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Learning Joint Gait Representation via Quintuplet Loss Minimization

Kaihao Zhang, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Wei Liu, Hongdong Li
2019 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
In this paper, we propose a new Joint Unique-gait and Cross-gait Network (JUCNet) representation, to combine the advantages of both schemes, leading to significantly improved performance.  ...  Most of the current approaches for gait recognition either use a pair of gait images to form a cross-gait representation or rely on a single gait image for unique-gait representation.  ...  Joint Learning with a Quintuplet Loss Our method jointly learns unique-gait and cross-gait representations based on a proposed quintuplet loss.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2019.00483 dblp:conf/cvpr/ZhangL00L19 fatcat:lehrjjgcoba4jedhmonwmqetje

Deep Gait Recognition: A Survey [article]

Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam, Ali Etemad
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Deep learning has reshaped the research landscape in this area since 2015 through the ability to automatically learn discriminative representations.  ...  Gait recognition methods based on deep learning now dominate the state-of-the-art in the field and have fostered real-world applications.  ...  If the pair of samples is anchorneighbor, the loss function minimizes their distance; otherwise, it increases their distance.  ... 
arXiv:2102.09546v2 fatcat:iwzddzjy2rhunbuqz7h6tso5ii

Cross-View Gait Recognition using Pairwise Spatial Transformer Networks

Chi Xu, Yasushi Makihara, Xiang Li, Yasushi Yagi, Jianfeng Lu
2020 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (Print)  
Although registration may reduce not only intra-subject variations but also inter-subject variations, we can still achieve a good trade-off between them using a loss function designed to optimize recognition  ...  Experiments on three publicly available gait datasets demonstrate that the proposed method yields superior performance for both verification and identification scenarios by combining any gait recognition  ...  [22] proposed a joint network to combine the advantages of using a single input and a pair of inputs with the quintuplet loss function.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsvt.2020.2975671 fatcat:rw3jepumbrayzettmrm57mmbge

Image Enhancement via Deep Spatial and Temporal Networks [article]

Kaihao Zhang, University, The Australian National
First, for single image deblurring, a new framework is presented which firstly learns how to transfer sharp images to realistic blurry images via a learning-to-blur Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)  ...  basis of deep residual neural networks are employed to capture better spatio-temporal features, and train the proposed network with both the content loss and adversarial loss to drive the model to generate  ...  A.3 Joint Learning with a Quintuplet Loss Our method jointly learns unique-gait and cross-gait representations based on a proposed quintuplet loss.  ... 
doi:10.25911/m3g8-5125 fatcat:clxc6wgz6zf6tf5tkqqgkrlgli

37th Meeting of the Canadian Congress of Neurological Sciences

2002 Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences  
Methods: We report on two patients with gastrocnemius weakness leading to loss of plantar flexion and a flat-footed gait.  ...  Test-retest learning effects might result on improved scores.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0317167100049775 fatcat:j5rigejlgbhpzgev3esb4cq4em

Long jump : the developing technique in young females

G Griffiths
Investigation into joint kinetics in gait has also concluded that work at all joints occurs outside the 2D plane.  ...  mechanical energy is removed via eccentric muscle activity'.  ... 
doi:10.24377/ljmu.t.00006021 fatcat:5hhieajrqbfibhp4vsepn4jyvi


Conrad Gabler
subsequent biomechanical gait alterations.  ...  During normal gait, three to four times of an individual's bodyweight is transmitted through their knee-joint. 73 To limit excessive joint loading, the quadriceps serve as the primary shock absorber  ... 

Summaries submitted

2018 Advances in Animal Biosciences  
The primary data was collected through household survey using pretested semi structured questionnaire via face to face interview during July 2016 to February 2017.  ...  This uncertainty in the weather and weather related hazards is causing huge economical loss to the livestock farmers so livestock insurance is the best way to reduce the economic loss of the livestock  ...  Joint dysfunction and asymmetry are strong indicators for uneven loading of bones and joints and consequent RSI.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s2040470018000031 fatcat:l5kf3kspwjb4nokzjkbpgchn6u

Current Research on Multiple Births

1991 Acta geneticae medicae et gemellologiae twin research  
The mean weight of the 40 quintuplet individuals was 1,048 g.  ...  Transvaginal patients elected pregnancy termination prior to 24 termination via vaginal delivery.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0001566000002646 fatcat:faqid2g6obdzhnkzewdscaqdp4

City Shoe, Country Sandal: Somatic Geographies and Kinesthetic Translations Among High-Altitude Quechua Athletes in the Peruvian Andes

Andrew Foster, University, My
I argue that we can only understand the manner in which humans learn to move through their environments by attending to the communicative acts that structure and scaffold their embodied learning.  ...  Indeed, language acquisition and loss have remained the dominant frames through which to understand Indigenous migration in the Andes.  ...  Movement patterns will be ingrained through collaborative and communicative work, gait and stride built upon registers and cues, talk before and after training and competitions.  ... 
doi:10.7302/4690 fatcat:7bgdouvyobg5lkcns3eh4fj2v4