Mining and Machine Learning Laboratory at Florida Atlantic University.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40537-019-0181-8 fatcat:2jiybqzcmjdephbkoiwjymxqye

Scalable Text Mining with Sparse Generative Models [article]

Antti Puurula
2016 arXiv   pre-print
This thesis proposes a solution to scalable text mining: generative models combined with sparse computation.  ...  General data mining methods based on machine learning face challenges with the scale of text data, posing a need for scalable text mining methods.  ...  Acknowledgements We'd like to thank Kaggle and the LSHTC organizers for their work in making the competition a success, and the machine learning group at the University of Waikato for the computers we  ... 
arXiv:1602.02332v1 fatcat:2urzib3btveslj5ggie55irxwq

Reconciling Mining with the Conservation of Cave Biodiversity: A Quantitative Baseline to Help Establish Conservation Priorities

Rodolfo Jaffé, Xavier Prous, Robson Zampaulo, Tereza C. Giannini, Vera L. Imperatriz-Fonseca, Clóvis Maurity, Guilherme Oliveira, Iuri V. Brandi, José O. Siqueira, Judi Hewitt
2016 PLoS ONE  
presence of obligate cave dwellers (troglobites) and their presumed rarity.  ...  Caves pose significant challenges for mining projects, since they harbor many endemic and threatened species, and must therefore be protected.  ...  Several mines are already operating in the region and the world's largest iron-ore mine (project S11D) is about to begin operating, so there is now a pressing need to achieve a compromise between mining  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0168348 pmid:27997576 pmcid:PMC5173368 fatcat:46ekicsvbbdjjowo3wrrjvyfoq


Jiezhong Qiu, Jian Tang, Hao Ma, Yuxiao Dong, Kuansan Wang, Jie Tang
2018 Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining - KDD '18  
Inspired by the recent success of deep neural networks in a wide range of computing applications, we design an end-to-end framework, DeepInf, to learn users' latent feature representation for predicting  ...  In general, DeepInf takes a user's local network as the input to a graph neural network for learning her latent social representation.  ...  By architecting network embedding [37] , graph convolution [25] , and graph attention mechanism [49] into a unified framework, we expect that the end-to-end model can achieve better performance than  ... 
doi:10.1145/3219819.3220077 dblp:conf/kdd/QiuTMDW018 fatcat:s67iisu62zeuna3os7545fh7yu

Ocbil Theory as a Potential Unifying Framework for Investigating Narrow Endemism in Mediterranean Climate Regions

Stephen D Hopper
Here, as a contribution to general theory on endemism, a few case studies are briefly discussed to ascertain the relevance of hypotheses in OCBIL theory to understanding narrow endemism in Mediterranean  ...  Narrow endemics, concentrated in OCBILs, have diverse origins that embrace major hypotheses of OCBIL theory such as prolonged persistence and diversification in refugia, limited dispersal, coping with  ...  As of yet, a review of Ocbil theory as a unifying framework for investigating narrow endemism in Mediterranean climate regions has not been undertaken.  ... 
doi:10.3390/plants12030645 pmid:36771726 pmcid:PMC9920797 fatcat:5mhuzhdezvew3pvld5lxstxsfi

Improving Customer Relationship Management through Integrated Mining of Heterogeneous Data

I. T. Fatudimu, C. O. Uwadia, C. K. Ayo
2012 Journal of clean energy technologies  
The performance of the integration approach is also compared with a similar approach which uses just syntactic relevance in its information extraction process to reveal a significant reduction in the large  ...  -Association rule mining, customer relationship management, integrated mining, structured data, unstructured data.  ...  The semantic relevance is gotten by exploiting the degree of polysemy of terms i.e. we want to weigh the semantic relevance of a term with respect to a notion of semantic rarity, in such a way that the  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcte.2012.v4.523 fatcat:m3pis7d2uzflxi6c2smbfkpeme

Page 820 of The Journal of Ecology Vol. 98, Issue 4 [page]

2010 The Journal of Ecology  
A new method with a test using plant communities.  ...  Ackerly species with high SLA in each vegetation type.  ... 

A Framework To Automatically Categorize The Unstructured Text Documents

Anshika Singh
2017 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Method: In our framework, Association rule mining is used to generate frequently occurring word sets from training data set rather than the word sets in the whole document to derive a feature set to be  ...  This approach can be combined with hierarchical structure for efficient browsing on search engines and provide a boulevard for future research.  ...  Figure 4 . 4 A text mining framework based on Information Extraction. 5 .  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i8/109472 fatcat:yy6mbu2teja2pf7rsglx3f3oie

Interestingness a Unifying Paradigm Bipolar Function Composition [article]

Iaakov Exman
2014 arXiv   pre-print
But, interestingness has escaped all attempts to capture its intuitive meaning into a concise and comprehensive form. A unifying paradigm is formulated by function composition.  ...  The paradigm generality is demonstrated by case studies of new interestingness functions, examples of known functions that fit the framework, and counter-examples for which the paradigm points out to the  ...  The unifying paradigm has a concise formal framework.  ... 
arXiv:1404.0091v1 fatcat:fyjbhj223vdyliyz2jyhlldeo4

Outlier Detection in Cross-Context Link Discovery for Creative Literature Mining

I. Petric, B. Cestnik, N. Lavrac, T. Urbancic
2010 Computer journal  
It shows that detecting interesting outliers which appear in the literature on a given phenomenon can help the expert to find implicit relationships among concepts of different domains.  ...  The underlying assumption is that while the majority of articles in the given scientific domain describe matters related to a common understanding of the domain, the exploration of outliers may lead to  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge helpful discussions with Blaž Fortuna (main developer of OntoGen), Marta Macedoni-Lukšič (medical expert on autism) and the partners of the BISON consortium.  ... 
doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxq074 fatcat:tkfrx66xenbxfpupkcq2i75b6q

Transfer learning for class imbalance problems with inadequate data

Samir Al-Stouhi, Chandan K. Reddy
2015 Knowledge and Information Systems  
We provide a unified framework that will potentially take advantage of auxiliary data using a transfer learning mechanism and simultaneously build a robust classifier to tackle this imbalance issue in  ...  A fundamental problem in data mining is to effectively build robust classifiers in the presence of skewed data distributions.  ...  Section 3 presents the motivation for a unified balanced optimization framework. Section 4 describes our algorithm, "Rare-Transfer", which addresses the "Absolute Rarity" problem.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10115-015-0870-3 pmid:27378821 pmcid:PMC4929860 fatcat:qvlty4b4evfohd5fnsxxtk4y7y
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