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Modeling the gravitational effects of ocean tide loading at coastal stations in the China earthquake gravity network based on GOTL software

Chuandong Zhu, Liuqing Pang, Didi Sheng, Jialiang Huang, Jinwu Li
The computational gravitational effects of ocean tide loading were compared and analyzed for different ocean tide models and Green's functions.  ...  In this study, software for gravitational effects of ocean tide loading was developed by evaluating a convolution integral between the ocean tide model and Green's functions that describe the response  ...  We also acknowledge Bos-Scherneck for providing computational results of ocean tide loading, Wang H L for providing computational results of Green's functions for PREM, iasp91, ak135, and modified PREM-soft  ... 
doi:10.3929/ethz-b-000581686 fatcat:vh4ne5ozjvewbl3tytd5poqxqm

Analyzing and modeling environmental loading induced displacements with GPS and GRACE [article]

Qiang Chen, Universität Stuttgart, Universität Stuttgart
Analyzing such environmental loading signal and modeling its induced elastic displacements are of great importance for explaining geophysical phenomena.  ...  GPS and GRACE, along with other environmental loading data to investigate three different aspects of environmental loading and its induced elastic deformations: Firstly, an increasing concern is observed  ...  Loading Love Numbers from PREM, REF, REF with modified crust from CRUST 1.0 and REF with modified crust from CRUST 2.0 and their corresponding Green function coefficients at NWCC. . . . . . . . . . .  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-3978 fatcat:ca7axzegbngobfi7ycj62d42nu

Seismic structure beneath Southeast Asia from adjoint waveform tomography

Deborah Wehner, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Nicholas Rawlinson
Seismic tomography has played a crucial role in the illumination of deep Earth structure.  ...  At each iteration, the full 3-D wavefield is determined through an anelastic Earth, accommodating effects of topography, bathymetry and ocean load.  ...  The Salvus software package (release 0.11. 23 -0.11.44, www.mondaic.com) was used for the mesh generation, forward and adjoint simulations and non-linear optimisation, within its integrated workflow.  ... 
doi:10.17863/cam.89068 fatcat:bvc5aezay5dyjkjoyjgtmom2wi

Long-Term Earth-Moon Evolution With High-Level Orbit and Ocean Tide Models

H. Daher, University, My
Load Love numbers and Green’s functions for elastic Earth models PREM, iasp91, ak135, and modified models with refined crustal structure from Crust 2.0.  ...  hN and k N are the degree-depend- ent load Love numbers, introduced by W.  ... 
doi:10.7302/3730 fatcat:5micb5zwrvb3lgtlkqppceld3u