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An overview of full-waveform inversion in exploration geophysics

J. Virieux, S. Operto
2009 Geophysics  
of FWI to amplitude errors and increasing the robustness of FWI when multiple parameter classes are estimated, and ͑3͒ improving computational efficiency by data-compression techniques to make 3D elastic  ...  Synthetic and real-data case studies address reconstructing various parameters, from V P and V S velocities to density, anisotropy, and attenuation.  ...  Joint application of Laplace-domain, Laplace-Fourier-domain and Fourier-domain FWI to the BP benchmark model is illustrated in Figure 11 ͑Shin and Cha, 2009͒.  ... 
doi:10.1190/1.3238367 fatcat:gv45siwwhvahvduawt2nd27wza

Taming the divergent terms in the scattering series of Born by renormalization

Xingguo Huang, Morten Jakobsen, Ru-Shan Wuy
2019 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2019   unpublished
We would like to acknowledge the WTOPI (Wavelet Transform On Propa-gation and Imaging for seismic exploration) Research Consortium sponsors for their financial support.  ...  Acknowledgements Acknowledgements We thank the Research Council of Norway for the Petromaks II project 267769/E3 (Bayesian inversion of 4D seismic waveform data for quantitative integration with production  ...  -W. and T. Alkhalifah (2016) . Elastic orthorhombic anisotropic parameter inversion: An analysis of parameterization elastic orthorhombic anisotropic FWI. Geophysics 81 (6) , C279-C293. 14 Oh, J.  ... 
doi:10.1190/segam2019-3216450.1 fatcat:7srrnjpzyjamvi476cfk3jl4qi

Inversion of azimuthal velocity and amplitude variations for seismic anisotropy [article]

Khaled Al Dulaijan, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Gary F. Margrave
In the Altamont-Bluebell field, azimuthal anisotropy was analysed using two types of data (3D surface seismic and VSP) and using three different methods (inversion of azimuthal amplitude, inversion of  ...  Numerical seismic modeling provides a valuable tool for geophysicists to test and validate their methodologies.  ...  May Heterogeneities within subsurface can introduce difficulties of estimating fractureinduced seismic anisotropy. Therefore, integrating core data is important for such cases.  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/5233 fatcat:snacnv3hfrdltconkppjsutkqq

The state of the art of numerical modeling of thermohydrologic flow in fractured rock masses

J. S. Y. Wang, C. F. Tsang, R. A. Sterbentz
1982 Environmental Geology  
The general review is followed by separate summaries of the main characteristics of the governing equations, numerical solutions, computer codes, validations, and applications for each model.  ...  , geothermal energy, ground~water hydrology, petroleum engi~ neering, and other geologic fields.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We are grateful to our colleagues in the Earth Sciences Division for their discussion and encouragement, especially Dre P. A. Witherspoon  ... 
doi:10.1007/bf02380512 fatcat:kllf6qqtgnd7fkmxx3df6okzme


Peter Bormann, Heinz Mueller, Peter Bormann
This second version of the NMSOP-2 Glossary is based on a very careful proof-reading, uniform formatting, and the spotting of missing links, references and entries by Ms. Dr.  ...  O., and Kircher, C. A. (2003). Seismic design provisions and guidelines in the United States: A prologue. In: Earth Geophysics, Springer, 207-218; doi: 10.1007/978-90-481-8702-7.  ...  Chinese national network magnitudes, their relation to NEIC magnitudes, and recommendations for new IASPEI magnitude standards. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 97, 114-127.  ... 
doi:10.2312/gfz.nmsop-2_glossary fatcat:xqc2bnmrrffozfcxtokazpqr5e

Logging-while-drilling cross-multipole measurements in anisotropic media

Christoph Demmler, Tim Geerits, Baker Hughes, Olaf Hellwig, Stefan Buske
2020 SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2020   unpublished
However, all proposed inversion methods have limitations and might be dicult to apply in real measurements, which is discussed in the last section of chapter 5.  ...  Additionally, a similar inversion method was discussed by Walsh et al. (2006) , but all of them are very specic and cannot be generalized. Consequently, they did not become mainstream  ...  For transforming the solutions from the complex frequency or s-domain back to the time domain, the inverse Laplace transform is used.  ... 
doi:10.1190/segam2020-3426574.1 fatcat:o2fjny2gjnbwzk43zhyioe3gyq

63. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft : in Verbindung mit der Frühjahrstagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Extraterrestrische Forschung (Fachverband Extraterrestrische Physik der DPG) ; 23. Februar bis 28. Februar 2003 in Jena

Deutsche Geophysikalische Gesellschaft
Inversion-Technology (WIT) university-consortium project an in part by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through grant SH 55/2-1 and SH 55/2-2.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by funds from the Natural Sciences Foundation of China (No.40004005) Acknowledgements and References This work was supported in part by the sponsors of the Wave  ...  The well-known Fourier spectrum would be good enough to estimate the amplitude of a certain signal calculated with the common Fourier transform.  ... 
doi:10.2312/dgg63 fatcat:v34zhxuuozhx7opzbdu7jem2cu

Modularized and Reconfigurable Machine Tool Frames based on Polyhedral Building Blocks

Bernd Walter Peukert
Usually, a discrete Fourier transformation converts the data from the time domain into the frequency domain.  ...  ., Centennial, United States of America, implements numerical algorithms for the parameter estimation.  ...  Mechanical interface Hole pattern Bolted joints are simple and reusable. They are among the most common solutions for the prototypical realization of mechanical interfaces [ITO08] .  ... 
doi:10.24406/publica-fhg-283521 fatcat:wpax7quzsbbq3eng6rdgleff4u

APM 2016. Book of Abstracts [article]

"Advanced Problems In Mechanics" (APM 2016), International Conference (44; 2016; St. Petersburg), Russian Academy Of Sciences. Institute For Problems In Mechanical Engineering, University, Peter The Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic
The authors kindly acknowledge funding from the project TAMER, Trans-Atlantic Micromechanics Evolving Research "Materials containing inhomogeneities of diverse physical properties, shapes and orientations  ...  and times for the viscoelastic medium out of the contact zone, and the fractional parameter varies from zero till unit controlling the viscosity within the contact domain.  ...  We found values of the shear viscosity of sclera for different cases of BCs, different values of Young's modulus and different numerical algorithms for Inverse Laplace transform [4, 5] for IOP determination  ... 
doi:10.18720/spbpu/2/k16-40 fatcat:yegzycnwbrco7dwsdnsjxvwbc4


Katy Huff, David Lippa, Dillon Niederhut, M Pacer, Serge Rey, Program Chairs, Juan Communications, Shishido, David Lippa, Katy Huff, M Pacer, Dillon Niederhut (+44 others)
Proceedings of the 15th Python in Science Conference July 10-July 16 •   unpublished
Francesco Pontiggia for helping us solidify many of our data handling and computing ideas and Dr. Jian-You Lin for being the first independent tester of our toolchain.  ...  NM would additionally like to thank Shrabastee Banerjee for providing many hours of insights on statistical and programming ideas and pushing for this work to be written up in the first place.  ...  operators in seismic inversion problems.  ... 

IFJ PAN Report on Research Activities Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences Report on research

The Niewodniczański, M Budzanowski, S Drożdż, B Fornal, J Grębosz, S Jadach, M Jeżabek, E Łokas, A Maj, M Massalska-Arodź, P Olko, Z Sułek (+6 others)
2011 unpublished
joint experiments and studies.  ...  inverse problem.  ...  Monitoring of the electrical parameters of the LHC superconducting circuits during the Superconducting Magnets and Circuits Consolidation (SMACC) project.  ... 