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Interactive observability in Ludics: The geometry of tests

Claudia Faggian
2006 Theoretical Computer Science  
An interactive observation on an agent is obtained by testing it against other agents. In this paper we explore what can be observed interactively in this setting.  ...  The point of view that interaction should come before syntax is the base of Ludics. Ludics: Ludics [13] is a recent proposal of analysis of interaction in a proof-theoretical setting.  ...  In this paper we explore what can be observed interactively in the untyped setting of Ludics (for the typed case see [6] ).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2005.10.042 fatcat:buobc634crbhfaury5wosijybe

Nursing perceptions of the benefits of ludicity on care practices for children with cancer: a descriptive study

Jéssica Renata Bastos Depianti, Liliane Faria da Silva, André da Silva Carvalho, Ana Cláudia Moreira Monteiro
2014 Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing  
Results: The benefits of ludicity include, better adherence to treatment, improvements in relationships between the nursing team and the child, and improvements in the acceptance of caring proceedings.  ...  The collection of data was performed using non-participative observations and semi-structured interviews. The data was treated using thematic analysis.  ...  The benefits of the use of ludicity on the social interactions of the child There were benefits on the interactions between the child, the mother, and the nursing team.  ... 
doi:10.5935/1676-4285.20144314 fatcat:mzbr3zlyyfdfjdrfgyz7ucnuse

Perception of Health Care Workers Regarding Ludic Activities in Pediatric Hospitals

Antonio José Araújo Lima, Thelma Helena Costa Chahini
2022 International journal for innovation education and research  
In this sense, ludic treatment contributes to ease hospital permanence, thus favoring child development and, in certain aspects, even the cure.  ...  In this context, the perceptions of workers composing the multidisciplinary health care team regarding the application of ludic activities in pediatric public hospitals in São Luís/MA were investigated  ...  We also observed that participants in this study were unfamiliar with the history of ludic activities in the hospitals they worked at.  ... 
doi:10.31686/ijier.vol10.iss5.3750 fatcat:nnjwsyiqybau3kwttzmrscug3u

World of Warcraft as a ludic cyborg

Victoria McArthur
2008 Proceedings of the 2008 Conference on Future Play Research, Play, Share - Future Play '08  
This paper describes World of Warcraft as a ludic cyborg -an entity that exists for play and depends on both artificial and organic components to survive.  ...  We argue that the popularity of the game arose due to the balance between the types of socialization it promotes and in-game literacies acquired by players on PvP servers.  ...  While the exact formula for determining the radius for NPCs is not known, informal game testing in the community has noted that the aggro radius is observably larger for higher level NPCs in-world, making  ... 
doi:10.1145/1496984.1497046 dblp:conf/fplay/McArthur08 fatcat:siznqkqeznhnxpnlzgp4hyw2uq

Speech Acts in Ludics [chapter]

Marie-Renée Fleury, Samuel Tronçon
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we attempt to show that recent developments in proof theory, especially with ludics, are relevant for the study and the formalization of speech acts.  ...  We end by giving some examples of speech acts, presented in their ludical embedding, and we discuss what features the model provides.  ...  A type of "ludical speech act" is a class of executables which produces the same impact when observed in the same conditions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19211-1_1 fatcat:5nhq6a4rsnbpxlqzhaiuqla3te

Dialogues in Ludics [chapter]

Marie-Renée Fleury, Myriam Quatrini, Samuel Tronçon
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
At last, we present the concrete part of the model with some examples of dialogues in Ludics.  ...  Once our model presenting a not formal notion of dialogue, and explaining the correspondance with some core concepts in Ludics has been introduced, we give a light technical presentation of Ludics, focusing  ...  Eventually, classical "propositions" can be used as a possible reading of the interactive structures we propose. Ludics in a nutshell Ludics can be sum up as a interaction theory.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21490-5_7 fatcat:ick7dpjkgfe3thlbsu74igwviu

Rock Band

Theresa Tanenbaum, Jim Bizzocchi
2009 Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Video Games - Sandbox '09  
We demonstrate how gestural and embodied interactions can be understood as ludic, kinesthetic and narrative experiences.  ...  in the design and the experience of games.  ...  Additional financial support has been provided by the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Advanced Education in the form of a Pacific Century Graduate Scholarship.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1581073.1581093 fatcat:gckfmwrtbrasdign3md6x2uv2i

Evaluating Intimacy and Ludic Engagement with a Musical Interactive Art Installation that Explores Remote Abstract Communication [chapter]

Steven Gelineck
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The main contribution of the paper is a usability evaluation of an interactive art installation where several different factors for ludic and intimate engagement in this specific context of remote face-to-face  ...  , and that participants engaged in more exploration with limited control.  ...  The author would like to thank Finn Markwardt and Andreas Busk (for co-developing the OperaBooth) and everyone who participated in the evaluation.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20687-5_6 fatcat:idbm4xskufeg5pv5izv6xswacq

The lens of ludic engagement

Ann J. Morrison, Peta Mitchell, Margot Brereton
2007 Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Multimedia - MULTIMEDIA '07  
I first define the concept of ludic engagement and its usefulness as a lens for both design and evaluation in these settings.  ...  Designers and artists have integrated recent advances in interactive, tangible and ubiquitous computing technologies to create new forms of interactive environments in the domains of work, recreation,  ...  The ludic lens then enhances the ways in which interactive art works can be perceived and understood in an inter/trans-disciplinary manner.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1291233.1291358 dblp:conf/mm/MorrisonMB07 fatcat:s3vlpw2zpzhx3ngti7bcn7t5je

The drift table

William W. Gaver, John Bowers, Andrew Boucher, Hans Gellerson, Sarah Pennington, Albrecht Schmidt, Anthony Steed, Nicholas Villars, Brendan Walker
2004 Extended abstracts of the 2004 conference on Human factors and computing systems - CHI '04  
Observations of the Drift Table being used in volunteers' homes over several weeks gave greater insight into how playful exploration is practically achieved and the issues involved in designing for ludic  ...  we observed in use: ß a wah-wah pedal ß a software user manual ß a small but thick antiquarian book ß a heavy ceramic candle holder ß a broken lava lamp ß rocks (in and out of containers) ß a guitar ß  ...  character.Lessons for Ludic DesignOur observations of the DriftTable inuse supported many of our intuitions about designing for ludic engagement.  ... 
doi:10.1145/985921.985947 dblp:conf/chi/GaverBBGPSSVW04 fatcat:bpcyrdlblzfrxoao4o7jdkycue

Ludics and Natural Language: First Approaches [chapter]

Christophe Fouqueré, Myriam Quatrini
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Ludics is a rebuilding of Linear Logic from the sole concept of interaction on objects called designs, that abstract proofs.  ...  Works have been done these last years to reconsider the formalization of Natural Language: a dialogue may be viewed as an interaction between such abstractions of proofs.  ...  The motto underlying Ludics is: interaction is a central concept in logic.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-31262-5_2 fatcat:alqhocxvlfabvcv7cqar6t7fjq

The Phonetic Means of Creating a Ludic Sense in the English Nonsense Text

Irina Anashkina, Ekaterina Khramova
2016 Journal of Language and Education  
This ludic interaction provides the sophisticated plane of expression putting less emphasis on the conveyed message.  ...  The paper describes segmental phonetic means involved in the formation of identical or similar acoustic images which interact in the limited semantic space of such English nonsense texts as a limerick  ...  Thus, a clash between two planes of the content in a limerick is often provoked by the ludic interaction of identical acoustic images conveying different meanings.  ... 
doi:10.17323/2411-7390-2016-2-4-6-13 fatcat:mhlvvqqbmbhqtnxf2umjxplora

From social interaction to autonomy: playful aquatic experiences for children with autistic spectrum disorder

Kamila Gomes, Ceará State Department of Education (SEDUC), Fortaleza-CE, Brazil, Wihanna Franzoni, Alcyane Marinho, Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Florianópolis-SC, Brazil, Santa Catarina State University (UDESC), Florianópolis-SC, Brazil
1989 Journal of Physical Education  
This study is qualitative approach, in which three field research instruments were used: systematic observation, participant observation and semi-structured interviews.  ...  motivation to get involved and create games and interest in social interaction.  ...  In this sense, the observations and narratives of the volunteers, when playing the role of mediators during the ludic experiences, have details on the significance of socialization moments to help the  ... 
doi:10.4025/jphyseduc.v32i1.3241 fatcat:fzulpgeu7rglrkoglgarxndpmm

"SplashGame": A Ludo-educative Application Based on Genre and Verbal Interactions Concepts [chapter]

Marion Latapy, Philippe Lopistéguy, Pantxika Dagorret
2006 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We consider that interactive applications' acceptability can be improved by enhancing their genre dimension, which is inherent in any communication activity.  ...  They participate in the implementation of the intention. On the one hand, among these structures, we stress:  ...  Our contribution consisted in the design of an interactive application that obeys to ludic and educative principles. The domain covered by « Splash !  ... 
doi:10.1007/11872320_59 fatcat:tndybupevnfnfnlx7h5v4fasyy

Play therapy as a diagnostic tool in rural families in Mexico

1Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. 2Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán.
2020 International Journal of Psychological Research and Reviews  
The role of play therapy as a research tool is examined after its use in a project directed to study family with at least one migrant member in deprived rural contexts in Mexico.  ...  Videos of the interaction with family members by using play therapy techniques were analyzed with the purpose to establish its advantages and limitations to collect information about the family dynamics  ...  situations evoked in the ludic situation.  ... 
doi:10.28933/ijprr-2020-11-1905 fatcat:5j4dcrdglvecteveoixuajlgtu
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