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203 Hits in 1.9 sec

MFP: The Mobile Forensic Platform

Frank Adelstein
2003 International Journal of Digital Evidence  
The Mobile Forensic Platform (MFP) is a tool for performing remote network forensics.  ...  The MFP maintains audit logs on all tasks it performs. ATC-NY (formerly Odyssey Research Associates) has designed the framework for, and implemented a prototype of, the MFP.  ...  Works The Mobile Forensic Platform (MFP) is a stand-alone machine, connected to the same local subnet as the machine to be investigated, allowing for high-speed transfer of data.  ... 
dblp:journals/ijde/Adelstein03 fatcat:conhi65j2rhjlpwstjydw6cc6m

An F-Score-Weighted Indoor Positioning Algorithm Integrating WiFi and Magnetic Field Fingerprints

Sinem Bozkurt Keser, Ahmet Yazici, Serkan Gunal
2018 Mobile Information Systems  
Fingerprint-based positioning is one of the widely used methods in this area. WiFi-received signal strength (RSS) is a frequently used signal type for the fingerprint-based positioning system.  ...  Considering the variability of the performances of different signal types, an F-score-weighted indoor positioning algorithm, which integrates WiFi-RSS and MF fingerprints, is proposed in this study.  ...  In the positioning phase, the mobile unit fingerprint is compared to the fingerprints in the database to estimate the position of the mobile unit.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/7950985 fatcat:vmrfwwemkzchhmzx3tovw4c624

Observation of Magnetic Fingerprints in Superconducting Au_0.7In_0.3 Cylinders [article]

Yu. Zadorozhny, D. R. Herman, Y. Liu
2000 arXiv   pre-print
Reproducible, sample-specific magnetoresistance fluctuations (magnetic fingerprints) have been observed experimentally in the low-temperature part of the superconducting transition regime of disordered  ...  (MFPs) [1] .  ...  In thinner planar and cylindrical films such grain segregation is not found (Inset (b) of Fig. 1 ), probably because of the reduced mobility of atoms due to substrate effects.  ... 
arXiv:cond-mat/9908281v3 fatcat:zxhl6ga2yzho7lqny6po2qtbnu

A Survey of Ground Truth Measurement Systems for Indoor Positioning

Takuto Yoshida, Katsuhiko Kaji, Satoki Ogiso, Ryosuke Ichikari, Hideaki Uchiyama, Takeshi Kurata, Nobuo Kawaguchi
2023 Journal of Information Processing  
Then, we classify them into the following five categories: OMC, ToF/MFPS, SLAM, Manual, and Others.  ...  [18] evaluated positioning that integrated Wi-Fi RSSI, geomagnetic fingerprint, and DR by following a predetermined path.  ...  Introduction As many studies have been conducted, indoor positioning is an important research topic in mobile and ubiquitous computing.  ... 
doi:10.2197/ipsjjip.31.15 fatcat:c47mxlfaejd47lwmyajgnk35ta

Research Directions on the Role and Impact of ICT in Microfinance

Robert J. Kauffman, Frederick J. Riggins
2010 2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences  
Because women are the key target customers of many MFPs, the role of women within MFPs has been examined.  ...  [30] describe the impacts of mobile phones in Kenya and the Philippines.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hicss.2010.318 dblp:conf/hicss/KauffmanR10 fatcat:7zigq7fhkrhujh5q23mx7jmaau

Ultra-long wavelength Dirac plasmons in graphene capacitors

H Graef, D Mele, M Rosticher, L Banszerus, C Stampfer, T Taniguchi, K Watanabe, E Bocquillon, G Fève, J-M Berroir, E H T Teo, B Plaçais
2018 Journal of Physics: Materials  
(d) Density dependence of the electronic mean-free-path l mfp for a representative set of temperatures. l mfp saturates at low temperatures to a constant mobility regime l dashed line).  ...  Fingerprints of a resonant behavior become perceptible for Q;0.5 with a shallow minimum of Y ( ) I at f;f 0 ( figure 1(e) ).  ... 
doi:10.1088/2515-7639/aadd8c fatcat:b5ugchsnfnbx3gvfow5nj5jvmu

Dominant source of disorder in graphene: Charged impurities or ripples? [article]

Zheyong Fan, Andreas Uppstu, Ari Harju
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Experimentally produced graphene sheets exhibit a wide range of mobility values.  ...  simulations, we find that the hopping disorder and the gauge and scalar potentials induced by the ripples are short-ranged, in strong contrast with predictions by continuous models, and the transport fingerprints  ...  This formula represents an upper limit of the electron MFP achievable in suspended graphene. The conductivity can be converted to mobility µ using the Drude model µ = σ/en.  ... 
arXiv:1605.03715v1 fatcat:xx6qbkyf4rbjte43m2uav2nxqm

Emissions and Chemical Components of PM2.5 from Simulated Cooking Conditions Using Traditional Cookstoves and Fuels under a Dilution Tunnel System

Colleen Marciel F. Rosales, Jinsang Jung, Mylene G. Cayetano
2021 Aerosol and Air Quality Research  
., a charcoal-burning cement stove (CCP), a sawdust-burning tin-can stove (KKP), a fuelwood-burning metal-grill stove (MFP), a kerosene-burning metal stove (MKP), and a charcoalburning metal-grill stove  ...  Additionally, the elemental compositions of the PM2.5 from the CCP, KKP, and MCC mainly consisted of Pb (1.96 ± 1.04 to 76.02 ± 151.42 ng min -1 ), but those for the MFP and KKP primarily contained Cu  ...  This may be brought about by contaminants during the processing of the crude oil used for kerosene, and since this kerosene is sourced from a gasoline station, pollutants from mobile sources may have also  ... 
doi:10.4209/aaqr.200581 fatcat:cdpfdkez65g4hhgnwogxh7wypq

A Secure and Lightweight Three-Factor Remote User Authentication Protocol for Future IoT Applications

Bahaa Hussein Taher, Huiyu Liu, Firas Abedi, Hongwei Lu, Ali A. Yassin, Alzahraa J. Mohammed
2021 Journal of Sensors  
, password, and fingerprint as follows: identity mask: MID i = HðID i ⨁ R i Þ, password mask: MPW i = HðPW i ⨁ i R i Þ, and fingerprint mask: MFP i = hðFX3 FP i Þ (Step 4) The U i sends MID i , MPW i ,  ...  In 2017, Dhillon and Kalra's [33] proposed a lightweight 3FA scheme using a user password, biometric, and a mobile device.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2021/8871204 doaj:1eaef83237394063bcae0eaec60b00ca fatcat:4g53a2ummzbuzef3j326nwukoy

Subfunctionalization influences the expansion of bacterial multidrug antibiotic resistance

Elena Perrin, Marco Fondi, Emanuele Bosi, Alessio Mengoni, Silvia Buroni, Viola Camilla Scoffone, Miguel Valvano, Renato Fani
2017 BMC Genomics  
The two plasmids pEP_RND2_operon and pEP_RN-D4_operon were introduced in E. coli SY327 [36] by electroporation [35] and then mobilized into B. cenocepacia J2315 by triparental mating, using the helper  ...  A RAPD fingerprinting of B. cenocepacia D4 strain and of the obtained spontaneous mutants was performed as reported in Mocali et al. [40] using the primers 1253 [41] and AP5 [42] .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12864-017-4222-4 pmid:29084524 pmcid:PMC5663151 fatcat:oqerx43svvcabnum4tmunroibe

Information and Communication Technologies and large-scale poverty reduction: lessons from Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean [article]

Arunachalam Subbiah
2005 Zenodo  
Mobile computing While the back-office MIS enables the MFP to monitor its loan portfolio, this functionality is undermined if the data analysed by the MIS is not up-to-date or contains errors.  ...  This is an extension of the mobile computing solution discussed above.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10864583 fatcat:fji35om27rg3lpn2ff4mqlfxom

Injection of photoelectrons into dense argon gas

A F Borghesani, P Lamp
2011 Plasma Sources Science & Technology  
The decrease of (E/N ) m with increasing N in the mobility case has been rationalized [5, 18] by realizing that the mobility maximum is the fingerprint of the RT minimum of σ mt occurring for E ≈ 230  ...  Electrons are better characterized by the amount of energy gained from the electric field over one mean free path (mfp) eEℓ = e(E/N σ mt ), where ℓ = (N σ mt ) −1 is the mfp and σ mt is the electron-atom  ... 
doi:10.1088/0963-0252/20/3/034001 fatcat:aspmev64kzbjrkzp52dwvopsvy

Pharmacognostical and Physico-chemical Standardization of Euphorbia neriifolia Leaves

Prashant Y. Mali, Shital S. Panchal
2017 Pharmacognosy Journal  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Authors are grateful to Scientist, Botany, Vindhya Herbal Testing and Research Laboratory, MFP-PARC, Barkheda Pathani, Bhopal and Anchrom Test Lab Pvt.  ...  Mobile phase used for primary HPTLC studies Toluene: Chloroform: Ethanol (4:4:2) Chromatography and HPTLC fingerprinting analysis A chromatographic study was performed on prewashed and preactivated 20.0  ...  The linear ascending development with the above mobile phase in a 20.0 x 10.0 cm twin trough glass chamber (CAMAG) previously saturated with mobile phase for 15 min at room temperature (25± 2 °C) and relative  ... 
doi:10.5530/pj.2017.5.110 fatcat:e7hxl3riujbotmufy6lye27cr4

Nonclassical Exciton Diffusion in Monolayer WSe2

Koloman Wagner, Jonas Zipfel, Roberto Rosati, Edith Wietek, Jonas D. Ziegler, Samuel Brem, Raül Perea-Causín, Takashi Taniguchi, Kenji Watanabe, Mikhail M. Glazov, Ermin Malic, Alexey Chernikov
2021 Physical Review Letters  
Challenging the established description of mobile excitons in monolayer semiconductors, these results open up avenues to study quantum transport phenomena for excitonic quasiparticles in atomically thin  ...  The optical fingerprints used to monitor dark excitons in WSe 2 monolayer are schematically illustrated in Fig. 1(a) .  ...  From the scattering rates in Fig. 2 (c) we indeed obtain l mfp ≈ λ dB for all studied temperatures.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.127.076801 pmid:34459627 fatcat:xjcdpauezbaczojrqi23t2qcbm

Resistance oscillations and magnetic fingerprints in superconductingAu0.7In0.3cylinders

Yu. Zadorozhny, D. R. Herman, Y. Liu
2001 Physical Review B (Condensed Matter)  
Thermal cycling to temperatures much higher than the superconducting critical temperature resulted in irreversible changes in the fingerprint pattern.  ...  For those samples where the resistance oscillations were completely suppressed, reproducible sample-specific magnetoresistance fluctuations ͑magnetic fingerprints͒ were observed, also in the low-temperature  ...  The new MFP was again reproducible, as illustrated by the two MR traces shown in Fig. 8 .  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevb.63.144521 fatcat:gxjfwhgajngthduqmvh77ld7h4
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