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6,715 Hits in 6.7 sec

Investigating Novice Developers' Code Commenting Trends Using Machine Learning Techniques

Tahira Niazi, Teerath Das, Ghufran Ahmed, Syed Muhammad Waqas, Sumra Khan, Suleman Khan, Ahmed Abdelaziz Abdelatif, Shaukat Wasi
2023 Algorithms  
In this study, we initially investigated what types of comments novice students document in their source code and further categorized those comments using a machine learning approach.  ...  This study helps in predicting the type of code comments for a novice developer using a machine learning approach that can be implemented to generate automated feedback for students, thus saving teachers  ...  Is it possible to classify novice students'/developers' source code comments using machine learning techniques?  ... 
doi:10.3390/a16010053 fatcat:l6g5imd4rrca3mcnpjocbfx6cq

Feedback on Feedback: Comparing Classic Natural Language Processing and Generative AI to Evaluate Peer Feedback

Stephen Hutt, Allison DePiro, Joann Wang, Sam Rhodes, Ryan S Baker, Grayson Hieb, Sheela Sethuraman, Jaclyn Ocumpaugh, Caitlin Mills
2024 Proceedings of the 14th Learning Analytics and Knowledge Conference  
To address this gap, we investigate both classical natural language processing techniques and large language models, specifically ChatGPT, as potential approaches to devise an automated detector of feedback  ...  We discuss how the detector can be used for automated feedback evaluation and to better scaffold peer feedback for younger learners.  ...  SUPERVISED MACHINE LEARNING -RQ1 We next developed supervised machine learning models using the same peer feedback comments used to develop the codebook (N=116), the first approach we investigate in this  ... 
doi:10.1145/3636555.3636850 fatcat:nnkyfise3vgynmpn6fvd5utviy

Detecting When a Learner Requires Assistance with Programming and Delivering a Useful Hint

Marcus Messer, Antonija Mitrovic, Nigel Bosch
2022 Zenodo  
However, using multiple tutors does not help struggling students outside of official sessions.  ...  The lack of support outside official settings is especially the case for online courses and remote learning.  ...  We will use Blackbox, a large dataset of novice programming data collected over the last eight years [6] , to look for trends that could signal a struggling student.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.6852957 fatcat:m7hmhjwcerbchdf6grxfrc3e3u

AugmentedCode: Examining the Effects of Natural Language Resources in Code Retrieval Models [article]

Mehdi Bahrami, N.C. Shrikanth, Yuji Mizobuchi, Lei Liu, Masahiro Fukuyori, Wei-Peng Chen, Kazuki Munakata
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Code retrieval is allowing software engineers to search codes through a natural language query, which relies on both natural language processing and software engineering techniques.  ...  There have been several attempts on code retrieval from searching snippet codes to function codes.  ...  on the state-of-the-art machine-learning based code search architectures.  ... 
arXiv:2110.08512v1 fatcat:yquisbvxxzhwjnrkakgpaq4l2q

Explaining How to Play Real-Time Strategy Games [chapter]

Ronald Metoyer, Simone Stumpf, Christoph Neumann, Jonathan Dodge, Jill Cao, Aaron Schnabel
2009 Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI  
learning.  ...  aspects with real situations in domains such as battle planning, air traffic control, and emergency response team management which makes them appealing test-beds for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine  ...  Views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official opinion or policies, either expressed or implied of the US government or of DARPA  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-84882-983-1_18 dblp:conf/sgai/MetoyerSNDCS09 fatcat:vbfzjhznrvhq3bmymolkrujil4

Explaining how to play real-time strategy games

Ronald Metoyer, Simone Stumpf, Christoph Neumann, Jonathan Dodge, Jill Cao, Aaron Schnabel
2010 Knowledge-Based Systems  
learning.  ...  aspects with real situations in domains such as battle planning, air traffic control, and emergency response team management which makes them appealing test-beds for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine  ...  Views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official opinion or policies, either expressed or implied of the US government or of DARPA  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2009.11.006 fatcat:4u4tssnuzbd3xppw3b2c7bmmg4

How to Identify Class Comment Types? A Multi-language Approach for Class Comments Classification [article]

Pooja Rani, Sebastiano Panichella, Manuel Leuenberger, Andrea Di Sorbo, Oscar Nierstrasz
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Software developers usually inspect class comments to gain knowledge about program behavior, regardless of the programming language they are using.  ...  Most software maintenance and evolution tasks require developers to understand the source code of their software systems.  ...  We also thank Ivan Kravchenko for helping us to extract the data for Java and Python.  ... 
arXiv:2107.04521v1 fatcat:iznjl2z2ivcmzkhgpctrn775ha

Learning Analytics [chapter]

2014 Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining  
This allows us to observe the development process of a student as they build their code. quired some exploration of dierent features.  ...  The canonical approach would be to compute the conditional probabilities and nd strong correlations, but as a machine learning exercise we took a dierent approach.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-1-4614-6170-8_100022 fatcat:hex3nvxwzrb4piin3scos4nqhe

How to identify class comment types? A multi-language approach for class comments classification

Pooja Rani, Sebastiano Panichella, Manuel Leuenberger, Andrea Di Sorbo, Oscar Nierstrasz
2021 Journal of Systems and Software  
Software developers usually inspect class comments to gain knowledge about program behavior, regardless of the programming language they are using.  ...  Most software maintenance and evolution tasks require developers to understand the source code of their software systems.  ...  We also thank Ivan Kravchenko for helping us to extract the data for Java and Python.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jss.2021.111047 fatcat:ach2im4gm5ftjjq5ozh56yo46u

Automated Grading and Feedback Tools for Programming Education: A Systematic Review [article]

Marcus Messer, Neil C. C. Brown, Michael Kölling, Miaojing Shi
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Furthermore, few tools assess the maintainability, readability or documentation of the source code, with most using static analysis techniques, such as code quality metrics, in conjunction with grading  ...  In terms of techniques used to evaluate the tools' performance, most papers primarily use student surveys or compare the automatic assessment tools to grades or feedback provided by human graders.  ...  However, few used techniques such as machine learning or analysing the graphical output [128] .  ... 
arXiv:2306.11722v2 fatcat:ww46tbjmofcu5hwftia2654cry

Is the cure worse than the disease? overfitting in automated program repair

Edward K. Smith, Earl T. Barr, Claire Le Goues, Yuriy Brun
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 10th Joint Meeting on Foundations of Software Engineering - ESEC/FSE 2015  
However, novice developers also overfit, and automated repair performs no worse than these developers.  ...  This paper addresses a deficit of earlier evaluations of automated repair techniques caused by repairing programs and evaluating generated patches' correctness using the same set of tests.  ...  Overfitting is also a well-studied problem in machine learning [41] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/2786805.2786825 dblp:conf/sigsoft/SmithBGB15 fatcat:yr2rj5756jearaona7qcxgbbay

"It's hard to argue with a computer"

Tad Hirsch, Christina Soma, Kritzia Merced, Patty Kuo, Aaron Dembe, Derek D. Caperton, David C. Atkins, Zac E. Imel
2018 Proceedings of the 2018 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2018 - DIS '18  
Recent work has demonstrated that MI sessions can be evaluated using ML and NLP methods, and that machine-coded sessions can be comparable with humancoded sessions [1] for both specific, granular techniques  ...  CORE-MI is the first system of its kind for psychotherapy, and an early example of applied machine-learning in a human service context.  ...  as features in machine learning predictive models.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3196709.3196776 pmid:30027158 pmcid:PMC6050022 dblp:conf/ACMdis/HirschSMKDCAI18 fatcat:fmxah4hk7be5pld7qmott2vps4

A Retrospective on ICSE 2022 [article]

Cailin Winston, Caleb Winston, Chloe Winston, Claris Winston, Cleah Winston
2022 arXiv   pre-print
ML IS AUTOMATING SE The automation of various software engineering (SE) tasks by using machine learning (ML) has been a research trend for many years.  ...  MACHINE LEARNING LIBRARIES While there has been a larger trend of machine learning (ML) with and for software engineering (SE), several papers tackled the more specific issue of testing and debugging ML  ... 
arXiv:2207.12578v1 fatcat:fzjfdwipznawtbwgndahcgntty

A Survey on Deep Learning for Software Engineering [article]

Yanming Yang, Xin Xia, David Lo, John Grundy
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We first provide an example to illustrate how deep learning techniques are used in SE. We then summarize and classify different deep learning techniques used in SE.  ...  Deep learning has been increasingly used to develop state-of-the-art software engineering (SE) research tools due to its ability to boost performance for various SE tasks.  ...  [30] used DL-based statistical machine-learning techniques to automatically generate input syntax suitable for input fuzzing. Cummins et al.  ... 
arXiv:2011.14597v1 fatcat:pcyg6zbnm5bc3g4yhjomcnye3y

A Survey of Automatic Generation of Source Code Comments: Algorithms and Techniques

Xiaotao Song, Hailong Sun, Xu Wang, Jiafei Yan
2019 IEEE Access  
Finally, we summarize some future directions for advancing the techniques of automatic generation of code comments and the quality assessment of comments.  ...  However, developers sometimes do not comment on their program code adequately due to the incurred extra efforts, lack of relevant knowledge, unawareness of the importance of code commenting or some other  ...  With the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, researchers continually apply the emerging techniques to automatic comment generation researches, such as deep learning  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2019.2931579 fatcat:gzwjs6wnerec3nlciqmrvpbsz4
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