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6G Wireless Communications Networks: A Comprehensive Survey

Muntadher Alsabah, Marwah Abdulrazzaq Naser, Basheera M. Mahmmod, Sadiq H. Abdulhussain, Mohammad R. Eissa, Ahmed Al-Baidhani, Nor K. Noordin, Sadiq M. Sait, Khaled A. Al-Utaibi, Fazirul Hashim
2021 IEEE Access  
Therefore, it is essential to provide a prospective vision of the 6G and the key enabling technologies for realizing future networks.  ...  The commercial fifth-generation (5G) wireless communications networks have already been deployed with the aim of providing high data rates.  ...  Recently, full-duplex radio transmission is introduced as an enabling technique with backscatter communication in order to support simultaneous wireless communication between multiple ambient backscatter  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3124812 fatcat:qomuon5t4remrfoxzjksauto6q

Non-Coherent and Backscatter Communications: Enabling Ultra-Massive Connectivity in the Era Beyond 5G [article]

Syed Junaid Nawaz, Shree Krishna Sharma, Babar Mansoor, Mohmammad N. Patwary, Noor M. Khan
2020 arXiv   pre-print
the scalable network cost in 6th generation (6G) wireless networks.  ...  light communications (VLC), quantum-assisted communications, reconfigurable large intelligent surfaces (RLIS), non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), and machine learning (ML)-aided intelligent networks  ...  Quantum communications, quantum computing assisted conventional communications, and quantum machine learning assisted communications are promising research directions for 6G and beyond 6G eras [4, 262  ... 
arXiv:2005.10937v3 fatcat:nsyufug2dbbvzeribg4bgymyfa

White Paper on Critical and Massive Machine Type Communication Towards 6G [article]

Nurul Huda Mahmood, Stefan Böcker, Andrea Munari, Federico Clazzer, Ingrid Moerman, Konstantin Mikhaylov, Onel Lopez, Ok-Sun Park, Eric Mercier, Hannes Bartz, Riku Jäntti, Ravikumar Pragada (+19 others)
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Machine Type Communication (MTC), encompassing its massive and critical aspects, and ubiquitous wireless connectivity are among the main enablers of such digitization at large.  ...  - What are the key enablers towards designing ultra-low power receivers and highly efficient sleep modes?  ...  papers to be published in their final format in June 2020.  ... 
arXiv:2004.14146v2 fatcat:mekkaybbovghfnbqz5bbizceki

Machine type communications: key drivers and enablers towards the 6G era

Nurul Huda Mahmood, Stefan Böcker, Ingrid Moerman, Onel A. López, Andrea Munari, Konstantin Mikhaylov, Federico Clazzer, Hannes Bartz, Ok-Sun Park, Eric Mercier, Selma Saidi, Diana Moya Osorio (+22 others)
2021 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking  
Our main objective is to present a set of research directions considering different aspects for an MTC-optimized 6G network in the 2030-era.  ...  AbstractThe recently introduced 5G New Radio is the first wireless standard natively designed to support critical and massive machine type communications (MTC).  ...  Ambient backscatter communications Ambient Backscatter Communications (AmBC) [38] is a promising new technology towards ZE mMTC.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s13638-021-02010-5 fatcat:2vv47yjuffaefd2rhg3o4rlxjm

Federated Learning for 6G Communications: Challenges, Methods, and Future Directions [article]

Yi Liu, Xingliang Yuan, Zehui Xiong, Jiawen Kang, Xiaofei Wang, Dusit Niyato
2020 arXiv   pre-print
It is generally believed that 6G will be established on ubiquitous Artificial Intelligence (AI) to achieve data-driven Machine Learning (ML) solutions in heterogeneous and massive-scale networks.  ...  We then describe key technical challenges, the corresponding federated learning methods, and open problems for future research on federated learning in the context of 6G communications.  ...  A typical example of SR is ambient backscatter communication, that enables network devices to utilize ambient RF signals to transmit information without requiring active RF transmission, making battery-free  ... 
arXiv:2006.02931v2 fatcat:df3bzirq2fcpnp7h3kagdgamiy

Editorial: Fourth Quarter 2020 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials

Ying-Dar Lin
2020 IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials  
Further, recent pilot studies indicate that energy harvesting (EH) techniques, such as ambient backscatter and RF energy harvesting, are crucial enabling technologies for the sixth generation (6G) wireless  ...  Recently, machine learning (ML) techniques have been used extensively to satisfy the requirements of the next generation intelligent optical networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/comst.2020.3034440 dblp:journals/comsur/Lin20c fatcat:l3duzhl43vd6peepsoyxqttqw4

Revolution or Evolution? Technical Requirements and Considerations towards 6G Mobile Communications

Saddam Alraih, Ibraheem Shayea, Mehran Behjati, Rosdiadee Nordin, Nor Fadzilah Abdullah, Asma' Abu-Samah, Dalia Nandi
2022 Sensors  
(CF-mMIMO) zero-energy interface, intelligent reflecting surface (IRS), and infusion of AI/machine learning (ML) in wireless transmission techniques, are presented.  ...  Moreover, this paper compares 5G and 6G in terms of services, key technologies, and enabling communications techniques.  ...  For example, it can complement ambient backscatter communications (AmBC), a promising technology that separates carriers needed to transfer power to the devices and allows backscatter communications.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22030762 pmid:35161509 pmcid:PMC8839279 fatcat:zxyyrszio5bwdbtk6pv2ljqoxy

6G Enabled Smart Infrastructure for Sustainable Society: Opportunities, Challenges, and Research Roadmap

Agbotiname Lucky Imoize, Oluwadara Adedeji, Nistha Tandiya, Sachin Shetty
2021 Sensors  
Finally, we highlight the research trends, open research issues, and key take-away lessons for future research exploration in 6G wireless communication.  ...  wireless connectivity are expected in 6G.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors acknowledge the anonymous reviewers for their review comments. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. Sensors 2021, 21, 1709  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21051709 pmid:33801302 pmcid:PMC7958349 fatcat:2alvcdqlvfcq5chfkv4n3wftpu

Towards 6G-enabled Internet of Vehicles: Security and Privacy

D. P. Moya Osorio, I. Ahmad, J. D. Vega Sanchez, A. Gurtov, J. Scholliers, M. Kutila, P. Porambage
2022 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society  
In this paper, we provide a timely deliberation of the role that promissory 6G enabling technologies such as artificial intelligence, network softwarisation, network slicing, blockchain, edge computing  ...  The conceptualisation of the sixth generation of mobile wireless networks (6G) has already started with some potential disruptive technologies resonating as enablers for driving the emergence of a number  ...  In the 6G era, the AI empowered VEC or Intelligent VEC (IVEC) will introduce the use of machine learning techniques and data analytics at edge devices in order to perform tasks with low latency, high energy  ... 
doi:10.1109/ojcoms.2022.3143098 fatcat:vfuwuncr3vaotly7yw7yx25xyu

Survey on 6G Frontiers: Trends, Applications, Requirements, Technologies and Future Research

Chamitha de Alwis, Anshuman Kalla, Quoc-Viet Pham, Pardeep Kumar, Kapal Dev, Won-Joo Hwang, Madhusanka Liyanage
2021 IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society  
environments to dynamic communication environments in 6G. 2) Enabling 6G Technologies: There are various machine learning techniques that can be enable dynamic communication, networking, and security  ...  devices in 6G era, authors in [269] used the combination of cooperative spectrum sharing and Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power transfer (SWIPT) techniques.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ojcoms.2021.3071496 fatcat:lpu2cwh6xfebjpbt56svuwxoti

Future Wireless Communication Technology towards 6G IoT: An Application-Based Analysis of IoT in Real-Time Location Monitoring of Employees Inside Underground Mines by Using BLE

Sushant Kumar Pattnaik, Soumya Ranjan Samal, Shuvabrata Bandopadhaya, Kaliprasanna Swain, Subhashree Choudhury, Jitendra Kumar Das, Albena Mihovska, Vladimir Poulkov
2022 Sensors  
wireless communication.  ...  This article adopts the vision for 6G IoT systems and proposes an IoT-based real-time location monitoring system using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) for underground communication applications.  ...  Envisioning the green 6G-IoT network, a novel joint design technique using intelligent reflective surface (IRS) and ambient backscatter communication (ABC) is proposed in [26] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/s22093438 pmid:35591138 pmcid:PMC9103828 fatcat:mq5km6tdhvdydhibgpt2ujcalm

Towards 6G Internet of Things: Recent Advances, Use Cases, and Open Challenges [article]

Zakria Qadir, Hafiz Suliman Munawar, Nasir Saeed, Khoa Le
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This paper presents recent advances in the 6G wireless networks, including the evolution from 1G to 5G communications, the research trends for 6G, enabling technologies, and state-of-the-art 6G projects  ...  Moreover, incorporating artificial intelligence in 6G will provide solutions for very complex problems relevant to network optimization.  ...  A UAV-enabled backscatter communication for the assistance of various communication based tasks including the supply of ambient power and the creation of suitable channel conditions for remote sensors  ... 
arXiv:2111.06596v1 fatcat:7hb4qsdtsfakbkhpxzkmy5z5qu

Toward Joint Radar, Communication, Computation, Localization, and Sensing in IoT

Mahyar Nemati, Yun Hee Kim, Jinho Choi
2022 IEEE Access  
Eventually, this study projects future research directions and challenges of enabling JSAC in IoT.  ...  Nevertheless, thanks to advancing wireless technologies in recent years, JSAC has recently attracted substantial attention for a wide range of civil and military applications.  ...  BackCom: backscatter communications, RIS: reconfigurable intelligent surfaces, ML: machine learning, AI: artificial intelligence. Ref. Main Focus Spectrum sharing Different Sens. & Comm. paradigms?  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2022.3146830 fatcat:vliyjvkmcnfb5lwy22nrld7zrm

Quantum Machine Learning for 6G Communication Networks: State-of-the-Art and Vision for the Future

Syed Junaid Nawaz, Shree K. Sharma, Shurjeel Wyne, Mohammad N. Patwary, Md Asaduzzaman
2019 IEEE Access  
The ambient backscatter communications is a sustainable and independent communication solution for enabling M-IoT, through the exploitation of the already existing radio signals in the environment.  ...  security in ambient backscatter communica-tions in [209] .  ...  , Bangladesh in 2013.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2909490 fatcat:27eqrqfadfcnfmultqjnykweai

Towards 6G wireless communication networks: vision, enabling technologies, and new paradigm shifts

Xiaohu You, Cheng-Xiang Wang, Jie Huang, Xiqi Gao, Zaichen Zhang, Mao Wang, Yongming Huang, Chuan Zhang, Yanxiang Jiang, Jiaheng Wang, Min Zhu, Bin Sheng (+38 others)
2020 Science China Information Sciences  
However, 5G will not meet all requirements of the future in 2030 and beyond, and sixth generation (6G) wireless communication networks are expected to provide global coverage, enhanced spectral/energy/  ...  AbstractThe fifth generation (5G) wireless communication networks are being deployed worldwide from 2020 and more capabilities are in the process of being standardized, such as mass connectivity, ultra-reliability  ...  The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11432-020-2955-6 fatcat:bf4wxtlfsbg7noe5nshf3pz3qq
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