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MIMO broadcast channels with Gaussian CSIT and application to location based CSIT

Manijeh Bashar, Yohan Lejosne, Dirk Slock, Yi Yuan-Wu
2014 2014 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)  
The discussion then turns to mean and covariance Gaussian CSIT.  ...  We review an exact Monte Carlo based approach and a variety of approximate techniques and bounds that all reduce to problems of the (deterministic) form of perfect CSIT.  ...  ADEL and NEWCOM#.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ita.2014.6804252 dblp:conf/ita/BasharLSY14 fatcat:7w2sqio5dfantanzts7jjogv4q

The DoF Region of Two-User MIMO Broadcast Channel with Delayed Imperfect-Quality CSIT [article]

Tong Zhang
2022 arXiv   pre-print
As a result, we show that the DoF region with delayed imperfect-quality CSIT is located between the DoF region with no CSIT and the DoF region with delayed CSIT.  ...  In this paper, we thus characterize the degrees-of-freedom (DoF) region of the two-user multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) broadcast channel with delayed imperfect-quality CSIT, where the antenna configurations  ...  Furthermore, [3] showed that the DoF region with delayed CSIT is located between the DoF region with no CSIT and the DoF region with perfect CSIT.  ... 
arXiv:2202.11367v2 fatcat:z53p2f5oqvhrdhr7oy73pbyrze

Stable Transmission in the Time-Varying MIMO Broadcast Channel

Adam L. Anderson, James R. Zeidler, Michael A. Jensen
2008 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing  
With propagation delay, infrequent channel updates, lag due to network layer overhead, and time-varying node position or environment characteristics, channel knowledge becomes outdated and CSI-based transmission  ...  This paper studies the performance of precoding techniques for the multiuser broadcast channel with outdated CSI at the transmitter.  ...  EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Furthermore, capacity regions for the MIMO broadcast channel with erroneous CSIT and CSIR are found in [12] using the duality between the broadcast and  ... 
doi:10.1155/2008/617020 fatcat:em655uw5rvdrvp3ajmfahfgzqi

Performance of Transmit Precoding in Time-Varying Point-to-Point and Multi-User MIMO Channels

Adam L. Anderson, James R. Zeidler, Michael A. Jensen
2006 2006 Fortieth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers  
This paper explores the performance of point-to-point and multi-user precoding strategies based on CSI which goes out of date and channel distribution information which provides a more average channel  ...  Results based on experimentally obtained MIMO channels in outdoor environments are presented.  ...  For the MIMO broadcast channel (BC), a TP technique so-called "dirty-paper coding" (DPC) maximizes the sumcapacity of the BC [1] for stationary applications.  ... 
doi:10.1109/acssc.2006.356595 fatcat:bc73fpihmncwtpeuegmcdjc5ky

Degrees of freedom of time-correlated broadcast channels with delayed CSIT: The MIMO case

Xinping Yi, David Gesbert, Sheng Yang, Mari Kobayashi
2013 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory  
The two-user Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) broadcast channel (BC) with arbitrary antenna configuration is considered, in which the transmitter obtains (i) delayed channel state information (CSI  ...  ) from a latency-prone feedback channel as well as (ii) imperfect current CSI, e.g., from prediction based on these past channel samples.  ...  digitalized interference with Gaussian channel codes, and then transmit to both Rxs with reduced rate.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isit.2013.6620374 dblp:conf/isit/YiGYK13 fatcat:oadk3q25snhjddakgh5gkjugb4

Rate-Splitting Meets Cell-Free MIMO Communications [article]

André Flores, Rodrigo C. de Lamare, Kumar Vijay Mishra
2021 arXiv   pre-print
performance when compared to traditional networks based on cells.  ...  Unlike prior works, where the impact of RS in CF systems remains unexamined, we propose a CF architecture that employs RS with linear precoders to address deteriorated CSI.  ...  This was extended in [18] to the broadcast channel of a multiple-antenna system, where RS was shown to provide gains in terms of degrees-of-freedom (DoFs) with respect to conventional multi-user (MU) MIMO  ... 
arXiv:2112.00884v2 fatcat:r4qfaowko5dq3bqxpnbq4kf7pm

Transmit Correlation-Aided Opportunistic Beamforming And Scheduling

David Gesbert, Marios Kountouris, Lars Pittman
2006 Zenodo  
However, the applicability of DPC is limited due to its computational complexity and the need for full channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) across all active users.  ...  In the MIMO broadcast channel, it has recently been proven [1] that the sum capacity is achieved by dirty paper coding (DPC) [2] .  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.39951 fatcat:6birsaabxzhfliytps4qeupcmi

The degrees of freedom of MIMO networks with full-duplex receiver cooperation but no CSIT [article]

Chinmay S. Vaze, Mahesh K. Varanasi
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Unlike the case of MIMO networks with CSIT and full-duplex receivers, for which DoF are known, it is shown that for MIMO networks with no CSIT, full-duplex receiver cooperation is beneficial to such an  ...  Toward this end, the two-user MIMO (multiple-input, multiple-output) broadcast and interference channels are studied with no side-information whatsoever at the transmitters and with receivers equipped  ...  MODELS OF BROADCAST AND INTERFERENCE CHANNELS WITH RECEIVER COOPERATION BUT WITH NO CSIT We introduce the models for broadcast and interference channels with receiver cooperation, where the receivers have  ... 
arXiv:1209.1291v1 fatcat:y7ljsvburfa3fixx37qjn24xnm

Multiple Access in Aerial Networks: From Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal to Rate-Splitting

Wael Jaafar, Shimaa Ayman Naser, Sami Muhaidat, Paschalis C. Sofotasios, Halim Yanikomeroglu
2020 IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology  
Specifically, UAVs can be used in cellular networks as aerial users for delivery, surveillance, rescue search, or as an aerial base station (aBS) for communication with ground users in remote uncovered  ...  a two-user network served by an RSMA-based aBS.  ...  They also evaluated the sumrate of a two-user broadcast channel with limited channel state information feedback to the transmitter (CSIT).  ... 
doi:10.1109/ojvt.2020.3032844 fatcat:uufv3hbv75edxadsywvfb4vkjy

MIMO Wireless Linear Precoding

Mai Vu, Arogyaswami Paulraj
2007 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for closely reading the manuscript and providing detailed comments, which helped improve the quality of this paper.  ...  He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a member of both the National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and the Indian National Academy of Engineering. AUTHORS  ...  This constraint is based on the optimal separation between channel coding (assuming no CSIT) and precoding (exploiting the CSIT) as discussed in [5] and later generalized to MIMO in [6] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2007.904811 fatcat:cz6ffonyi5cwtc6klu73dh7xei

A Rate Splitting Strategy for Massive MIMO with Imperfect CSIT

Mingbo Dai, Bruno Clerckx, David Gesbert, Giuseppe Caire
2016 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications  
In a multiuser MIMO broadcast channel, the rate performance is affected by the multiuser interference when the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is imperfect.  ...  By further exploiting the channel second-order statistics, we propose a novel and general framework Hierarchical-Rate-Splitting (HRS) that is particularly suited to massive MIMO systems.  ...  Abstract-In a multiuser MIMO broadcast channel, the rate performance is affected by multiuser interference when the Channel State Information at the Transmitter (CSIT) is imperfect.  ... 
doi:10.1109/twc.2016.2543212 fatcat:uy5hnxzskvhk5pptnb4tascgui

Team decision for the cooperative MIMO channel with imperfect CSIT sharing

Randa Zakhour, David Gesbert
2010 2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)  
The transmitters are assumed to be sharing user data and aim at serving a group of users in a distributed MIMO broadcast-like fashion.  ...  Among application scenarios, we find the so-called network MIMO setup.  ...  Fig. 1 . 1 Cooperative MIMO channel with imperfect CSIT sharing setup, with N base stations, M mobile stations.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ita.2010.5454132 dblp:conf/ita/ZakhourG10 fatcat:kgq2c2kh3nbvrerc6disoq7dpm

A Primer on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access: Tutorial, Myths, and Frequently Asked Questions [article]

Bruno Clerckx, Yijie Mao, Eduard A. Jorswieck, Jinhong Yuan, David J. Love, Elza Erkip, Dusit Niyato
2023 arXiv   pre-print
in space-division multiple access (SDMA), multi-user and massive MIMO in 4G and 5G, and show how multi-user communications and multiple access design for 6G and beyond should be intimately related to the  ...  We then discuss how those benefits translate into numerous opportunities for RSMA in over forty different applications and scenarios of 6G.  ...  As we know, Gaussian signaling is the optimal signaling in many channels, e.g., point-to-point Gaussian channels, Gaussian multiple access channels, and Gaussian broadcast channels.  ... 
arXiv:2209.00491v2 fatcat:rr7krs46jjdlvjdviyxyafcj6i

Channel Coding in the Presence of Side Information

Guy Keshet, Yossef Steinberg, Neri Merhav
2008 Foundations and Trends in Communications and Information Theory  
Further, we provide applications to the models considered here, in particular, we present the watermarking problem and the Gaussian MIMO broadcast channel.  ...  These problems include source coding dual, which is the Wyner-Ziv problem, the Gaussian vector broadcast channel and multiuser channels.  ... 
doi:10.1561/0100000025 fatcat:koaqevne65hb5nx5b6edvckafu

Rethinking network MIMO: Cost of CSIT, performance analysis, and architecture comparisons

Giuseppe Caire, Sean A. Ramprashad, Haralabos C. Papadopoulos
2010 2010 Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA)  
Our analysis takes explicit account of the cost of CSIT estimation and illuminates the tradeoffs between CSIT, estimation error, and system resource dedicated to training.  ...  In particular, we focus on Multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) downlink techniques that require channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT).  ...  Specifically, these are users with the same relative location with respect to their active serving base-station.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ita.2010.5454094 dblp:conf/ita/CaireRP10 fatcat:pspdqnoukbfirclv62sfrs6b6a
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