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Intrinsic Sensing Properties of Chrysotile Fiber Reinforced Piezoelectric Cement-Based Composites

Jianlin Luo, Chunwei Zhang, Lu Li, Baolin Wang, Qiuyi Li, Kwok Chung, Chao Liu
2018 Sensors  
Lead-zirconate-titanate (PZT) nanoscale powder was first synthesized by the sol-gel method, then PZT and 0–3 type PZT/chrysotile fiber (CSF)/cement composite (PZTCC) wafers were fabricated after grind-mixing  ...  The sensing responses and toughness of PZTCC is encouraging as an intrinsic piezoelectric sensor for real-time health monitoring of ductile concrete structures.  ...  Thirdly, the piezoelectric, toughness, and self-sensing properties of PZT and PZTCC wafers were characterized to develop a type of intrinsic and ductile piezoelectric sensor for SHM in complex structure  ... 
doi:10.3390/s18092999 pmid:30205514 pmcid:PMC6164361 fatcat:bzgche4csjchhhkl5eykr46ffy

Serpentinite from Moeche (Galicia, North Western Spain). A Stone Used for Centuries in the Construction of the Architectural Heritage of the Region

José Nespereira, Rafael Navarro, Serafín Monterrubio, Mariano Yenes, Dolores Pereira
2019 Sustainability  
The most important aspects were found to be the rock texture, the mineralogical composition of the fracture area and foliation, although mineralogy was also found to be involved (% of carbonates) in the  ...  Serpentinites are characterized by highly variable mineralogical, physical, and mechanical properties.  ...  Pereira acknowledges the research teams of Inorganic Geochemistry of the universities of Salamanca and Complutense of Madrid for SEM analysis and discussion of results.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su11092700 fatcat:2txcz524wjagth6nov4sfpn6xe


1957 Journal of The American Ceramic Society  
Properties of some calcium aluminate cement compositions, (6) 135¢ Giussani, A. See Montoro, V Giussani, E. See Montoro, V Glaceries de la Sambre,Soc. Anon.  ...  Fiber forming apparatus, P (8) 182: Fibrous glass mats and manufacture thereof. P (11) 268g. Glass composition, P (7) 160i Glass composition and metal coated glass fiber, P (5) 1057.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1957.tb12561.x fatcat:tf3dlguehbdy7nhyoj6qd65ic4


1957 Journal of The American Ceramic Society  
the depositing means deposits a single group of reinforcing elements D.J.B Hydraulic cement composition.  ...  —To reduce or eliminate the destructive contact of glass- yarn fibers, a cushion or mat of fine diameter chrysotile asbestos fibers is interposed between the glass filaments.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1957.tb12599.x fatcat:h7qdtqgklfcsdbvx5shybny7oe


1961 Journal of The American Ceramic Society  
fibers of amosite, chrysotile, or bagasse.  ...  Reinforced hollow piezoelectric ceramic transducer structures. Norman H. Dieter, Jr. (Sonotone Corp.). U. S. 2,955,216, Oct. 4, 1960.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1151-2916.1961.tb15348.x fatcat:ckbmokwdqvavpgm2l73aydwkru

Production of semiconductor materials: brief history and modern state

R. Kh. Akchurin
2016 Tsvetnye Metally  
Several nonfibrous minerals or rocks, such as perlite, serpentine, silica, and talc, are considered to be possible asbestos substitutes for products in which the reinforcement properties of fibers were  ...  Chrysotile: Crudes 2524.90.0030 Free. Milled fibers, group 3 grades 2524.90.0040 Free. Milled fibers, group 4 and 5 grades 2524.90.0045 Free. Other, chrysotile 2524.90.0055 Free.  ...  Mine production Substitutes : Potential substitutes for cemented tungsten carbides include cemented carbides based on molybdenum carbide and titanium carbide, ceramics, ceramic-metallic composites (cermets  ... 
doi:10.17580/tsm.2016.11.07 fatcat:se22flvdhvb4dpos3rzyvmrrx4

XIX International Meeting on Crystal Chemistry, X-ray Diffraction AND Spectroscopy of Minerals

Кольский научный центр Российской академии наук
A new look at the stereochemistry and electronic properties of complexes of the copper(II) ion. Structure and Bonding. 1984, 57, 55-118. Jahn H.A., Teller E.  ...  Stability of polyatomic molecules in degenerate electronic states. I. Orbital degeneracy. Proc. Roy. Soc. 1937, 161, 220-236. Rudnick R.L., Gao S. Composition of the Continental Crust.  ...  pyroand piezoelectric properties.  ... 
doi:10.25702/ksc.978-5-91137-352-8 fatcat:kogvd33c5vbbfdvuml35tqvfpe