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Loess Landslide Inventory Map Based on GF-1 Satellite Imagery

Wenyi Sun, Yuansheng Tian, Xingmin Mu, Jun Zhai, Peng Gao, Guangju Zhao
2017 Remote Sensing  
parameters based on high-resolution multispectral satellite data (GF-1, 2 m) and a high-precision DEM (5 m).  ...  Furthermore, loess flows are separated from landslides based on topographic position data.  ...  Data Sources and Processing GF-1 satellite imagery was used in the study to extract the spectral diagnostic features of loess landslides.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs9040314 fatcat:idaako3oz5ewhcachkxoq6gxum

Remote Sensing of Landslides—A Review

Chaoying Zhao, Zhong Lu
2018 Remote Sensing  
Current techniques include landslide detection, inventory mapping, surface deformation monitoring, trigger factor analysis and mechanism inversion.  ...  In recent years, multiple remote sensing techniques, including synthetic aperture radar, optical, and light detection and ranging measurements from spaceborne, airborne, and ground-based platforms, have  ...  satellite images [11] , and GF-1 [12] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs10020279 fatcat:cnhb74jpdrhqljfsfj65mbosgy

Large-Scale Detection of the Tableland Areas and Erosion-Vulnerable Hotspots on the Chinese Loess Plateau

Kai Liu, Jiaming Na, Chenyu Fan, Ying Huang, Hu Ding, Zhe Wang, Guoan Tang, Chunqiao Song
2022 Remote Sensing  
The Sentinel-2 imagery was used for the initial delineation based on object-based image analysis and random forest model.  ...  However, a plateau-scale inventory of tableland areas is still lacking across the Loess Plateau. This study proposed a large-scale approach for tableland area mapping.  ...  , and GF-1 (China High-Resolution Satellite) multispectral image.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs14081946 fatcat:n2ml2ulrnnewxfsuddty5ghnse

Active Tectonics and Geomorphology of the central South Island, New Zealand: Earthquake Hazards of Reverse Faults [article]

Timothy Stahl, University Of Canterbury
A new Schmidt hammer chronofunction based on over 7000 clast analyses is developed that relates rebound value (R-value) to age for river terraces.  ...  Three segments of the Fox Peak Fault are identified through field mapping and surveying.  ...  Figure 5 . 1 : 51 Map and study site location. 15 m Digital Elevation Model (DEM) showing location of i) faults involved in the 2010 Darfield earthquake: Greendale fault (GF), Hororata anticline fault  ... 
doi:10.26021/6269 fatcat:56xtw2hksfe6lpnascgnqtyasu

Tillamook Bay Drainage Basin Erosion and Sediment Study, Oregon

Soil Conservation Service, Service, Forest, Statistics Economics
1978 unpublished
The objectives of the study are to: (1) Inventory the gross erosion rates by suitable categories under present conditions, (2) Estimate the sediment yield under existing use and management. (3) Develop  ...  It is bounded on the east by the crest of the Coast Mountain Range and on the west by the Pacific Ocean.  ...  The runoff map of the basin is based on Figure IV-5.  ... 
doi:10.22004/ag.econ.330324 fatcat:vdhgp3f3qjbwhco3sz2setr4xq

75. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft : 23.–26. März 2015 in Hannover

Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft
The application of Χ and Χ fd as palaeoclimatic proxy in the Eurasian loess steppe environments is based (1) on the mineralogical homogeneity of the loess and (2) on the neo-formation of ferrimagnetic  ...  A "True" PLI map was determined from the total of the analyzed 85 sites and compared with different PLI maps based on sub-sets of 30 sites.  ...  like lava flows are rather small features and are therefore too small to be monitored by satellites (their resolution being on the order of 1km) as an isothermal body.  ... 
doi:10.2312/dgg75 fatcat:shzdrjap3nh35oqyj77hemoniy


Peter Alcock
" Discussion based on MacVicar, C.N., 1970. Vlei soils of Natal, In: Shone, F.K.  ...  Pietermaritzburg, 266 p. and maps.  ...  Current techniques may involve the use of satellite imagery as well as Geographic Information Systems * .  ... 

Modeling the hydrological impacts of logging in the castle river watershed [article]

Amanda J. Ivers, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Nigel M. Waters
.: remotely sensed imagery).  ...  The polygons that were modeled in this research were identified and mapped onto 1:20 000 topographic maps of the Castle River area.  ...  Polygons 'b' and 'g' also had the most sipificant yield increases, values between 7mrn and l8mm were estimated, while the remaining polygons had values between 2mm and 1 0 m .  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/22577 fatcat:h2hhypxphjbtpo2mcuwe2cjv6u