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Touchless Palmprint Recognition based on 3D Gabor Template and Block Feature Refinement [article]

Zhaoqun Li, Xu Liang, Dandan Fan, Jinxing Li, Wei Jia, David Zhang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
With the growing demand for hand hygiene and convenience of use, palmprint recognition with touchless manner made a great development recently, providing an effective solution for person identification  ...  Besides, we propose a novel deep learning framework for touchless palmprint recognition named 3DCPN (3D Convolution Palmprint recognition Network) which leverages 3D convolution to dynamically integrate  ...  Wang, “Palmprint and palmvein representation for multi-instance toucheless palmprint identification,” recognition based on dcnn and a new large-scale contactless palmvein  ... 
arXiv:2103.02167v3 fatcat:f6gpysl2bvdyhhqsahht3tdpvi