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A Survey of Learning-based Automated Program Repair [article]

Quanjun Zhang, Chunrong Fang, Yuxiang Ma, Weisong Sun, Zhenyu Chen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Such learning-based techniques usually treat APR as a neural machine translation (NMT) task, where buggy code snippets (i.e., source language) are translated into fixed code snippets (i.e., target language  ...  With the recent advances in deep learning (DL), an increasing number of APR techniques have been proposed to leverage neural networks to learn bug-fixing patterns from massive open-source code repositories  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful comments.  ... 
arXiv:2301.03270v3 fatcat:dm3hgnvj2bhe5nmlxfxt3epjdm

The early history of F#

Don Syme
2020 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)  
In 1997, as a response to Java, Microsoft initiated internal projects which eventually became the .NET programming framework and the C# language.  ...  The researchers engaged with the company through Project 7, the initial effort to bring multiple languages to .NET, leading to the initiation of . NET Generics in 1998 and F# in 2002.  ...  . • I had used object-oriented languages (C++, Java) including studying Java and the JVM formally as part of my thesis work.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3386325 fatcat:lk7zpwvyzfdc5gkscsmqmnze2e

The Next 7000 Programming Languages [chapter]

Robert Chatley, Alastair Donaldson, Alan Mycroft
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Half-a-century on, we cast programming languages in a Darwinian 'tree of life' and explore languages, their features (genes) and language evolution from the viewpoint of 'survival of the fittest'.  ...  expected if the languages of the 1960s had evolved optimally to fill programming niches.  ...  We are grateful to Sophia Drossopoulou, Stephen Kell, Tom Stuart, Joost-Pieter Katoen, Flemming Nielson and Bernhard Steffen for their useful feedback on an earlier draft of this work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-91908-9_15 fatcat:kympenwph5ajjg2ilydix423he

Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond [article]

Philipp Körner, Michael Leuschel, João Barbosa, Vítor Santos Costa, Verónica Dahl, Manuel V. Hermenegildo, Jose F. Morales, Jan Wielemaker, Daniel Diaz, Salvador Abreu, Giovanni Ciatto
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Finally, we perform a SWOT analysis in order to better identify the potential of Prolog, and propose future directions along which Prolog might continue to add useful features, interfaces, libraries, and  ...  Both logic programming in general, and Prolog in particular, have a long and fascinating history, intermingled with that of many disciplines they inherited from or catalyzed.  ...  The authors also endorse Paul McJones' efforts to maintain a historical archive on Prolog, at http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/prolog/, and thank all contributors.  ... 
arXiv:2201.10816v3 fatcat:grixngoazrdfjosno4zvnimsnq

Fifty Years of Prolog and Beyond

2022 Theory and Practice of Logic Programming  
Finally, we perform a SWOT analysis in order to better identify the potential of Prolog and propose future directions along with which Prolog might continue to add useful features, interfaces, libraries  ...  This obviously poses challenges for code portability. The field has also inspired many related, but quite different languages that have created their own communities.  ...  As C was used as the intermediate language, compiled Prolog programs would map to considerably larger C programs which were very slow to compile using GCC, with little benefit as the code had very explicit  ... 
doi:10.1017/s1471068422000102 fatcat:5hy2uuhjxndnzg7eph3qpbybka


2020 2020 IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics - Taiwan (ICCE-Taiwan)  
Next, four kinds of graph constructions with different connectivities are studied including Hamiltonian cycle, spanning tree, Delaunay triangle and complete graph.  ...  In this paper, the designs of graph filters using least-squares (LS) method with parameter norm penalty are studied.  ...  We then compare the Java virtual machine (JVM) bytecodes delivered from Kotlin and Java source codes and discuss the cause of this performance.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icce-taiwan49838.2020.9258230 fatcat:g25vw7mzvradxna2grlzp6kgiq

Fine-grained Code Coverage Measurement in Automated Black-box Android Testing

Aleksandr Pilgun, Olga Gadyatskaya, Yury Zhauniarovich, Stanislav Dashevskyi, Artsiom Kushniarou, Sjouke Mauw
2020 ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology  
To identify such applications, novel frameworks for automated black-box testing and dynamic analysis are being developed by the Android community.  ...  We demonstrate practical value of ACVTool in a large-scale experiment with Sapienz, a state-of-art automated testing tool.  ...  Android apps are usually developed in Java and, more recently, in Kotlin -a JVMcompatible language [19] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/3395042 fatcat:yccr33ifuva5zm5kw727wfvsqe

Clustering of Ethereum Smart Contracts using the Graph Database Neo4j

Milosh Davidovski, Monika di Angelo
In this thesis, an approach is proposed for clustering Ethereum smart contracts with regard to the functionality they share by using the graph database Neo4j and other visualization methods and/or tools  ...  One such application is smart contracts, or programs with the aim to execute automatically and securely the agreements of a contract without the support of a centralized authority.  ...  Next, the nodes and relationships from Neo4j need to be mapped to entities in Kotlin.  ... 
doi:10.34726/hss.2020.72204 fatcat:blpkzrthnrgkfg6grajqogbxcy


А. М. Акаев, Е. Ж. Жумжуман
2021 Bulletin of Toraighyrov University Energetics series  
с конкретной платформой имеются предназначенные для этой платформы версия Kotlin: Kotlin/JVM, Kotlin/J и Kotlin/Native.  ...  the process of software development using modern programming languages and technologies.  ...  The paper presents a brief analysis of the prospects for the use of modern wind power plants in the Omsk region.  ... 
doi:10.48081/lwrg5245 fatcat:dsd7nnxcxnev5nykqfd3h6s7oa

Deep R Programming [article]

Marek Gagolewski
2022 Zenodo  
His research interests are related to data science, in particular: modelling complex phenomena, developing usable, general purpose algorithms, studying their analytical properties, and finding out how  ...  It introduces the base language in-depth and is aimed at ambitious students, practitioners, and researchers who would like to become independent users of this powerful environment.  ...  This does not contradict the user-friendliness (but that many open-source projects could benefit from becoming less exclusive is a different story, and this book tries to make a change in this area too  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7490464 fatcat:ai7bd4udj5dqrp6igaudxubck4

On the role of Computational Logic in Data Science: representing, learning, reasoning, and explaining knowledge

Giovanni Ciatto
In this thesis we discuss in what ways computational logic (CL) and data science (DS) can jointly contribute to the management of knowledge within the scope of modern and future artificial intelligence  ...  In this regard, we propose a conceptual framework through which bridges these disciplines can be described and designed.  ...  A number of minutiae may be noted as well by comparing the Prolog code with its Kotlin counterpart.  ... 
doi:10.48676/unibo/amsdottorato/10192 fatcat:2rqivpaf7fh45mk6tkodfa5iiu

A Vademecum on Blockchain Technologies: When, Which and How

Marianna Belotti, Nikola Bozic, Guy Pujolle, Stefano Secci
2019 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
In this article we aim at providing the community with such a vademecum, while giving a general presentation of blockchain that goes beyond its usage in Bitcoin and surveying a selection of the vast literature  ...  Blockchain is a technology making the shared registry concept from distributed systems a reality for a number of application domains, from the cryptocurrency one to potentially any industrial system requiring  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Eric Gressier-Soudan for his valuable feedback on the article as well the anonymous Reviewers for the constructive comments that significantly improved the  ... 
doi:10.1109/comst.2019.2928178 fatcat:isvs2zswl5hzfady4pjv63bkqq

A legacy system migration and software evolution

Andreas Fürnweger, Stefan Biffl, Martin Auer
A code analysis is a useful way to quantify the success of the implementation.  ...  As the surrounding software components are updated and modernized, static software becomes even more outdated relative to them.  ...  is not compiled to JavaScript, but executed as compiled Java byte-code in the JVM of a code server.  ... 
doi:10.34726/hss.2017.26665 fatcat:v2dh5f44vbgvpaj625yacwhalu

Concurrent programming for scalable web architectures

Benjamin Erb, Universität Ulm
While focusing on different stages of scalable web architectures, we provide a survey of competing concurrency approaches and point to their adequate usages.  ...  Multi-core processors, highly distributed backend architectures and new web technologies force us to reconsider approaches for concurrent programming in order to implement web applications and fulfil scalability  ...  Case Study: Concurrency in Scala Scala is a general purpose, object-functional language that runs on the JVM.  ... 
doi:10.18725/oparu-2423 fatcat:3wxhuun3rbe4joumvjruwgpgzq

Indian Academicians and Researchers Association National Conference in Association with Indian Academicians & Researchers Association

On, Sponsored By, Organized By, E S O C I E T Y ' S, P Hiremath, Chairman, Manojkumar Deshpande, Maya Ingle, G Chowdhary, Dinesh Jain, S Bhatambrekar
Advance and Innovative Research International Journal   unpublished
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are thankful to the Department of Electronics and Mr Deepak Kumbhar for their support and guidance. towords the development of the project.  ...  You can write code for android apps in any language that can compile and run on Java vitual machine. One of this JVM compatible language is Kotlin. Kotlin is statically typed language from JetBrains.  ...  But it released in 2016 with stable version v1.0. Currently 1.1.2 is the latest version of kotlin which is available. Kotlin works on JVM, bytecode and JavaScript source code platforms.  ... 
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