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Mini-Batch Learning Strategies for modeling long term temporal dependencies: A study in environmental applications [article]

Shaoming Xu, Ankush Khandelwal, Xiang Li, Xiaowei Jia, Licheng Liu, Jared Willard, Rahul Ghosh, Kelly Cutler, Michael Steinbach, Christopher Duffy, John Nieber, Vipin Kumar
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In many environmental applications, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are often used to model physical variables with long temporal dependencies.  ...  In this paper, we provide a quantitative comparison of different Stateful RNN modeling strategies, and propose two strategies to enforce both intra- and inter-batch temporal dependency.  ...  In many environmental applications, recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are often used to model physical variables with long temporal dependencies.  ... 
arXiv:2210.08347v2 fatcat:2tytxl2kabaeddyleecraxww54

Digital Twins Temporal Dependencies-Based on Time Series Using Multivariate Long Short-Term Memory

Abubakar Isah, Hyeju Shin, Seungmin Oh, Sangwon Oh, Ibrahim Aliyu, Tai-won Um, Jinsul Kim
2023 Electronics  
Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks have been used to represent complex temporal dependencies and identify long-term links in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).  ...  This paper proposed a Digital Twin temporal dependency technique using LSTM to capture the long-term dependencies in IIoT time series data, estimate the lag between the input and intended output, and handle  ...  Additional studies of LSTNet [32] , designed to capture both long-term and short-term dependencies, employ a fully connected layer for data autoregression.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics12194187 fatcat:vuiylzzoxfh2hpfzd4jonaeq4i

ELDEN: Exploration via Local Dependencies [article]

Jiaheng Hu, Zizhao Wang, Peter Stone, Roberto Martin-Martin
2023 arXiv   pre-print
ELDEN utilizes a novel scheme -- the partial derivative of the learned dynamics to model the local dependencies between entities accurately and computationally efficiently.  ...  In this work, we propose a new way of defining interesting states for environments with factored state spaces and complex chained dependencies, where an agent's actions may change the value of one entity  ...  The terms of this arrangement have been reviewed and approved by the University of Texas at Austin in accordance with its policy on objectivity in research.  ... 
arXiv:2310.08702v1 fatcat:kqvmjjtttvajlp75gxpiwsrixy

Mini-batch sample selection strategies for deep learning based speech recognition

Yesim Dokuz, Zekeriya Tufekci
2021 Applied Acoustics  
In this study, a variant of gradient descent optimization, mini-batch gradient descent is used.  ...  For this purpose, gender and accent adjusted strategies are proposed for selecting mini-batch samples.  ...  Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107573 fatcat:fml6wyg345a3jh67ze7uwxe26y

Learning Long-Term Reward Redistribution via Randomized Return Decomposition [article]

Zhizhou Ren, Ruihan Guo, Yuan Zhou, Jian Peng
2022 arXiv   pre-print
A popular paradigm for this problem setting is learning with a designed auxiliary dense reward function, namely proxy reward, instead of sparse environmental signals.  ...  Based on this framework, this paper proposes a novel reward redistribution algorithm, randomized return decomposition (RRD), to learn a proxy reward function for episodic reinforcement learning.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank Kefan Dong for insightful discussions. This work is supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant CCF-2006526.  ... 
arXiv:2111.13485v2 fatcat:azie5koihrhxjgbegyxkm7kb3u

Cross-layer classification framework for automatic social behavioural analysis in surveillance scenario

Eduardo M. Pereira, Lucian Ciobanu, Jaime S. Cardoso
2016 Neural computing & applications (Print)  
environment context, a relational descriptor that emphasises position and attention-based characteristics, and a new classification approach based on mini-batches.  ...  However, the characterisation of individual and group behaviours is a topic not so well studied in the video surveillance community due to not only its intrinsic difficulty and large variety of topics  ...  Acknowledgments This work was financed by the ERDF-European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00521-016-2282-z fatcat:riof7dscyvhlthma4op5r5eqdy

The EVALITA Dependency Parsing Task: From 2007 to 2011 [chapter]

Cristina Bosco, Alessandro Mazzei
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
establish a reference forum for research on Computational Linguistics of the Italian community with contributions from a wide range of disciplines going from Computational Linguistics, Linguistics and  ...  Established in 2007, EVALITA (http://www.evalita.it) is the evaluation campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Technologies for the Italian language, organized around shared tasks focusing on  ...  performances, very similar to a state-of-the-art multiclass classifier.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35828-9_1 fatcat:p6dyjaxm4zbitfajtciwclwipu

PreTR: Spatio-Temporal Non-Autoregressive Trajectory Prediction Transformer [article]

Lina Achaji, Thierno Barry, Thibault Fouqueray, Julien Moreau, Francois Aioun, Francois Charpillet
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In order to go beyond the proposed solutions, we leverage encoder-decoder Transformer networks for parallel decoding a set of learned object queries.  ...  In this paper, we introduce a model called PRediction Transformer (PReTR) that extracts features from the multi-agent scenes by employing a factorized spatio-temporal attention module.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was carried out in the framework of the Open-Lab "Artificial Intelligence" in the context of a partnership between INRIA institute and Stellantis company.  ... 
arXiv:2203.09293v1 fatcat:ljw4tg6zirfhfm6mix2kvhmfhm

Cost-Sensitive Learning for Anomaly Detection in Imbalanced ECG Data Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Muhammad Zubair, Changwoo Yoon
2022 Sensors  
The aim of this study was to learn a balanced deep feature representation that incorporates both the short-term and long-term morphological characteristics of ECG beats.  ...  The cost-sensitive loss function dynamically alters class weights for every batch based on class distribution and model performance.  ...  cost, while the second term is the cross-entropy loss for the target mini-batch.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22114075 pmid:35684694 pmcid:PMC9185309 fatcat:7wqxafttjrauvj6kgnr3c66tbu

F4D: Factorized 4D Convolutional Neural Network for Efficient Video-level Representation Learning [article]

Mohammad Al-Saad, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Suchendra Bhandarkar
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In this study, we propose a factorized 4D CNN architecture with attention (F4D) that is capable of learning more effective, finer-grained, long-term spatiotemporal video representations.  ...  Recent studies have shown that video-level representation learning is crucial to the capture and understanding of the long-range temporal structure for video action recognition.  ...  CONCLUSION In this paper, we presented an effective yet simple framework for video level representation learning namely F4D, to model both short-range motion and long-range temporal dependency at a large  ... 
arXiv:2401.08609v1 fatcat:q3atdqj4xjaytimw6gheifqjku

Aircraft Engines Remaining Useful Life Prediction with an Improved Online Sequential Extreme Learning Machine

Tarek Berghout, Leïla-Hayet Mouss, Ouahab Kadri, Lotfi Saïdi, Mohamed Benbouzid
2020 Applied Sciences  
In addition, to attempt into addressing dynamic programming based on environmental feedback, a new dynamic forgetting function based on the temporal difference of recursive learning is introduced to enhance  ...  In this paper, a new data-driven learning scheme based on an online sequential extreme learning machine algorithm is proposed for remaining useful life prediction.  ...  [9] developed a mini batch hybrid deep NN that takes two paths for RUL estimation; the multidimensional feature extraction based on Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and convolutional NN and the prediction  ... 
doi:10.3390/app10031062 fatcat:eftjcaum6fc2dedpo33vzdkxxu

A Modified Long Short-Term Memory-Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient-Based Scheduling Method for Active Distribution Networks

Zhong Chen, Ruisheng Wang, Kehui Sun, Tian Zhang, Puliang Du, Qi Zhao
2022 Frontiers in Energy Research  
To improve the decision-making level of active distribution networks (ADNs), this paper proposes a novel framework for coordinated scheduling based on the long short-term memory network (LSTM) with deep  ...  To tackle this problem, a LSTM module is employed to perform feature extraction on the ADN environment, which can realize the recognition and learning of massive temporal structure data.  ...  Therefore, a LSTM module is employed to extract the temporal characteristics of loads and PVs and further improve the long-term performance of the scheduling model.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fenrg.2022.913130 fatcat:55pwqai32zbf3p3k3746vpm7hi

Threat-Event Detection for Distributed Networks Based on Spatiotemporal Markov Random Field

Haishou Ma, Yi Xie, Shensheng Tang, Jiankun Hu, Xingcheng Liu
2020 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  
Different from existing victim-centric approaches, in this work we propose a new network-centric approach for the detection of distributed threat-events.  ...  A Gaussian mixture model is used to capture the statistical features of the network traffic for each behavior pattern. We derive algorithms for parameter estimation and event detection.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank all anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments to improve this work.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tdsc.2020.3036664 fatcat:vk7wcah6fjaxvkhv4u2d5ioole

Lip Reading by Alternating between Spatiotemporal and Spatial Convolutions

Dimitrios Tsourounis, Dimitris Kastaniotis, Spiros Fotopoulos
2021 Journal of Imaging  
In this work, for the first time, the benefits of alternating between spatiotemporal and spatial convolutions for learning effective features from the LR sequences are studied.  ...  The designed LR system utilizes the ALSOS module in-between ResNet blocks, as well as Temporal Convolutional Networks (TCNs) in the backend for classification.  ...  The funders had no role in the design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manuscript; or in the decision to publish the results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jimaging7050091 pmid:34460687 fatcat:qvmvnhyeojft7eo4xupyjmbcua

Membership Inference Attacks Against Temporally Correlated Data in Deep Reinforcement Learning [article]

Maziar Gomrokchi, Susan Amin, Hossein Aboutalebi, Alexander Wong, Doina Precup
2022 arXiv   pre-print
While significant research advances have been made in the field of deep reinforcement learning, there have been no concrete adversarial attack strategies in literature tailored for studying the vulnerability  ...  In particular, we design a series of experiments to investigate the impact of temporal correlation, which naturally exists in reinforcement learning training data, on the probability of information leakage  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors would like to thank Hamidreza Ghafghazi and Spencer Main for their valuable contribution to the design and development of the preliminary version of the codebase.  ... 
arXiv:2109.03975v3 fatcat:cn2j6leok5dpzg5xrjckovgkra
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