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A Review on Driver Face Monitoring Systems for Fatigue and Distraction Detection

Mohamad-Hoseyn Sigari, Muhammad-Reza Pourshahabi, Mohsen Soryani, Mahmood Fathy
2014 International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology  
The system estimates driver alertness based on extracted symptoms and alarms if needed.  ...  One symptom is based on steering motion and another one is based on driver face monitoring. In this system, drowsiness level was determined by a combinational NN.  ...  One of the methods for representation of uncertainty is based on probability theory.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijast.2014.64.07 fatcat:wqzph4nohrcifgh4lknbsqov4y

The role of workload and driver coping styles in predicting bus drivers' need for recovery, positive and negative affect, and physical symptoms

M. Anthony Machin, P. Nancey Hoare
2008 Anxiety, Stress, & Coping  
Strategies for management of fatigue in bus drivers should focus on the assessment and remediation of maladaptive coping strategies which impact of drivers' need for recovery which in turn predicts positive  ...  Results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that the workload was a significant predictor of drivers' need for recovery but not of their positive and negative affect nor of their physical symptoms  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The assistance of Dr Gerry Matthews in providing access to the Driver Coping Questionnaire is gratefully acknowledged.  ... 
doi:10.1080/10615800701766049 pmid:18608137 fatcat:7njjcxlxt5dvvanicbur2xqyvu

Concordance networks and application to clustering cancer symptomology

Teague R. Henry, Sarah A. Marshall, Nancy E. Avis, Beverly J. Levine, Edward H. Ip, Jianjun Hu
2018 PLoS ONE  
This article develops a method for identifying patient communities based on bridge symptoms termed concordance network clustering.  ...  At the same time, there are often core symptoms that act as common drivers for other symptoms, such as fatigue leading to depression and cognitive dysfunction.  ...  While commonly used methods for clustering patients based on symptoms, such as hierarchical and other methods of clustering, are used to divide patients into groups based on common symptom sets [13, 14  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191981 pmid:29538418 pmcid:PMC5851541 fatcat:7dhm2e77gvc2rfhzkzjk7gjzd4

Driver Inattention Monitoring System for Intelligent Vehicles: A Review

Yanchao Dong, Zhencheng Hu, Keiichi Uchimura, Nobuki Murayama
2011 IEEE transactions on intelligent transportation systems (Print)  
In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art technologies for driver inattention monitoring, which can be classified into the following two main categories: 1) distraction and 2) fatigue.  ...  Driver inattention is a major factor in most traffic accidents. Research and development has actively been carried out for decades, with the goal of precisely determining the drivers' state of mind.  ...  Similarly, based on the pupil and nostril positions, Bergasa et al. [50] made a coarse 3-D face pose estimation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tits.2010.2092770 fatcat:bgnlewweorguzhswkz4spwaeli

Driver inattention monitoring system for intelligent vehicles: A review

Yanchao Dong, Zhencheng Hu, Keiichi Uchimura, Nobuki Murayama
2009 2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium  
In this paper, we review the state-of-the-art technologies for driver inattention monitoring, which can be classified into the following two main categories: 1) distraction and 2) fatigue.  ...  Driver inattention is a major factor in most traffic accidents. Research and development has actively been carried out for decades, with the goal of precisely determining the drivers' state of mind.  ...  Similarly, based on the pupil and nostril positions, Bergasa et al. [50] made a coarse 3-D face pose estimation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ivs.2009.5164395 fatcat:3qxrxi3bqreqjisnjzces3btda

Distinct Illness Representation Profiles Are Associated With Anxiety in Women Testing Positive for Human Papillomavirus

Emily McBride, Laura A V Marlow, Joseph Chilcot, Rona Moss-Morris, Jo Waller
2021 Annals of Behavioral Medicine  
Hierarchal linear regression revealed that these latent illness representation profiles accounted for 21.8% of the variance in anxiety, after adjusting for demographic and clinical characteristics.  ...  meaningful between-group differences (mean difference [MD] = 17.26, confidence interval [CI]: 14.29-20.22 and MD = 13.20, CI: 9.45-16.96 on the S-STAI-6, respectively).  ...  Thank you to Ruth Stubbs, Louise Cadman, and Imogen Pinnell for their input on the survey development and also to Public Health England for facilitating the public-facing aspects of the study.  ... 
doi:10.1093/abm/kaab022 pmid:33881145 pmcid:PMC8691260 fatcat:dbxfyqbrizgvdkur7w7tgknbt4

Applying Machine Learning Approaches to Suicide Prediction Using Healthcare Data: Overview and Future Directions

Edwin D. Boudreaux, Elke Rundensteiner, Feifan Liu, Bo Wang, Celine Larkin, Emmanuel Agu, Samiran Ghosh, Joshua Semeter, Gregory Simon, Rachel E. Davis-Martin
2021 Frontiers in Psychiatry  
Further research can focus on incorporating evolving methods for addressing data imbalances, understanding factors that affect generalizability across samples and healthcare systems, expanding the richness  ...  general overview of machine learning concepts, summarize exemplar studies, describe continued challenges, and propose innovative research directions.Conclusion: Machine learning has potential for improving estimation  ...  A decision tree learns in a hierarchical fashion by iteratively splitting the dataset into increasingly smaller subsets based on decision criteria on a given variable.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.707916 pmid:34413800 pmcid:PMC8369059 fatcat:uig5ejryr5drncfasxw4vubg34

Symptom-based stratification of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome: multi-dimensional characterisation of international observational cohorts and reanalyses of randomised clinical trials

Jessica R Tarn, Nadia Howard-Tripp, Dennis W Lendrem, Xavier Mariette, Alain Saraux, Valerie Devauchelle-Pensec, Raphaele Seror, Andrew J Skelton, Katherine James, Peter McMeekin, Shereen Al-Ali, Katie L Hackett (+233 others)
2019 The Lancet Rheumatology  
We did hierarchical cluster analysis using five common symptoms associated with primary Sjögren's syndrome (pain, fatigue, dryness, anxiety, and depression), followed by multinomial logistic regression  ...  In the UKPSSR cohort (n=608), we identified four subgroups: Low symptom burden (LSB), high symptom burden (HSB), dryness dominant with fatigue (DDF), and pain dominant with fatigue (PDF).  ...  Cluster discovery and model development Symptom-based subgroups were first identified by hierarchical cluster analysis of the severity of five common symptoms of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pain, fatigue  ... 
doi:10.1016/s2665-9913(19)30042-6 pmid:38229348 pmcid:PMC7134527 fatcat:acvxktrvdvhblmbazkmjecvgny

A Review of Intelligent Driving Style Analysis Systems and Related Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

Gys Meiring, Hermanus Myburgh
2015 Sensors  
The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the possibilities for unique driver identification utilizing the approaches identified in other driver behaviour studies.  ...  An in-depth investigation is performed to identify the relevant machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms utilised in current driver behaviour and driving style analysis systems.  ...  Driver state estimation is also performed in [60] , which relies on rule based estimation due to the fact that the vehicle trajectory will follow the action performed by the driver.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s151229822 pmid:26690164 pmcid:PMC4721742 fatcat:jpvbcqf775f2xiapw27226q6zm

Patterns of symptom burden during radiotherapy or concurrent chemoradiotherapy for head and neck cancer: A prospective analysis using the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Symptom Inventory-Head and Neck Module

David I. Rosenthal, Tito R. Mendoza, Clifton D. Fuller, Katherine A. Hutcheson, X. Shelley Wang, Ehab Y. Hanna, Charles Lu, Adam S. Garden, William H. Morrison, Charles S. Cleeland, G. Brandon Gunn
2014 Cancer  
Symptom scores were compared between treatment groups, and hierarchical cluster analysis was used to depict clustering of symptoms at treatment end.  ...  On multivariate analysis, baseline performance status (P<0.001) and receipt of CCRT (P<0.04) correlated with higher symptom severity.  ...  Hierarchical cluster analysis of symptoms at the end of therapy was used to provide a pictorial representation of how symptoms clustered at that time.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cncr.28672 pmid:24711162 pmcid:PMC4095802 fatcat:4fpbhzm4tfgmzjmx7elsudcoxi

The Institutional Dimension of Integration in Marine Spatial Planning: The Case of the Dutch North Sea Dialogues and Agreement

Rozanne C. Spijkerboer
2021 Frontiers in Marine Science  
The place-based and temporal dimensions of integration require additional attention because this is where stakeholders most notably rely on existing institutional frameworks and conflicts are most prominent  ...  Molendijk for comments on an earlier versions of the manuscript and R. Grasman for input on the statistical analysis.  ...  Graphical representations of such networks-where symptoms are represented as nodes and relations between symptoms as edges between nodes-provide an interpretable visualization of the data structure.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.712982 fatcat:yq3uivpjszdbfcv43xyn7picnq

Cancer and treatment-related symptoms are associated with mobility disability in women with ovarian cancer: A cross-sectional study

Grace Campbell, Teresa Hagan, Stephanie Gilbertson-White, Martin Houze, Heidi Donovan
2016 Gynecologic Oncology  
Independent predictors included: > one comorbidity (β = 0.112, p = 0.001), active OC (β = 0.111, p = 0.037), abdominal bloating (β = 0.097, p = 0.006), fatigue (β = 0.314, p < 0.001), lack of appetite  ...  We used the Symptom Representation Questionnaire (SRQ), the MD Anderson Symptom Inventory (MDASI) Interference Scale, and medical and demographic information to determine prevalence of symptom-related  ...  The funding agencies had no involvement in study design; in the collection, analysis and interpretation of data; in the writing of the report; or in the decision to submit the paper for publication.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ygyno.2016.09.013 pmid:27653982 pmcid:PMC5116395 fatcat:363mcdtnenaqvmi6k6qmmrwklu

The exploratory value of cross-sectional partial correlation networks: Predicting relationships between change trajectories in borderline personality disorder

Lino von Klipstein, Denny Borsboom, Arnoud Arntz, Desmond J. Oathes
2021 PLoS ONE  
Objective Within the network approach to psychopathology, cross-sectional partial correlation networks have frequently been used to estimate relationships between symptoms.  ...  symptom should relate to change in connected symptoms.  ...  Molendijk for comments on an earlier versions of the manuscript and R. Grasman for input on the statistical analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0254496 pmid:34329316 pmcid:PMC8323921 fatcat:um6o6oypwzh2ffps5n4uws7rqq

Enhanced Presence in Driving Simulators Using Autonomous Traffic with Virtual Personalities

Steve Wright, Nicholas J. Ward, Anthony G. Cohn
2002 Presence - Teleoperators and Virtual Environments  
A ck no w led gment s This paper is based on a doctoral dissertation by Wright (2000) in the School of Computing, University of Leeds.  ...  Also, increased aggression is commonly observed in drunk drivers. From this interpretation, aggression may be considered as a symptom of the driving style rather than as an isolated trait.  ...  Stage 4 -Modify Choice for Natural Representation.  ... 
doi:10.1162/105474602321050712 fatcat:g7pbt2xh5ngwdnzobfxiemf4ni

Breathlessness in COPD: linking symptom clusters with brain activity

Sarah L. Finnegan, Olivia K. Harrison, Catherine J. Harmer, Mari Herigstad, Najib M. Rahman, Andrea Reinecke, Kyle T.S. Pattinson
2021 European Respiratory Journal  
Unsupervised machine learning techniques of exploratory factor analysis and hierarchical cluster modelling were used to model brain-behaviour-breathlessness links.ResultsWe successfully stratified participants  ...  Compared to the high symptom load group, the low symptom burden group demonstrated significantly greater brain activity within the anterior insula, a key region thought to be involved in monitoring internal  ...  The full list of measures included in the cluster analysis is as follows: Age Body Mass Index Hierarchical cluster models reorder variables based on their correlation strengths so that groups of related  ... 
doi:10.1183/13993003.04099-2020 pmid:33875493 pmcid:PMC8607925 fatcat:kuzcxq57xzcdloc6rozpjhwfti
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