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15,695 Hits in 4.7 sec

Social Media-based User Embedding: A Literature Review

Shimei Pan, Tao Ding
2019 Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
The technology is critical for creating high performance social media-based human traits and behavior models since the ground truth for assessing latent human traits and behavior is often expensive to  ...  In this survey, we review typical methods for learning a unified user embeddings from heterogeneous user data (e.g., combines social media texts with images to learn a unified user representation).  ...  Cross-platform Fusion It is also common for a user to have multiple accounts on different social media platforms.  ... 
doi:10.24963/ijcai.2019/881 dblp:conf/ijcai/PanD19 fatcat:inw55rewvzh5nckevzvrsexwii

Geo-Information Harvesting from Social Media Data [article]

Xiao Xiang Zhu, Yuanyuan Wang, Mrinalini Kochupillai, Martin Werner, Matthias Häberle, Eike Jens Hoffmann, Hannes Taubenböck, Devis Tuia, Alex Levering, Nathan Jacobs, Anna Kruspe, Karam Abdulahhad
2022 arXiv   pre-print
, and the fusion of social media and remote sensing data.  ...  With this effort, we wish to stimulate curiosity and lay the groundwork for researchers who intend to explore social media data for geo-applications.  ...  [122] proposed a novel architecture for predicting object distributions and scene categories based on the location, time, and satellite image of the location.  ... 
arXiv:2211.00543v1 fatcat:wsptsojylvdjdkectum5mvpcaq

CrimeTelescope: crime hotspot prediction based on urban and social media data fusion

Dingqi Yang, Terence Heaney, Alberto Tonon, Leye Wang, Philippe Cudré-Mauroux
2017 World wide web (Bussum)  
In this paper, we propose CrimeTelescope, a platform that predicts and visualizes crime hotspots based on a fusion of different data types.  ...  Our platform continuously collects crime data as well as urban and social media data on the Web.  ...  Motivated by such findings, we study in this paper the problem of crime hotspot prediction based on heterogeneous urban and social media data fusion.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11280-017-0515-4 fatcat:ureb3hse7zftjdzzrxm3wv6jiq


Cunchao Tu, Zhiyuan Liu, Huanbo Luan, Maosong Sun
2017 ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology  
By applying prediction on large-scale users, we also analyze characteristics of microblog users, finding that there are significant diversities among users of different professions in demographics, social  ...  In this article, we explore the task of identifying user professions according to their behaviors in social media.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their insightful and constructive comments.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3070665 fatcat:ush4a3w62rg5dpncldlpi2m46u

Textually Guided Ranking Network for Attentional Image Retweet Modeling [article]

Zhou Zhao, Hanbing Zhan, Lingtao Meng, Jun Xiao, Jun Yu, Min Yang, Fei Wu, Deng Cai
2018 arXiv   pre-print
Retweet prediction is a challenging problem in social media sites (SMS).  ...  In this paper, we study the problem of image retweet prediction in social media, which predicts the image sharing behavior that the user reposts the image tweets from their followees.  ...  Users usually show their positive preference on image tweets by retweeting them in social media sites.  ... 
arXiv:1810.10226v1 fatcat:w6gvlba6gbhn5mdmkmbs5i4mcm

A Unified Neural Network Model for Geolocating

Mohammad Ebrahimi, Elaheh ShafieiBavani, Raymond Wong, Fang Chen
2018 Proceedings of the 22nd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning  
Locations of social media users are important to many applications such as rapid disaster response, targeted advertisement, and news recommendation.  ...  In this paper, we propose a unified user geolocation method which relies on a fusion of neural networks.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable feedbacks to improve this paper.  ... 
doi:10.18653/v1/k18-1005 dblp:conf/conll/EbrahimiSWC18 fatcat:z7mkav4e7fbonmmrn3zlewxlge

Towards User Personality Profiling from Multiple Social Networks

Kseniya Buraya, Aleksandr Farseev, Andrey Filchenkov, Tat-Seng Chua
It is well known that various social media networks exhibit different aspects of user interactions, and thus represent users from diverse points of view.  ...  The exponential growth of online social networks has inspired us to tackle the problem of individual user attributes inference from the Big Data perspective.  ...  Based on these observations, it follows that MBTI categorization schema naturally fits social media research.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v31i1.11105 fatcat:pjadtc57qneg7eqfpqdhe35e2q

Multimodal-based Multimedia Analysis, Retrieval, and Services in Support of Social Media Applications

Rajiv Ratn Shah
2016 Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference - MM '16  
The rapid growth in the amount of user-generated content (UGCs) online necessitates for social media companies to automatically extract knowledge structures (concepts) from user-generated images (UGIs)  ...  and temporal metadata) to address above-mentioned social media problems in our doctoral research.  ...  For instance we provide multimedia summaries from UGIs aggregated on social media such as Flickr.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2964284.2971471 dblp:conf/mm/Shah16 fatcat:fqdt3wksh5cp5fvai2bchsf77a

BRScS Approach for Resolving Heterogeneity of Data from Multiple Resources at Semantic Level

Muhammad Farhan Ramzan, Zaigham Mushtaq, Sikandar Ali, Ali Samad, Mujtaba Husnain, Mukhtaj Khan, Ewa Rak
2022 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Data fusion will be the subject of this paper. The process of collecting data and making judgments based on that data has become much more challenging as a result of technological advancements.  ...  People are increasingly turning to the Internet and web-based services to meet their daily demands. Storage media can hold data in a variety of formats.  ...  SRS (SEL + Review + Social) model is based on a simplified embedding-based language model. Its recommendations are based on reviews and social media.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2022/1084794 fatcat:xlnwufcsh5dw7j6h3hyzlh4g2i

User-Generated Content: A Promising Data Source for Urban Informatics [chapter]

Song Gao, Yu Liu, Yuhao Kang, Fan Zhang
2021 The Urban Book Series  
Drawing on the analyses, we summarize a number of future research areas that call for attention in urban informatics.  ...  First, we use geotagged social media data, a type of single-sourced UGC, to extract citizen demographics, mobility patterns, and place semantics associated with various urban functional regions.  ...  Acknowledgements Song Gao would like to thank the support of this research from the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education at the University of Wisconsin-Madison with funding  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-981-15-8983-6_28 fatcat:hhigrdxtkfbkpctappf237jy64

Harnessing Social Media to Identify Homeless Youth At-Risk of Substance Use

Zi-Yi Dou, Anamika Barman-Adhikari, Fei Fang, Amulya Yadav
2021 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
In this paper, we target this specific population and demonstrate how to detect substance use based on texts from social media.  ...  The advent of social media has provided us with an important data source for understanding the health behaviors of homeless youth.  ...  techniques for effective training of predictive models on scarce and noisy social-media data.  ... 
dblp:conf/aaai/DouBFY21 fatcat:ypntchxwoze27evadqbr45kfau

Detection of Flooding Events in Social Multimedia and Satellite Imagery using Deep Neural Networks

Benjamin Bischke, Prakriti Bhardwaj, Aman Gautam, Patrick Helber, Damian Borth, Andreas Dengel
2017 MediaEval Benchmarking Initiative for Multimedia Evaluation  
Our results show that IR information is of vital importance for the detection of flooded areas in satellite imagery.  ...  The results show that the fusion of visual and textual features extracted by deep networks can be effectively used to retrieve social multimedia reports which provide a directed evidence of flooding.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors would like to thank NVIDIA for support within the NVAIL program.  ... 
dblp:conf/mediaeval/BischkeBGHBD17 fatcat:f7hzy6mtdnevha4rm7ieqqn4r4

Listener-Aware Music Recommendation from Sensor and Social Media Data [chapter]

Markus Schedl
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We focus on two tasks: context-aware automatic playlist generation (also known as serial recommendation) using sensor data and music artist recommendation using social media data.  ...  In this note, we summarize our recent work and report our latest findings on the topics of tailoring music recommendations to individual listeners and to groups of listeners sharing certain characteristics  ...  Music Recommendation based on Social Media Mining In our research on music recommenders that are tailored to particular user characteristics, we consider two social media sources to acquire user and listening  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-23461-8_16 fatcat:h4sjiiv52jfdtl3jdwkxt6tty4

Shop-Type Recommendation Leveraging the Data from Social Media and Location-Based Services

Zhiwen Yu, Miao Tian, Zhu Wang, Bin Guo, Tao Mei
2016 ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data  
As social media and location-based services (LBS) are becoming more and more pervasive, user-generated data from these platforms are providing rich information not only about individual consumption experiences  ...  Shop-type recommendation leveraging the data from social media and location-based services.  ...  Thus, different from the above works, we focus on suggesting an optimal shop type for a newly opened shop based on user reviews and location context that are extracted from the aggregated social media  ... 
doi:10.1145/2930671 fatcat:bohiln4nijgcrlgqbesros6gui

Broad Learning Introduction [chapter]

Jiawei Zhang, Philip S. Yu
2019 Broad Learning Through Fusions  
Based on the fused social networks, more information about the users can be collected, which can be used for more effective representation feature vector learning for the users.  ...  For instance, friend recommendation can be modeled as a friendship link prediction problem, while location check-in inference can be treated as a location link prediction problem.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-12528-8_1 fatcat:dkhbs5k3o5co3ou6bde47pkqpu
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