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Maintaining Soft Arc Consistencies in BnB-ADOPT + during Search [chapter]

Patricia Gutierrez, Jimmy H. M. Lee, Ka Man Lei, Terrence W. K. Mak, Pedro Meseguer
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
To summarize, we propose methods to maintaining soft arc consistencies in every subproblem during search.  ...  Our goal is to maintain soft arc consistencies in each subproblem, so that variable assignments during search are also considered in consistency enforcement.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40627-0_30 fatcat:iew2362z6fa4jbv6milpmdakq4

Including Soft Global Constraints in DCOPs [chapter]

Christian Bessiere, Patricia Gutierrez, Pedro Meseguer
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In addition, we explore the relation of global constraints with soft local consistency in DCOPs, in particular for the generalized soft arc consistency (GAC) level.  ...  We extend the distributed search algorithm BnB-ADOPT + to support these representations of global constraints.  ...  Following the technique proposed in [6] , we maintain GAC during search performing only unconditional deletions, so we call it unconditional generalized arc consistency (UGAC). 5 An agent self deletes  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33558-7_15 fatcat:brnp2pe4fvenpoadcu44bhcxnm

Adding laziness in BnB-ADOPT+

Jimmy H. M. Lee, Pedro Meseguer, Wen Su
2014 Constraints  
This approach combines nicely with soft arc consistency maintenance during search. We provide experimental evidence of the benefits of this approach on several benchmarks.  ...  In distributed constraint optimization, agents executing BnB-ADOPT + react eagerly to cost changes: they send non-redundant COST messages to their parents as soon as they receive new messages.  ...  COMBINING WITH SOFT ARC CONSISTENCY MAINTENANCE. The connection of this approach with maintaining soft arc consistency (AC) during search [2] does not present any theoretical difficulty.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10601-014-9177-3 fatcat:jprbquzcyjdfdl3x3wkfyrcg6u

Connecting AFB_BJ+ with soft arc consistency

Rachid Adrdor, Redouane Ezzahir, Lahcen Koutti
2018 International Journal of Computing and Optimization  
In this paper, we introduce AFB BJ + -AC * algorithm which connects AFB BJ + with soft arc consistency (AC * ).  ...  Recently, researchers have shown that including soft arc consistency (AC * ) in DCOP algorithms causes significant improvements in their performance.  ...  BnB-Adopt + -AC * [4, 5] is an example of DCOP algorithm that combine entirely asynchronous search with soft arc consistency.  ... 
doi:10.12988/ijco.2018.857 fatcat:g3q6wrcanrb3fdovk5ujtjocpu

Global Constraints in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization

C. Bessiere, I. Brito, P. Gutierrez, P. Meseguer
2013 Computer journal  
We explore the relation of global constraints with local consistency (both in the hard and soft cases), in particular for generalized arc consistency (GAC).  ...  We use the following global constraints in the modelling: atleast [t, v](Vars) (value v has to appear at least t times in the assignment of the variables in Vars), atmost [t, v](Vars) (value v has to appear  ...  This was already investigated in [10] , where limited/full forms of arc consistency (AC) were maintained during ABT execution for binary DisCSPs.  ... 
doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxt088 fatcat:wtmfo7fxzfhi7k7rsidwqfyrhq

Enforcing Full Arc Consistency in Asynchronous Forward Bounding Algorithm

Rachid Adrdor, Lahcen Koutti
2022 Journal of Communications Software and Systems  
In this paper, to clear more and more suboptimal values from a DCOP, we use a higher level of DAC * called Full Directional Arc Consistency (FDAC * ).  ...  It uses Directional Arc Consistency (DAC * ) to remove, from domains of a given DCOP, values that do not belong to its optimal solution.  ...  Soft Arc Consistency Techniques Soft arc consistency techniques are used when solving a given problem to delete values that are not part of the optimal solution of that problem.  ... 
doi:10.24138/jcomss-2021-0083 fatcat:kk6yaebtqzfaxojqlfn4vpdi2q

Asynchronous Forward-Bounding algorithm with Directional Arc Consistency

Rachid Adrdor, Lahcen Koutti
2021 International Conference on Logic Programming  
For that, we use in this paper a higher consistency level, which is a directional arc consistency (DAC * ).  ...  It is based on soft arc consistency techniques (AC * ) to speed up the process of solving a problem by permanently removing any value that doesn't belong to the optimal solution.  ...  Algorithms with various search strategies have been suggested to solve DCOPs, for example, Adopt [4] , BnB-Adopt [5] , BnB-Adopt + [6] , SyncBB [7] , AFB [3] , AFB_BJ + [8] , AFB_BJ + -AC * [9,  ... 
dblp:conf/iclp/AdrdorK21 fatcat:j4udmgdcgvhmfgv5rzp4gctwmm

Incremental DCOP Search Algorithms for Solving Dynamic DCOP Problems

William Yeoh, Pradeep Varakantham, Xiaoxun Sun, Sven Koenig
2015 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT)  
algorithms such as any-space ADOPT and any-space BnB-ADOPT to solve DDCOP problems.  ...  Due to the incremental reasoning employed, our experimental results show that any-space ADOPT and any-space BnB-ADOPT are up to 42% and 38% faster, respectively, with the incremental procedure and the  ...  It is also based upon work supported by ARL/ARO under contract/grant number W911NF-08-1-0468, ONR in form of a MURI under contract/grant number N00014-09-1-1031, and DOT under contract/grant number DTFH61  ... 
doi:10.1109/wi-iat.2015.114 dblp:conf/webi/0001VSK15 fatcat:gvviu3tlzrhozfkum5pb6nhacm

Towards 40 years of constraint reasoning

Pedro Meseguer
2012 Progress in Artificial Intelligence  
We devote special attention to constraint solving, covering popular topics such as search, inference (especially arc consistency), combination of search and inference, symmetry exploitation, global constraints  ...  Research on constraints started in the early 1970s. We are approaching 40 years since the beginning of this successful field, and it is an opportunity to revise what has been reached.  ...  Maintaining soft local consistency during branch-and-bound search allows to compute a lower bound.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13748-011-0006-2 fatcat:wwikb5uf6vbfni3okf65n4y76y

Improving DPOP with Branch Consistency for Solving Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems [chapter]

Ferdinando Fioretto, Tiep Le, William Yeoh, Enrico Pontelli, Tran Cao Son
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper addresses these two limitations by introducing an algorithm, called BrC-DPOP, that exploits arc consistency and a form of consistency that applies to paths in pseudo-trees to reduce the size  ...  The DCOP model has gained momentum in recent years thanks to its ability to capture problems that are naturally distributed and cannot be realistically addressed in a centralized manner.  ...  The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of the sponsoring organizations  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-10428-7_24 fatcat:iddo657ysraavpv2pzfhrby6dy

DJAO: A Communication-Constrained DCOP Algorithm that Combines Features of ADOPT and Action-GDL

Yoonheui Kim, Victor Lesser
We construct an AND/OR search space based on these junction trees.This new type of search space results in higher degrees for each OR node, consequently yielding a more efficient search graph in the distributed  ...  DJAO uses a branch-and-bound search algorithm to distributedly find solutions within this search graph.  ...  DCOP algorithms such as ADOPT (Modi et al. 2005 ) and BnB-ADOPT (Yeoh, Felner, and Koenig 2008) can be viewed as distributed search algorithms on this AND/OR search space.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v28i1.9129 fatcat:butx3zbw7fao3dz4yrpqe5ap2a

Distributed Constraint Optimization Problems and Applications: A Survey

Ferdinando Fioretto, Enrico Pontelli, William Yeoh
2018 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research  
During the last decade, several extensions to the DCOP model have been proposed to enable support of MAS in complex, real-time, and uncertain environments.  ...  In a MAS, autonomous agents interact to pursue personal interests and/or to achieve common objectives.  ...  The research in this paper has been partially supported by NSF grants 0947465, 1345232, 1401639, 1458595, and 1550662.  ... 
doi:10.1613/jair.5565 fatcat:zeou5gji5fas3h27ab4jxvtwkq

A Proposal for a Three Detector Short-Baseline Neutrino Oscillation Program in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam [article]

R. Acciarri, A.M. Ankowski, W. Badgett, L. Bagby, M. Bass, K. Biery, H. Bilokon , T. Bolton , L. Bugel, B. Carls, E. Church, J.M. Conrad, R. Dharmapalan, A. Ereditato (+36 others)
2015 arXiv   pre-print
to execute the program, and a possible reconfiguration of the BNB target and horn system to improve its performance for oscillation searches.  ...  Using data sets of 6.6e20 protons on target (P.O.T.) in the LAr1-ND and ICARUS T600 detectors plus 13.2e20 P.O.T. in the MicroBooNE detector, we estimate that a search for muon neutrino to electron neutrino  ...  LAr1-ND, at 110 m from the BNB target, can search for the same excess in a relatively short time.  ... 
arXiv:1503.01520v1 fatcat:moqgs7asvbbydaek5dyuhbj57e

Bounded approximate decentralised coordination via the max-sum algorithm

A. Rogers, A. Farinelli, R. Stranders, N.R. Jennings
2011 Artificial Intelligence  
Moreover, the two pruning techniques are extremely effective in decreasing the computational effort of each agent by reducing the size of the search space by up to 92%.  ...  When applied in this domain, our approach is able to provide solutions which are guaranteed to be within 2% of the optimal solution.  ...  The work reported in this paper was jointly funded by the Systems Engineering for Autonomous Systems (SEAS) Defence Technology Centre established by the UK Ministry of Defence and the ALADDIN (Autonomous  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.11.001 fatcat:bm22xdusjngs7odno4z6uft4q4

Deep Visual Domain Adaptation: A Survey [article]

Mei Wang, Weihong Deng
2018 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of deep domain adaptation methods for computer vision applications with four major contributions.  ...  subspaces or reuse important source instances with shallow representations, deep domain adaption methods leverage deep networks to learn more transferable representations by embedding domain adaptation in  ...  The notations and definitions match those from the survey papers by [83] , [19] to maintain consistency across surveys.  ... 
arXiv:1802.03601v4 fatcat:d5hwwecipjfjzmh7725lmepzfe
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