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395 Hits in 4.9 sec

Scale-Space on Image Profiles about an Object Boundary [chapter]

Sean Ho, Guido Gerig
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The profiles are sampled from the image in the fashion of Active Shape Models [2], and a scale-space is constructed on the profiles, where diffusion is run only in directions tangent to the boundary.  ...  Features from the scale-space are then used to build a statistical model of the image structure about the boundary, trained on a population of images with corresponding geometric models.  ...  The image intensities sampled at the object boundary form a texture map on the surface of the object. The Laplace-Beltrami operator can then be used to blur this texture map.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-44935-3_39 fatcat:5knjs2npafgenkmnqtfqik4ira

Diffusion framework for geometric and photometric data fusion in non-rigid shape analysis [article]

Artiom Kovnatsky, Michael M. Bronstein, Alexander M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel
2011 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we explore the use of the diffusion geometry framework for the fusion of geometric and photometric information in local and global shape descriptors.  ...  Experimental results show that such data fusion is useful in coping with different challenges of shape analysis where pure geometric and pure photometric methods fail.  ...  Here, we use the structure of E to model joint geometric and photometric information. Such an approach has been successfully used in image processing [15] .  ... 
arXiv:1101.4301v1 fatcat:jsdwlbg7cvdsnd7oojvqi6crfq

Shape Tracking With Occlusions via Coarse-To-Fine Region-Based Sobolev Descent [article]

Yanchao Yang, Ganesh Sundaramoorthi
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Joint dynamic shape and appearance models, in which a template of the object is propagated to match the object shape and radiance in the next frame, are advantageous over methods employing global image  ...  We present a method to track the precise shape of an object in video based on new modeling and optimization on a new Riemannian manifold of parameterized regions.  ...  edges, texture, motion), which is advantageous in obtaining shape of the object.  ... 
arXiv:1208.4391v2 fatcat:5wuns3wiifenrmmhlae4zsw34y

Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures [chapter]

Artiom Kovnatsky, Michael M. Bronstein, Alexander M. Bronstein, Ron Kimmel
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Experimental results show that such data fusion is useful in coping with different challenges of shape analysis where pure geometric and pure photometric methods fail.  ...  In this paper, we explore the use of the diffusion geometry framework for the fusion of geometric and photometric information in local heat kernel signature shape descriptors.  ...  This research was supported by Israel Science Foundation (ISF) grant number 623/08, by the USA Office of Naval Research (ONR); European Community's FP7-ERC program, grant agreement no. 267414 and the Swiss  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-24785-9_52 fatcat:vgvkg2sz6jfnbpdu3dgbmvltua

An Elasticity-Based Covariance Analysis of Shapes

Martin Rumpf, Benedikt Wirth
2010 International Journal of Computer Vision  
We introduce the covariance of a number of given shapes if they are interpreted as boundary contours of elastic objects.  ...  The characteristics of the approach are demonstrated on a number of illustrative and real world examples in 2D and 3D.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank Guillermo Sapiro for pointing them to the issue of an elastic principal component analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11263-010-0358-2 fatcat:swiwog3skbfd3ebmo7rhhl7uxu

An Elasticity Approach to Principal Modes of Shape Variation [chapter]

Martin Rumpf, Benedikt Wirth
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This approach represents a physically motivated alternative to shape statistics on a Riemannian shape space, and it robustly treats strong nonlinear geometric variations of the input shapes.  ...  Each of the deformations from one of the shapes onto the shape average induces a boundary stress.  ...  The authors thank Guillermo Sapiro for pointing them to the issue of an elastic principal component analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02256-2_59 fatcat:mvfptvugqzbqdf7apd4ncub7jq

Representation, Analysis, and Recognition of 3D Humans

Stefano Berretti, Mohamed Daoudi, Pavan Turaga, Anup Basu
2018 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP)  
Spatial and temporal representations have been used in a variety of analysis and recognition tasks (see Section 3).  ...  Instead, our effort here is to provide a comprehensive and updated overview of what have been done in tasks that have the humans, body and face as the main focus of analysis or recognition.  ...  In one of the first examples, Blanz and Vetter [26] used their 3DMM to simulate the process of image formation in 3D space, and estimated 3D shape and texture of faces from single images for face recognition  ... 
doi:10.1145/3182179 fatcat:ds55t4md2na2tibtyg4llerf3q

Local Log-Euclidean Covariance Matrix (L2ECM) for Image Representation and Its Applications [chapter]

Peihua Li, Qilong Wang
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our approach begins with extraction of raw features consisting of multiple image cues. For each pixel we compute a covariance matrix in its neighboring region, producing a tensor-valued image.  ...  The covariance matrices are symmetric and positive-definite (SPD) which forms a Riemannian manifold.  ...  Chinese Ministry of Education (210063), and High-level professionals (innovative teams) of Heilongjiang University (Hdtd2010-07).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33712-3_34 fatcat:tjtbhw2m5zbazee37uoedzszbi

Integrating SIFT Features with Multivariate Gaussian Distribution to Enhance CBIR Performance

2020 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  
CBIR gained substantial importance in the recent fifteen years. Variety of modern systems have designed to effectively retrieve images from database and recognition of the objects in computer vision.  ...  The exciting part of this approach lies in representing the non-linear Gaussian space into linear space as the Gaussian space is in Riemannian manifold.  ...  [3] , [7] proposed a texture-based transformation approach to represent image area which is articulate in and texture space using multi-orientation filter banks and the second-moment matrix.  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijeter/2020/15892020 fatcat:55rjqnhi4zc4tgyftvkv6u3bny

Variational Methods in Shape Analysis [chapter]

Martin Rumpf, Benedikt Wirth
2015 Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging  
Acknowledgments The model proposed in > Sect. .. has been developed in cooperation with Leah Bar and Guillermo Sapiro from the University of Minnesota.  ...  Furthermore, the work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SPP  "Optimization with Partial Differential Equations. " Part of > Figs. ---, and > --- have been taken from  ...  Methods Including Fast Marching Methods > Mumford Shah, Phase Field Models > Numerical Methods for Variational Approach in Image Analysis > Shape Spaces > Variational Approach in Image Analysis  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4939-0790-8_56 fatcat:cd7zghqpzrcdzdfezryhyztxz4

Variational Methods in Shape Analysis [chapter]

Martin Rumpf, Benedikt Wirth
2011 Handbook of Mathematical Methods in Imaging  
Indeed, we here consider shapes given as boundary contours of volumetric objects, which consist either of a viscous fluid or an elastic solid.  ...  As applications of the elastic shape model we consider shape averages and a principal component analysis of shapes.  ...  Acknowledgements The model proposed in Sec. 5 has been developed in cooperation with Leah Bar and Guillermo Sapiro from the University of Minnesota.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-92920-0_31 fatcat:o4hjuzvqa5gh3i6e376lslehzi

A 3-D Riesz-Covariance Texture Model for Prediction of Nodule Recurrence in Lung CT

Pol Cirujeda, Yashin Dicente Cid, Henning Muller, Daniel Rubin, Todd A. Aguilera, Billy W. Loo, Maximilian Diehn, Xavier Binefa, Adrien Depeursinge
2016 IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging  
This paper proposes a novel imaging biomarker of lung cancer relapse from 3-D texture analysis of CT images.  ...  The obtained Rieszcovariance descriptors lie on a manifold governed by Riemannian geometry allowing geodesic measurements and differentiations.  ...  Imaging biomarkers of NSCLC based on 3-D texture analysis of nodular components are scarce.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmi.2016.2591921 pmid:27429433 fatcat:b7bnvdsuwrb5bll7ok7cepnjja

Modeling for Deformable Body and Motion Analysis: A Review

Hailang Pan, Hongwen Huo, Guoqin Cui, Shengyong Chen
2013 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
This paper surveys the modeling methods for deformable human body and motion analysis in the recent 30 years. First, elementary knowledge of human expression and modeling is introduced.  ...  Then, typical human modeling technologies, including 2D model, 3D surface model, and geometry-based, physics-based, and anatomy-based approaches, and model-based motion analysis are summarized.  ...  Rumpf and Wirth [58] introduced the covariance of a number of given shapes if they are interpreted as boundary contours of elastic objects.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2013/786749 fatcat:ggek74i34jdzfhf7jay7gspldy

A numerical framework for elastic surface matching, comparison, and interpolation [article]

Martin Bauer, Nicolas Charon, Philipp Harms, Hsi-Wei Hsieh
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we take an alternative approach which bypasses the direct estimation of reparametrizations: we relax the geodesic boundary constraint using an auxiliary parametrization-blind varifold fidelity  ...  Surface comparison and matching is a challenging problem in computer vision.  ...  Introduction The analysis of shape-and-image data is an important problem in computer vision.  ... 
arXiv:2006.11652v1 fatcat:3zoehcz66fchjlqebukwwpax34

Affine-Invariant Photometric Heat Kernel Signatures [article]

Artiom Kovnatsky, Michael M. Bronstein, Alexander M. Bronstein, Dan Raviv, Ron Kimmel
2012 Eurographics Workshop on 3D Object Retrieval, EG 3DOR  
In this paper, we explore the use of the diffusion geometry framework for the fusion of geometric and photometric information in local shape descriptors.  ...  Our construction is based on the definition of a modified metric, which combines geometric and photometric information, and then the diffusion process on the shape manifold is simulated.  ...  Here, we use the structure of E to model joint geometric and photometric information. Such an approach has been successfully used in image processing [KMS00] .  ... 
doi:10.2312/3dor/3dor12/039-046 fatcat:aqvf423ddvdy7lizbjxrtopuca
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