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Nonparametric Transforms of Graph Kernels for Semi-Supervised Learning

Xiaojin Zhu, Jaz S. Kandola, Zoubin Ghahramani, John D. Lafferty
2004 Neural Information Processing Systems  
We present an algorithm based on convex optimization for constructing kernels for semi-supervised learning.  ...  We evaluate the kernels on real datasets using support vector machines, with encouraging results.  ...  The well-known linear programming problem can be generalized to a semi-definite optimization by replacing the vector of variables with a symmetric matrix, and replacing the non-negativity constraints with  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/ZhuKGL04 fatcat:5p33ng3izbdztmb73xkiwhas3e

Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Lagrangian Support Vector Machines [chapter]

Kun Zhao, Ying-Jie Tian, Nai-Yang Deng
2007 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
But the problems have difficulty to compute, we will find their semi-definite relaxations that can approximate them well.  ...  Experimental results show that our new unsupervised and semi-supervised classification algorithms often obtain almost the same accurate results as the unsupervised and semi-supervised methods [4] [11],  ...  Semi-definite Programming (SDP) has showed its utility in machine learning. Lanckreit et al show how the kernel matrix can be learned from data via semi-definite programming techniques [3] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-72588-6_140 fatcat:abtclimzbfer7cot7zlh4yfth4

Deploying SDP for machine learning

Tijl De Bie
2007 The European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks  
We discuss the use in machine learning of a general type of convex optimisation problem known as semi-definite programming (SDP) [1] .  ...  We intend to argue that SDP's arise quite naturally in a variety of situations, accounting for their omnipresence in modern machine learning approaches, and we provide examples in support.  ...  We had to omit discussions of other uses, such as for approximate inference in graphical models [16] , distance metric learning [17] , sparse PCA [18] , kernel matrix completion [19] , nonlinear dimensionality  ... 
dblp:conf/esann/Bie07 fatcat:6hfbdzjbbvczlkk3g4zpbylxm4

Non-Parametric Kernel Learning with robust pairwise constraints

Changyou Chen, Junping Zhang, Xuefang He, Zhi-Hua Zhou
2011 International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics  
Keywords Kernel learning · semi-definitive programming · graph embedding · pairwise constraint · semi-supervised learning 1 Introduction Semi-supervised clustering based on kernel learning is a popular  ...  We generalized the graph embedding framework into kernel learning, by reforming it as a semi-definitive programming (SDP) problem, smoothing and avoiding over-smoothing the functional Hilbert space with  ...  [15] proposed a kernel learning algorithm by formulating it into a semi-definite programming (SDP) problem.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13042-011-0048-6 fatcat:2nao4vg4f5eezkifccwzrys2bu

Graph Kernels by Spectral Transforms [chapter]

Zhu Xiaojin, Kandola Jaz, Lafferty John, Ghahramani Zoubin
2006 Semi-Supervised Learning  
Many graph-based semi-supervised learning methods can be viewed as imposing smoothness conditions on the target function with respect to a graph representing the data points to be labeled.  ...  The central quantity in such regularization is the spectral decomposition of the graph Laplacian, a matrix derived from the graph's edge weights.  ...  Since K is the non-negative sum of outer products, it is positive semi-definite, i.e., a kernel matrix.  ... 
doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262033589.003.0015 fatcat:5nkrwjfkzbf4vl73w6hr7gjce4

Evolutionary Kernel Learning [chapter]

John Langford, Xinhua Zhang, Gavin Brown, Indrajit Bhattacharya, Lise Getoor, Thomas Zeugmann, Thomas Zeugmann, Ljupčo Todorovski, Kai Ming Ting, David Corne, Julia Handl, Joshua Knowles (+23 others)
2011 Encyclopedia of Machine Learning  
Definition Evolutionary kernel learning stands for using evolutionary algorithms to optimize the kernel function for a kernel-based learning machine.  ...  A function k : X × X → C, X = ∅, is positive (semi-) definite if for all m ∈ IN and all x 1 , . . . , x m ∈ X the m × m matrix K with elements K ij := k (x i , x j ) is positive (semi-) definite.  ...  In general, kernel methods assume that the kernel (or at least the Gram matrix in the training process) is positive semi-definite (psd).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-30164-8_284 fatcat:n757tyeoevcorg7vu7stvrblyq

Robust Kernel Approximation for Classification [chapter]

Fanghui Liu, Xiaolin Huang, Cheng Peng, Jie Yang, Nikola Kasabov
2017 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Keywords: robust kernel approximation, indefinite kernel learning, support vector machine Corresponding author. 1 The kernel matrix K associated to a positive definite kernel K is PSD.  ...  It aims to tackle the issue that the indefinite kernel is contaminated by noises and outliers, i.e. a noisy observation of the true positive definite (PD) kernel.  ...  The corresponding robust kernel learning problem can be solved by an alternate iterative algorithm with a semi-definite programming and a soft-threshold operator with theoretical guarantees.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-70087-8_31 fatcat:wpzdv73fbjeiplgtju5wcxp43u

Learning a Distance Metric for Object Identification Without Human Supervision [chapter]

Satoshi Oyama, Katsumi Tanaka
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The metric learning is formulated using only dissimilar example pairs as a convex quadratic programming problem that can be solved much faster than a semi-definite programming problem, which generally  ...  must be solved to learn a distance metric matrix.  ...  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No. 16700097) from MEXT of Japan, by a MEXT project titled "Software Technologies for Search and Integration across Heterogeneous-Media Archives," and by a 21st Century COE Program  ... 
doi:10.1007/11871637_62 fatcat:cjmeswxwwzf5ndip3jleqtvuyi

Learning SVM Classifiers with Indefinite Kernels

Suicheng Gu, Yuhong Guo
Recently, training support vector machines with indefinite kernels has attracted great attention in the machine learning community.  ...  We first reformulate the kernel principal component analysis as a general kernel transformation framework, and then incorporate it into the SVM classification to formulate a joint optimization model.  ...  This positive semi-definite property of the kernel matrix ensures the SVMs can be efficiently solved using convex quadratic programming.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v26i1.8293 fatcat:fzio42eqvfatfdgkfjpdzxixc4

Learning a Kernel Matrix Using Some Similar and Dissimilar pairs

Hamideh Hajiabadi
2014 International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics  
Traditional distance metric learning approaches are based on Mahanalobis distance which result in optimizing a positive semi definite problem.  ...  This paper proposed a new algorithm in order to learn kernel matrix which is based on distance metric learning. It is implemented and applied to several standard data sets and the results are shown.  ...  The kernel function which is used should satisfy several conditions known as Mercer's conditions. K ij = ϕ(x i ) T ϕ(x j ) Matrix K is symmetric semi positive definite.  ... 
dblp:journals/ijcopi/Hajiabadi14 fatcat:rzi3wypxmzcsrj5ttz5vtwfbdm

Maximum Margin based Semi-supervised Spectral Kernel Learning

Zenglin Xu, Jianke Zhu, Michael R. Lyu, Irwin King
2007 Neural Networks (IJCNN), International Joint Conference on  
However, the kernel designing process does not involve the bias of a kernel-based learning algorithm, the deduced kernel matrix cannot necessarily facilitate a specific learning algorithm.  ...  One of the most well-known semi-supervised kernel learning approaches is the spectral kernel learning methodology which usually tunes the spectral empirically or through optimizing some generalized performance  ...  The authors would like to thank Dr. Steven Hoi for his fruitful discussion and providing the code of the Unified Kernel Machines.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ijcnn.2007.4370993 dblp:conf/ijcnn/XuZLK07 fatcat:mnoo2eij7nflvpyjmdyhkl3kay

Solving Semi-infinite Linear Programs Using Boosting-Like Methods [chapter]

Gunnar Rätsch
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
I show that it can be reduced to a semi-infinite linear program [7] that is equivalent to a semi-definite programming formulation proposed in [8] .  ...  In the finite case the constraints can be described by a matrix with m rows and n columns that can be used to directly solve the LP.  ...  I show that it can be reduced to a semi-infinite linear program [7] that is equivalent to a semi-definite programming formulation proposed in [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11894841_2 fatcat:fiqbhebvnvhx3aptogivefriaa

A comparison of graph- and kernel-based –omics data integration algorithms for classifying complex traits

Kang K. Yan, Hongyu Zhao, Herbert Pang
2017 BMC Bioinformatics  
Seven different integration algorithms, including graph-based semisupervised learning, graph sharpening integration, composite association network, Bayesian network, semi-definite programming-support vector  ...  Well-studied algorithms mostly deal with single data source, and cannot fully utilize the potential of these multi-omics data sources.  ...  The Starr County data were generated with support by National Institutes of Health grants R01 DK073541 and R01 HL102830. H.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s12859-017-1982-4 pmid:29212468 fatcat:buvnw75ksvf57lpavfjjdnd6x4

Enhanced protein fold recognition through a novel data integration approach

Yiming Ying, Kaizhu Huang, Colin Campbell
2009 BMC Bioinformatics  
One of the most appealing properties of this approach is that it can easily cope with multi-class classification and multi-task learning by an appropriate choice of the output kernel matrix.  ...  We propose a novel information-theoretic approach based on a Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between the output kernel matrix and the input kernel matrix so as to integrate heterogeneous data sources.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank the referees for their constructive comments and suggestions which greatly improve the paper. We also thank Prof. Mark Girolami, Dr. Theodoros Damoulas and Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-10-267 pmid:19709406 pmcid:PMC2761901 fatcat:pdzn3gsns5e7bki5k2jh5swpye

Inner Product Laplacian Embedding Based on Semidefinite Programming

Xianhua Zeng
2011 Journal of Signal and Information Processing  
The new algorithm learns a geodesic distance-based kernel matrix by using semi-definite programming under the constraints of local contraction.  ...  This paper proposes an inner product Laplacian embedding algorithm based on semi-definite programming, named as IPLE algorithm.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their help. This work was supported by the Na-  ... 
doi:10.4236/jsip.2011.23027 fatcat:giqwz27rgfgnpmiaxypgdwn3by
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