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Security improvements Zone Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Network

Mahsa Seyyedtaj, Mohammad Ali Jabraeil Jamali
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications Technology and Research  
However, these characteristics make ad-hoc networks vulnerable to different types of attacks and make implementing security in ad-hoc network a challenging task.  ...  Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP) combines the advantages of both proactive and reactive routing protocols. In this paper we analyze the ZRP security improvements.  ...  • Cache Consistency Caching frequently accessed data objects in the local buffer of a mobile user (MU) can significantly improve the performance of mobile wireless networks.  ... 
doi:10.7753/ijcatr0309.1001 fatcat:n7yb26a6zbgwnpvfmvka3cnpoq

ACNP 57th Annual Meeting: Poster Session II

2018 Neuropsychopharmacology  
Increasing evidence suggests a role for systemic and neurological inflammation in the pathophysiology of fear and trauma exposure based psychiatric disorders (Micholpoulos et al., 2017; Haroon et al.,  ...  Following fear conditioning, mice were sacrificed for further brain and peripheral tissue analysis.  ...  Dynorphin (Dyn) and its cognate receptor kappa opioid receptor (KOR) are broadly implicated in stress, dysphoria, and modulation of the dopamine system.  ... 
doi:10.1038/s41386-018-0267-6 fatcat:febeq6uwefgdzm65ccmzrmjwjy

North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity Virtual Conference June 11–12, 2020

2020 Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology (JSEP)  
Additionally, we examined the relationship between infant mu-band (6-9 Hz) powers in the motor cortices and the corresponding adjusted age in days.  ...  Data were collected using video cameras (for qualitative analysis) and wireless sensors that were embedded in all objects (for quantitative analysis).  ...  Based on the descriptive analysis, five categories were created.  ... 
doi:10.1123/jsep.2020-0172 fatcat:7ap7mzw3rfcf5f5jfqwzhruj4y

Detection and Evaluation of Clusters within Sequential Data [article]

Alexander Van Werde, Albert Senen-Cerda, Gianluca Kosmella, Jaron Sanders
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We address this issue and investigate the suitability of these clustering algorithms in exploratory data analysis of real-world sequential data.  ...  Motivated by theoretical advancements in dimensionality reduction techniques we use a recent model, called Block Markov Chains, to conduct a practical study of clustering in real-world sequential data.  ...  Codons in human Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). b. Words in Wikipedia articles. c. Global Positioning System (GPS) data describing the movement of bison in a field. d.  ... 
arXiv:2210.01679v1 fatcat:jgoimy2edbb35ih4cjwjkveexy

The targum (1903:Oct. 1 - 1903:Oct. 29)

No Name Supplied
Some University historians indicate that the Targum was first published as an annual in 1867, but of this we have no extant evidence.  ...  As a student organization, the Targum operated under the oversight of the dean of students and student government but in October 1980, the Targum became an independent college paper.  ...  A few faded wreaths are on the tomb.  ... 
doi:10.7282/t3-he25-9p62 fatcat:7tpxg5jzcvbvxiqroyxf6hxiau