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2,532 Hits in 5.1 sec

Joint Embedding Self-Supervised Learning in the Kernel Regime [article]

Bobak T. Kiani, Randall Balestriero, Yubei Chen, Seth Lloyd, Yann LeCun
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The fundamental goal of self-supervised learning (SSL) is to produce useful representations of data without access to any labels for classifying the data.  ...  In this kernel regime, we derive methods to find the optimal form of the output representations for contrastive and non-contrastive loss functions.  ...  kernel in a self-supervised setting.  ... 
arXiv:2209.14884v1 fatcat:cakvnmq2hnh4hcmhd67ltponie

Evaluating Disentanglement in Generative Models Without Knowledge of Latent Factors [article]

Chester Holtz, Gal Mishne, Alexander Cloninger
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we address this gap by introducing a method for ranking generative models based on the training dynamics exhibited during learning.  ...  Probabilistic generative models provide a flexible and systematic framework for learning the underlying geometry of data.  ...  Joint embeddings.  ... 
arXiv:2210.01760v1 fatcat:l54r6rfbofa7vjap3vwrzdv5gu

Learning Representation from Neural Fisher Kernel with Low-rank Approximation [article]

Ruixiang Zhang, Shuangfei Zhai, Etai Littwin, Josh Susskind
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we study the representation of neural networks from the view of kernels. We first define the Neural Fisher Kernel (NFK), which is the Fisher Kernel applied to neural networks.  ...  We show that the low-rank approximation of NFKs derived from unsupervised generative models and supervised learning models gives rise to high-quality compact representations of data, achieving competitive  ...  Unsupervised/self supervised representation learning. Unsupervised representation learning is an old idea in deep learning.  ... 
arXiv:2202.01944v1 fatcat:hawsnqhv4fb27gkaydvoi6ehna

Self-Supervised Visual Place Recognition Learning in Mobile Robots [article]

Sudeep Pillai, John Leonard
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this work, we develop a self-supervised approach to place recognition in robots.  ...  Furthermore, we show that the newly learned embedding can be particularly powerful in disambiguating visual scenes for the task of vision-based loop-closure identification in mobile robots.  ...  The K kernel computed in Equation 6 is used to "supervise" the sampling procedure.  ... 
arXiv:1905.04453v1 fatcat:vvtf7wnbwnbflkrjbr6kckthwa

GeRA: Label-Efficient Geometrically Regularized Alignment [article]

Dustin Klebe, Tal Shnitzer, Mikhail Yurochkin, Leonid Karlinsky, Justin Solomon
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce a semi-supervised Geometrically Regularized Alignment (GeRA) method to align the embedding spaces of pretrained unimodal encoders in a label-efficient way.  ...  We provide empirical evidence to the effectiveness of our method in the domains of speech-text and image-text alignment.  ...  Our approach falls into the regime of semi-supervised learning, as we can leverage the vast amount of unpaired (unlabeled) data with relatively few pairs to establish alignment.  ... 
arXiv:2310.00672v2 fatcat:lrxtu7ljcrevlaxiixanp73wue

On the stepwise nature of self-supervised learning [article]

James B. Simon, Maksis Knutins, Liu Ziyin, Daniel Geisz, Abraham J. Fetterman, Joshua Albrecht
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We present a simple picture of the training process of self-supervised learning methods with joint embedding networks.  ...  Our theory suggests that, just as kernel regression can be thought of as a model of supervised learning, kernel PCA may serve as a useful model of self-supervised learning.  ...  useful discussions and comments on the manuscript.  ... 
arXiv:2303.15438v1 fatcat:nngsd3ypdfgjlc7dawvy7m7bcq

Trading robust representations for sample complexity through self-supervised visual experience

Andrea Tacchetti, Stephen Voinea, Georgios Evangelopoulos
2018 Neural Information Processing Systems  
Learning in small sample regimes is among the most remarkable features of the human perceptual system.  ...  Our results suggest that equivalence sets other than class labels, which are abundant in unlabeled visual experience, can be used for self-supervised learning of semantically relevant image embeddings.  ...  Acknowledgments We would like to thank Tomaso Poggio for his advice and supervision throughout the project and the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT for supporting this research.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/TacchettiVE18 fatcat:kdwlacsth5huhgdotvpx4km5a4

Federated Self-Supervised Learning of Multi-Sensor Representations for Embedded Intelligence

Aaqib Saeed, Flora D. Salim, Tanir Ozcelebi, Johan Lukkien
2020 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
Notably, it improves the generalization in a semi-supervised setting as it reduces the volume of labeled data required through leveraging self-supervised learning.  ...  We demonstrate the effectiveness of representations learned from an unlabeled input collection on downstream tasks with training a linear classifier over pretrained network, usefulness in low-data regime  ...  Fig. 6 : 6 Effectiveness of self-supervised learning in a low-data regime.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2020.3009358 fatcat:ylwl4dvr2rczdlxar77d7bcxkq

A Convolutional Deep Markov Model for Unsupervised Speech Representation Learning [article]

Sameer Khurana, Antoine Laurent, Wei-Ning Hsu, Jan Chorowski, Adrian Lancucki, Ricard Marxer, James Glass
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Probabilistic Latent Variable Models (LVMs) provide an alternative to self-supervised learning approaches for linguistic representation learning from speech.  ...  Lastly, we find that ConvDMM features enable learning better phone recognizers than any other features in an extreme low-resource regime with few labeled training examples.  ...  There is a glaring gap between the supervised system and all other representation learning techniques, even in the very few data regime (0.1%).  ... 
arXiv:2006.02547v2 fatcat:6x67rbwgqraprmovzje4nkny2i

A Convolutional Deep Markov Model for Unsupervised Speech Representation Learning

Sameer Khurana, Antoine Laurent, Wei-Ning Hsu, Jan Chorowski, Adrian Lancucki, Ricard Marxer, James Glass
2020 Interspeech 2020  
Probabilistic Latent Variable Models (LVMs) provide an alternative to self-supervised learning approaches for linguistic representation learning from speech.  ...  Lastly, we find that ConvDMM features enable learning better phone recognizers than any other features in an extreme low-resource regime with few labelled training examples.  ...  There is a glaring gap between the supervised system and all other representation learning techniques, even in the very few data regime (0.1%).  ... 
doi:10.21437/interspeech.2020-3084 dblp:conf/interspeech/KhuranaLHCLMG20 fatcat:2resntl7wzhoxi2elxcfgqkjsq

Deep anomaly detection for industrial systems: a case study

Feng Xue, Weizhong Yan, Tianyi Wang, Hao Huang, Bojun Feng
2020 Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society, PHM  
In real world applications, many control settings are categorical in nature. In this paper, vector embedding and joint losses are employed to deal with such situations.  ...  We formulate the problem as a self-supervised learning where data under normal operation is used to train a deep neural network autoregressive model, i.e., use a window of time series data to predict future  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This material is based upon work supported by the Department of Energy, National Energy Technology Laboratory under Award Number DE-FE0031763.  ... 
doi:10.36001/phmconf.2020.v12i1.1186 fatcat:mtseixwucjebdjbnzli356c6rm

Encoder-Decoder Networks for Self-Supervised Pretraining and Downstream Signal Bandwidth Regression on Digital Antenna Arrays [article]

Rajib Bhattacharjea, Nathan West
2023 arXiv   pre-print
This work presents the first applications of self-supervised learning applied to data from digital antenna arrays.  ...  Encoder-decoder networks are pretrained on digital array data to perform a self-supervised noisy-reconstruction task called channel in-painting, in which the network infers the contents of array data that  ...  Self-Supervised Learning The area of self-supervised pretraining of neural networks was similarly revived in the post-AlexNet era, with major advances first in natural language modeling [12] , followed  ... 
arXiv:2307.03327v1 fatcat:6njvwgiag5g3rmuiio5cprfnvu

More From Less: Self-Supervised Knowledge Distillation for Routine Histopathology Data [article]

Lucas Farndale, Robert Insall, Ke Yuan
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Using self-supervised deep learning, we demonstrate that it is possible to distil knowledge during training from information-dense data into models which only require information-sparse data for inference  ...  This improves downstream classification accuracy on information-sparse data, making it comparable with the fully-supervised baseline.  ...  Acknowledgements LF is supported by the MRC grant MR/W006804/  ... 
arXiv:2303.10656v2 fatcat:ylvxd7w2lfbrtituspabfkhnay

Sense and Learn: Self-Supervision for Omnipresent Sensors [article]

Aaqib Saeed, Victor Ungureanu, Beat Gfeller
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, we show that the self-supervised network can be utilized as initialization to significantly boost the performance in a low-data regime with as few as 5 labeled instances per class, which  ...  In this work, we leverage the self-supervised learning paradigm towards realizing the vision of continual learning from unlabeled inputs.  ...  Various icons used in the figure are created by Sriramteja SRT, Berkah Icon, Ben Davis, Eucalyp, ibrandify, Clockwise, Aenne Brielmann, Anuar Zhumaev, and Tim Madle from the Noun Project.  ... 
arXiv:2009.13233v2 fatcat:ver2i7o5zvgv3boterps4tqxcu

Pseudo Label Is Better Than Human Label [article]

Dongseong Hwang, Khe Chai Sim, Zhouyuan Huo, Trevor Strohman
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we show that we can train a strong teacher model to produce high quality pseudo labels by utilizing recent self-supervised and semi-supervised learning techniques.  ...  Specifically, we use JUST (Joint Unsupervised/Supervised Training) and iterative noisy student teacher training to train a 600 million parameter bi-directional teacher model.  ...  In this work, we use joint unsupervised/supervised training (JUST) [25] to combine the supervised RNNT loss and the self-supervised W2v-BERT loss.  ... 
arXiv:2203.12668v3 fatcat:cgcqnldibva5fk2w6jcbstey34
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