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Perceived Effectiveness of Internal Control Systems in a Private Higher Education Institution

Edwin M. Delos Santos, Jr.
2023 Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research  
This research evaluated the influence of internal control components on the perceived effectiveness of the internal control system (ICS) at the examined university.  ...  However, all the five internal control components taken together exerted a significant influence on the subject university's perceived ICS perceived effectiveness.  ...  CONCLUSIONS The perceived effectiveness of the university's internal control system or ICS is notably influenced by its monitoring system, as defined by COSO.  ... 
doi:10.7828/ljher.v19i1.1621 fatcat:4rb2tb4ep5f65elb24fxdzqgyq

The Internationalization of Higher Education in Japan: Effective Organization for a Sustainable Internationally Cooperative Higher Education Program

Kiyoko Saito, Kim SoungHee
2019 Higher Learning Research Communications  
The goal of this study is to explore the challenges of international collaboration in higher education activities in Japan by identifying the management frameworks and elements necessary to run sustainable  ...  A qualitative case study design was used that involved interviews with 48directors of collaborative international higher education programs.  ...  of quality control in their international networks (Van Damme, 1999) .  ... 
doi:10.18870/hlrc.v9i1.441 fatcat:7jpxwlbudzb5dmeuqnycqgy2gq

A University Control Systems Development Using the Strategic of Sustainability: Survey Study in the Iraqi Private Universities

Nedhal Aziz Mahdi, Zeina Khdier Abass
2022 International Journal of Professional Business Review  
The questionnaire was used as research tool; Findings: Non-application of international accounting and auditing standards in private Iraqi universities, which highlights the lack of preparation of long-term  ...  Originality/value: Presenting a proposed path for the Iraqi private universities to develop university control systems by integrating the university's strategy with the sustainability strategy  ...  The concept of control systems Control systems have drawn the attention of specialist international accounting authorities, who have tried to improve the idea of control on a continuing basis as a consequence  ... 
doi:10.26668/businessreview/2022.v7i4.e168 fatcat:bf4xyem35nf4vmoukd2knny4vi

Indicators of the Universities Control Activities

The results of the study are reflected in the matrix of control objects of university activities, which can be widely applied as methodological support for building a system for controlling universities  ...  The composition and general characteristics of the analytical indicators of the university's control activities are disclosed, such as indicators of assessment of its potential, indicators of control activities  ...  The system of indicators of the university's control activities includes three blocks of indicators: 1) indicators of assessment of the university's potential; 2) indicators of control activities of the  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.i8150.078919 fatcat:wwsabwtse5hyjazach44h2nyje

Page 16 of Educause Quarterly : EQ Vol. 4, Issue 4 [page]

1981 Educause Quarterly : EQ  
The work carried on in the University’s laboratories has earned national and international recognition.  ...  Lyons, Vice President and Controller, joined The Rockefeller University in 1970, the entire financial system consisted of ledger card machines with one ledger card for each account.  ... 

Research, Development of a Capacity's Framework toward an University's President and Chairperson of the Council of Universities in the Context of Higher Education's Autonomy

Nguyen Anh Tuan
2019 Journal of Education Society and Behavioural Science  
The research and building a capacity framework toward the university's president and the chairperson of the university's council help the presidents and the chairpersons of the university's council themselves  ...  A higher education's autonomy has posed seriously, scientifically and urgently a problem of research, development and promulgation of a capacity framework for the University's President, Chairperson of  ...  Controlling and proclaiming the information, ensuring transparency and accountability Conference name: The 5th IBSM International Conference on Business, Management and Accounting Dates: 19-21  ... 
doi:10.9734/jesbs/2019/v29i430112 fatcat:4cjbpxxzmfhk3pw672frufetmm

Understanding the Issues of Waqf at Public University: Preliminary Findings

Norlaila Mazura Hj. Mohaiyadin, Aini Aman
2021 International Journal of Islamic Thought  
Some studies highlighted the issues of accountability and transparency in managing the collection and distribution of waqf system that require further study.  ...  Theoretically, this study extends the understanding on the issues of accountability and transparency, particularly in waqf management.  ...  practices of the three waqf institutions in Saudi Arabia, and found that the internal governance mechanisms were in terms of waqf registration and waqf practices, flexibility and control; stakeholders  ... 
doi:10.24035/ijit.20.2021.214 fatcat:urmpmbtx4bbjfp3wlh2vrbhbp4

Development of a HIPAA-compliant environment for translational research data and analytics

Wayne Bradford, John F Hurdle, Bernie LaSalle, Julio C Facelli
2014 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
All employees of the HPC and its users take the university's local Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act training series.  ...  The physical hardware resides in a data center with controlled room access.  ...  Contributors All of the authors contributed to the conception and design of one or more parts of the PE system described in the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1136/amiajnl-2013-001769 pmid:23911553 pmcid:PMC3912719 fatcat:33bdq4kjunbchh3ec6y2qxehai

Sustainability Accounting Concept in Higher Education Institution: A Case Study of an Indonesian Public University

Putu Sukma Kurniawan
2020 Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Bisnis  
The first stage is the stage of observation regarding the current accounting system. At this stage, data will be searched for the development of the sustainability accounting implementation model.  ...  The output of this research is a concept or model regarding the application or implementation of sustainability accounting in the activities of educational sector organizations.  ...  to the ongoing accounting system.  ... 
doi:10.24843/jiab.2020.v15.i02.p06 fatcat:jciy2gcm4zd63mpov5dhuie2h4

University reform and institutional autonomy: A framework for analysing the living autonomy

Peter Maassen, Åse Gornitzka, Tatiana Fumasoli
2017 Higher Education Quarterly  
autonomy, we have to go beyond the scrutiny of formal arrangements and analyse practices of autonomy within the university which we refer to as the university's living autonomy.  ...  We examine how the traditional interpretation of university autonomy has been expanded in the reform rationales.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are thankful to the Research Council of Norway and the University of Oslo for making the research project presented in this special issue possible.  ... 
doi:10.1111/hequ.12129 fatcat:wcf5kdj6afardhwhpwxinbvuke

Determinants Of Students- Intentions To Use A Mobile Messaging Service In Educational Institutions: A Theoretical Model

Boonlert Watjatrakul
2011 Zenodo  
The model indicates that social influence, perceived control and attitudes affect students- intention to use the university-s mobile messaging service.  ...  Previous studies, however, have limited understanding of applying mobile messaging service in education.  ...  service usage and the readiness of mobile messaging technology should take into account when using the model in some particular circumstances.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1070756 fatcat:g74ptlw5vzckxip4j7k6242yfu

Information Security Risk Management Framework for University Computing Environment

Umesh Kumar Singh, Chanchala Joshi
2017 International Journal of Network Security  
in order to improve University's security position.  ...  This paper analyzed the security threats specifically evolve in University's network, and with consideration of these issues, proposed risk assessment framework for University computing environment.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors are thankful to MP Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal, for providing support and financial grant for the research work.  ... 
dblp:journals/ijnsec/SinghJ17 fatcat:uernnld7h5dyzowslp75utn7ei

Crisis management in higher education in Russia

Alla Bobyleva, Alexandra Sidorova
2015 Perspectives of Innovations Economics and Business  
of state participation in crisis management: supervision, recovery, external management, reorganization and liquidation; development of a portfolio of crisis management programs, consisting of standard  ...  As a result of research work we present a concept of systematic approach to university crisis management based on implementation of collaborative processes at macro, meso-and micro-levels, different degrees  ...  It supposes identification of the causes for the university's inefficiency and designing a system of measures to increase university's efficiency.  ... 
doi:10.15208/pieb.2015.16 fatcat:j4ebqiz4jfhg5bxvcp2eaazji4


Luiza Kajumovna Karimova, Anna Andreevna Kirpichnikova
2016 The Turkish Online Journal of Design Art and Communication  
implemented in the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies, problems connected with such systems and ways of overcoming these problems.  ...  Among problems there are voluminosity and difficult control system of IAS, duplication of training materials in the IAS and traditional document management, technical issues, lack of proficiency in the  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University.  ... 
doi:10.7456/1060jse/045 fatcat:jqa2akjcengrda3dy45bqg2sj4

Page 278 of Journal of Accountancy Vol. 95, Issue 3 [page]

1953 Journal of Accountancy  
the Bureau of Internal Revenue by a subcom- mittee.  ...  ACCOUNTING BOARD SYSTEM FOR ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ONE WRITING COMPLETES ALL RECORDS THE €.  ... 
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