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The ballbot: An omnidirectional balancing mobile robot

Umashankar Nagarajan, George Kantor, Ralph Hollis
2013 The international journal of robotics research  
Unlike statically stable mobile robots, the ballbot is tall and narrow with a high center of gravity and a small footprint. Moreover, its dynamic stability enables it to be physically interactive.  ...  This paper presents a detailed description of the ballbot's control architecture, and it presents several experimental results that demonstrate its balancing and locomotion capabilities.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to thank Eric Schearer, Kathryn Rivard, Suresh Nidhiry, Jun Xian Leong, Jared Goerner and Tom Lauwers for their great efforts on the ballbot project.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0278364913509126 fatcat:tv52gtgis5anhcms6agrbkm6gq

Real-Time Nonlinear Model Predictive Control for Motion Generation in Robotic Systems

Bárbara Barros Carlos, Giuseppe Oriolo
2021 Zenodo  
The primary computational bottlenecks concern the numerical simulation of the continuous-time nonlinear dynamic models and the online solution of the stemming large yet well-structured nonlinear program  ...  Among the most important are motion generation algorithms, whose advancements can solve some of the biggest barriers towards more flexible and safe human-robot interactions and operations in dynamic environments  ...  Dynamic model The Pendubot dynamic model can be derived through the Euler-Lagrange equations of motion, which leads to a set of second-order ODEs of the form M (q)q + C(q, q) + G(q) = τ, (3.1) where q  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5837732 fatcat:uigj6ym5unfy3dav2k42azbeju

Physics-informed regression of implicitly-constrained robot dynamics [article]

Andreas René Geist, Universität Stuttgart
The ability to predict a robot's motion through a dynamics model is critical for the development of fast, safe, and efficient control algorithms.  ...  Moreover, the information stored in the data as well as the coverage of the system's state space by the data is limited by the controller that is used to obtain the data.  ...  Frank Allgöwer who shared valuable advice throughout my Ph.D., was part of my IMPRS-IS thesis advisory committee, and also acted as the main examiner of my Ph.D. thesis.  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-12770 fatcat:muwxmlsavbayfdksgtnbfrhy4a