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Materialized View Construction Based on Clustering Technique [chapter]

Santanu Roy, Ranak Ghosh, Soumya Sen
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
However the survey work reveals a few attempts to construct materialized views based on attribute similarity measure by statistical similarity function and thereafter applying the clustering techniques  ...  In this paper we have proposed materialized view construction methodology at first by analyzing the attribute similarity based on Jaccard Index then clustering methodology is applied using similarity based  ...  Based on the similarity between attributes a novel weighted graph based clustering algorithm is proposed to construct the views. Similar attributes are grouped together to form every cluster.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-45237-0_25 fatcat:cfko4caisngfpo3xdke5piatui

Articles Transmit / Received Beamforming for Frequency Diverse Array with Symmetrical frequency offsets Shaddrack Yaw Nusenu Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(3), 1-6 (2017); View Description Detailed Analysis of Amplitude and Slope Diffraction Coefficients for knife-edge structure in S-UTD-CH Model Eray Arik, Mehmet Baris Tabakcioglu Adv. Sci. Technol. Eng. Syst. J. 2(3), 7-11 (2017); View Description Applications of Case Based Organizational Memory Supported by the PAbMM Architecture Martín, María de los ...

Jith Sarker, Abu Shami Md. Zadid Shifat, Rezoan Ahmed Shuvro
2017 Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems  
Graphene based devices demand to be deliberated as a possible option for post Si based fabrication technology.  ...  a promising resplendence in the horizon of fabrication technology, due to some of its unique electronic properties like zero band gap, high saturation velocity, higher electrical conductivity and so on  ...  We have worked on the empirical transistor model with a view to describing transistor operation, as well as, ensuring acceptable accuracy.  ... 
doi:10.25046/aj0203177 fatcat:qhd2rteuajdqzo77fq74ixwevu

An Architectural Framework for Constructing Materialized Views in a Data Warehouse

T. V. Vijay Kumar, Kalyani Devi
2013 International Journal of Innovation Management and Technology  
A Materialized Views Construction Framework (MVCF), presented in this paper, lays down a strategy for constructing materialized views from previously posed queries on the data warehouse.  ...  This response time can be reduced by constructing materialized views and storing them in a data warehouse.  ...  MVCS A Materialized View Construction System (MVCS), based on the framework MVCF, is presented in [40] . MVCS uses previously posed queries on the data warehouse to construct materialized views.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijimt.2013.v4.390 fatcat:7lwbs734svffpbpp74jh2o2ofy

Materialized Views Selection Problem in Decision Supporting Systems: Issues and Challenges

Mohamed Ridani, Mohamed Amnai
2022 Journal of Computer and Communications  
It starts with the base of this process which is the choice of the views (cubes) forming our data warehouse base.  ...  The objective of this work is to describe the state of the art of research works dealing with the selection of materialized views in decision support systems.  ...  (2015) in [32] proposed Materialized view construction based on clustering technique.  ... 
doi:10.4236/jcc.2022.109007 fatcat:7nvpkcjhbrdjlp4yk7edihooue


Arnon Bentur
2003 Materials and Structures  
on an array of construction materials.  ...  The clusters are ultimately intended to serve as a "home base" for activities in welldefined areas, such as for different types of materials or components, with an outward orientation towards cross-cluster  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf02481564 fatcat:iro75pwi2vfpbnjgz6v3dpqb7m

On the map: Nature and Science editorials

Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer, Cornelis A. van Bochove, Nees Jan van Eck
2010 Scientometrics  
A term map and a document map are constructed and clusters are distinguished in both of them. The validity of the document clustering is verified by a manual analysis of a sample of the editorials.  ...  Bibliometric mapping of scientific articles based on keywords and technical terms in abstracts is now frequently used to chart scientific fields.  ...  Therefore, we constructed a document map and identified 15 clusters based on the locations of the editorials in the document map.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11192-010-0205-9 pmid:21212822 pmcid:PMC2995878 fatcat:zvib7badvvdclipspjnpjdutg4

An Association Rule Mining for Materialized View Selection and View Maintanance

P. R.Vishwanath, Rajyalakshmi Rajyalakshmi, Sridhar Reddy
2015 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Materialized views (MV) are the pre calculated views which are used to increase the DW system performance. MV selection and maintenance need to adopt new trends and techniques.  ...  clustering.  ...  The following are the research papers presented on materialized views based on data mining techniques. T. Nalini et al. [6] presented an algorithm with I-Mine for MVs in DW.  ... 
doi:10.5120/19184-0670 fatcat:7ud7umasmbgs7cl42d4t2rxqru

Reliability-Oriented bioinformatic networks visualization

Ahmet Emre Aladağ, Cesim Erten, Melih Sözdinler
2011 Computer applications in the biosciences : CABIOS  
Clustering the PPI network based on gene ontology (GO) annotations or biclustered gene expression data, providing a clustered visualization model based on a central/peripheral duality, computing layouts  ...  Source code, user manual and other Supplementary Material are available for download at  ...  Central view contains an abstract graph representing a clustering of the PPI network based on GO annotations or biclustering analysis of gene expression data.  ... 
doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr178 pmid:21478488 fatcat:jhhnnu7pcjampfnep3lz6frvcm

Committee machine that votes for similarity between materials [article]

Duong-Nguyen Nguyen, Tien-Lam Pham, Viet-Cuong Nguyen, Tuan-Dung Ho, Truyen Tran, Keisuke Takahashi, Hieu-Chi Dam
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Based on the information obtained on the similarities between the materials, a hierarchical clustering technique is applied to learn the cluster structures of the materials that facilitate interpreting  ...  The method consists of three steps: variable evaluation based on non-linear regression, regression-based clustering, and similarity measurement with a committee machine constructed from the clustering  ...  machine [27, 28] constructed based on the clustering results.  ... 
arXiv:1807.10751v1 fatcat:4y624ztzhbeorblfq7hylpv2z4

Committee machine that votes for similarity between materials

Duong-Nguyen Nguyen, Tien-Lam Pham, Viet-Cuong Nguyen, Tuan-Dung Ho, Truyen Tran, Keisuke Takahashi, Hieu-Chi Dam
2018 IUCrJ  
Based on the information obtained on the similarities between the materials, a hierarchical clustering technique is applied to learn the cluster structures of the materials that facilitate interpretation  ...  The method consists of three steps: variable evaluation based on nonlinear regression, regression-based clustering, and similarity measurement with a committee machine constructed from the clustering results  ...  This work was partly supported by PRESTO and by the Materials Research by Information Integration Initiative (MI 2 I) project of the Support Program for Start-Up Innovation Hub, from the Japan Science  ... 
doi:10.1107/s2052252518013519 pmid:30443367 pmcid:PMC6211525 fatcat:gxz3cuul4fadtcrptlxlvkptdi

Designing and Incorporating Mathematics-Based Video Cases Highlighting Virtual and Physical Tool Use

Terri L. Kurz, Ivana Batarelo Kokic
2012 Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education  
The third cluster was quite small and contained only one construct: how to collect and pass out materials.  ...  Time management was also a concern within this cluster. Cluster 3 The final cluster had only one construct, how to collect and pass out materials.  ...  various subjects into a lesson (integrated curriculum) The reasoning behind the lessons Theory-aligned lessons Time management Appendix Sample of a repertory grid that contains only the significant constructs  ... 
doi:10.1080/21532974.2012.10784700 fatcat:tg53uyqjdvc5bnzrojagax3gdy

Automatic X-ray image segmentation and clustering for threat detection

Odysseas Kechagias-Stamatis, Nabil Aouf, Carole Belloni, David Nam, Karin U. Stein, Ric Schleijpen
2017 Target and Background Signatures III  
The hard clustering phase exploits local feature matching techniques obtained from the computer vision domain, aiming at sub-clustering the clusters obtained from the mild clustering stage.  ...  It consists of a triple-layered processing scheme that supports segmenting the luggage contents based on the effective atomic number of each object, which is then followed by a dual-layered clustering  ...  Views contained within this paper are not necessarily those of the Home Office.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.2277190 fatcat:rtxkulhlczh2zjidocihuml7au

Systematic review of image segmentation using complex networks [article]

Amin Rezaei, Fatemeh Asadi
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Advanced algorithms make use of machine learning, clustering, edge detection, and region-growing techniques.  ...  At first, it has been tried to classify complex networks based on how it being used in image segmentation.  ...  Additionally, pixels can be grouped based on their similarity in color or intensity using clustering techniques like k-means clustering.  ... 
arXiv:2401.02758v1 fatcat:lk5i5o452fgknok4xisnawyvda


Mohammad Karim Sohrabi, Vahid Ghods
2016 Journal of Computers  
There are many methods of view selection to materialization which uses different techniques and frameworks to select optimal set of views to materialization.  ...  One of the most important issues which address this problem is the view materialization.  ...  View Selection Method In this section, we represent our materialized view selection method which is constructed based on frequent itemset mining techniques.  ... 
doi:10.17706/jcp.11.2.140-148 fatcat:4sc727akrfcirh6jhcpclz3nxi

Generalized scale independence through incremental precomputation

Michael Armbrust, Eric Liang, Tim Kraska, Armando Fox, Michael J. Franklin, David A. Patterson
2013 Proceedings of the 2013 international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD '13  
Executing these queries scale-independently requires precomputing results using incrementally-maintained materialized views.  ...  In this paper, we describe a scaleindependent view selection and maintenance system, which uses novel static analysis techniques that ensure that created views do not themselves become scaling bottlenecks  ...  As an alternative to locking-based techniques, many deferred view maintenance techniques, such as 2VNL [24] , perform optimistic view maintenance.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2463676.2465333 dblp:conf/sigmod/ArmbrustLKFFP13 fatcat:qrjxa2ebgzgsreoqzydj4iloie
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