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1,257 Hits in 3.8 sec

MART: Targeted attack detection on a compromised network

Jack W. Stokes, Himanshu Chandola, Christian Seifert, Tim Burrell
2016 MILCOM 2016 - 2016 IEEE Military Communications Conference  
We demonstrate that the system can detect several confirmed targeted attacks on both a small dataset of 1,473 computers as well as a large network of over 230 thousand computers.  ...  We start with a set of malicious process creation events, and their parameters, which are typically generated by an attacker remotely controlling computers on a network.  ...  INTRODUCTION In this paper, we propose a new system to detect targeted attacks, once an adversary has successfully compromised a network, based on the similarity of aggregated process creation events and  ... 
doi:10.1109/milcom.2016.7795459 dblp:conf/milcom/StokesCSB16 fatcat:cxs7qtv2tbhv3cud65ytiuaew4

Arithmetic Optimization with Deep Learning Enabled Anomaly Detection in燬mart City

Mahmoud Ragab, Maha Farouk S. Sabir
2022 Computers Materials & Continua  
Besides, IoTAD-SCI technique involves Deep Consensus Network (DCN) model design to detect the anomalies in input video frames.  ...  Simultaneously, anomaly detection in SCI has become a hot research topic and is widely explored to enhance the safety of pedestrians.  ...  Next, the researchers compared the commonly-utilized anomaly detection methods that disclose such attacks. The algorithm was evaluated under distinct necessities on access network data. Alrashdi et al  ... 
doi:10.32604/cmc.2022.027327 fatcat:yivsek6l5ncwtnp6rq5mwlb5hi

Grid Awareness Under Normal Conditions and Cyber-Threats [chapter]

Matija Naglic, Arun Joseph, Kaikai Pan, Marjan Popov, Mart van der Meijden, Peter Palensky
2018 Intelligent Integrated Energy Systems  
Next, we review an event detection method used to identify and record faults and failures in the grid. Finally, we present a method for vulnerability assessment of grids under cyber-attacks.  ...  hierarchically organized network [8], as illustrated in Fig. 3.1.  ...  (3.19) Table 3 .1 3 Data attacks targeting electricity grid monitoring system (based on [18] ) Attacks Specific types Access Attack targets Affected applications Coordination Possible  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-00057-8_3 fatcat:ixhon4xcwrdntjqhaikqmnf2ve

MMALE—A Methodology for Malware Analysis in Linux Environments

Jos�Javier de Vicente Mohino, Javier Bermejo Higuera, Juan Ram髇 Bermejo Higuera, Juan Antonio Sicilia Montalvo, Manuel S醤chez Rubio, Jos�Javier Mart韓ez Herraiz
2021 Computers Materials & Continua  
In recent years, malware has evolved, and attackers have become more qualified compared to a few years ago.  ...  The proposed methodology is tested by a specific Linux malware, and the obtained test results have high effectiveness in malware detection.  ...  According to [19] , the static analysis has a double perspective: Identify and detect any malicious behavior in software and detect any security failure that could lead to a system compromise.  ... 
doi:10.32604/cmc.2021.014596 fatcat:2f5nxs7lf5ab3kpaumzadaixbu

Short-circuiting the congestion signaling path for AQM algorithms using reverse flow matching

Mart Molle, Zhong Xu
2005 Computer Communications  
Since ACK Spoofing requires the router to create a "short circuit" signaling path, by matching marked data packets in a congested buffer with ACK packets belonging to the same flow that are traveling in  ...  Finally, we show that this architecture can be scaled to accommodate worst-case traffic patterns on multi-gigabit links that would render ordinary route caching algorithms completely ineffective.  ...  can hear on the network.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2004.07.039 fatcat:vdcbb6ga5rapnkkxyj4spsmugy

Modeling Adversarial Noise for Adversarial Training [article]

Dawei Zhou, Nannan Wang, Bo Han, Tongliang Liu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to adversarial noise, promoting the development of defense against adversarial attacks.  ...  Specifically, we introduce an instance-dependent transition matrix to relate adversarial labels and natural labels, which can be seamlessly embedded with the target model (enabling us to model stronger  ...  The authors thank the reviewers and the meta-reviewer for their helpful and constructive comments on this work. Thanks to Chaojian Yu for his important advice on Section attack the transition matrix.  ... 
arXiv:2109.09901v5 fatcat:bbs2fkoqsngshbvlxprmkx45ja

Exploiting Correlations to Detect False Data Injections in Low-Density Wireless Sensor Networks

Zhongyuan Hau, Emil C. Lupu
2019 Proceedings of the 5th on Cyber-Physical System Security Workshop - CPSS '19  
This allows us to test the detection algorithm and assess its performance in improving the resilience of the sensor network against data integrity attacks.  ...  We also provide an adversarial model that utilizes a graphical method to devise complex attack strategies where an attacker injects coherent false data in multiple sensors to provide a false representation  ...  With only one compromised sensor, the attacker was unable to hide from detection.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3327961.3329530 fatcat:brkqertz7zarhjvblvyeajrohq

Encryption Techniques for Different Introducer's Attack in Wireless Sensor Networks

Deepak Choudhary
2016 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
There are numerous ways to attack a Wireless Network.  ...  In this paper we study these techniques and propose alternative methods to simulate these attacks using a virtual simulator framework based on native HW/SW simulation methodology.  ...  More specifically, we focus on simulating Jamming attacks as these are one of the easiestways to compromise the availability of a WSN 3 .  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i48/101741 fatcat:4ekijkovwfb4nims7henrxmbky

Modelling Security of Critical Infrastructures: A Survivability Assessment

Ricardo J. Rodríguez, José Merseguer, Simona Bernardi
2014 Computer journal  
As a case study, we evaluate the survivability of the Saudi Arabia crude-oil pipeline network under two different attack scenarios.  ...  Malicious intended attacks to these targets need to be considered during system design. To face with these situations, defense plans must be developed in advance.  ...  INTRODUCTION A critical infrastructure describes a facility, system, site or network whose loose or compromise represents a major impact on the availability or integrity of essential services for daily  ... 
doi:10.1093/comjnl/bxu096 fatcat:ruq24u37qbgljbw4t337ysnfdu

A New Smart Router-Throttling Method to Mitigate DDoS Attacks

Shi-ming Xia, Shi-ze Guo, Wei Bai, Jun-yang Qiu, Hao Wei, Zhi-song Pan
2019 IEEE Access  
The DDoS problem can be seen as a Markov decision process (MDP). Multi-agent router throttling (MART) method based on hierarchical communication mechanism has been proposed to address this problem.  ...  The distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack is one of the most server threats to the current Internet and brings huge losses to society.  ...  The main idea of curriculum learning is to decompose a hard learning task (target task) into several simple ones (subgoal tasks) [38] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2930803 fatcat:vq2tny57erfb5bgwajojpposk4

Modelling and analysing resilience as a security issue within UML

Ricardo J. Rodríguez, José Merseguer, Simona Bernardi
2010 Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems - SERENCE '10  
Indeed, MARTE proposes a framework for non-functional properties specification (NFP), while DAM exploits it for dependability purposes.  ...  We base this claim on the close relationship between security and dependability.  ...  The choice of the target state will depend on the processed message. Transition t4|Intrusion models the case of a successful attack.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2401736.2401741 dblp:conf/serene/RodriguezMB10 fatcat:ic66yie2dzhhxaoerf2exed7iu

Do CHANGE platform: A service-based architecture for secure aggregation and distribution of health and wellbeing data

Idowu Ayoola, Mart Wetzels, Peter Peters, Sander van Berlo, Loe Feijs
2018 International Journal of Medical Informatics  
This combined with a cluster implementation of each service can reduce the downtime to zero. • From a security perspective, the vulnerability of one service does not entirely compromise the remaining system  ...  Despite the wide adoption of the OAuth standard, many implementations of this standard remain inconsistent or vulnerable [15] to well-known attacks such as the Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2018.06.004 pmid:30032958 fatcat:5zhu5uerwvcqzm7apyz53b25f4

Smart defence: an architecture for new challenges to cyber security

Mario Golling, Robert Koch, Peter Hillmann, Gabi Dreo Rodosek
2014 DFN Tagungen  
Recentexamples likethe hack of the SonyPlaystation Network or the compromise of RSA are just some examples of high-quality attack vectors.  ...  Our architecture for Smart Defence focuses on three main elements: We propose the use of advanced geolocation for ageobased intrusion detection (e.g., inspecting newconnections -originating from alocation  ...  The complete architecture will focus on the detection of sophisticated Smart Attacks.  ... 
dblp:conf/dfn/Golling0HR14 fatcat:7evvsmgry5aenibawsfp5rexfi

The Chains of the Constitution and Legal Process in the Library: A Post-Patriot Reauthorization Act Assessment

Susan Nevelow Mart
2008 Social Science Research Network  
When a device uses tone detection to generate a list of all digits dialed after a call has been connected, it is called postregisters."  ...  This paper is based in part on a presentation given by the author at the 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries, New Orleans, Jul. 17, 2007. © 2008 Susan Nevelow Mart * 30 THE  ...  A pen register is "a mechanical device that records the numbers dialed on a telephone by monitoring the electrical impulses cause when the dial on the telephone is released," 442 U.S. 735, 736 n. 1 (1979  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1105448 fatcat:gak36a3hazfaxh6o24exe4phwq

The Implementation of EMV Chip Card Technology to Improve Cyber Security Accelerates in the U.S. Following Target Corporation's Data Breach

Dahli Gray, Jessica Ladig
2015 International Journal of Business Administration  
Target Corporation was the victim of cybercrime through a chain of events, several U.S. organizations have suffered severe financial losses due to data breaches, and U.S. technology is vulnerable regarding  ...  According to the research, the Target Corporation data breach in 2013 appears to be the event that motivated the technological change.  ...  "Six months before the attack, Target began installing a $1.6 million malware detection tool made by the computer security firm, FireEye, whose customers also include the CIA and the Pentagon" (Riley,  ... 
doi:10.5430/ijba.v6n2p60 fatcat:7xnbs6j4kvhj3a2msbcnos76fq
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