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Brain-Controlled Wheelchair Review: From Wet Electrode to Dry Electrode, From Single Modal to Hybrid Modal, From Synchronous to Asynchronous

Hongtao Wang, Fan Yan, Tao Xu, Haojun Yin, Peng Chen, Hongwei Yue, Chuangquan Chen, Hongfei Zhang, Linfeng Xu, Yuebang He, Anastasios Bezerianos
2021 IEEE Access  
During navigation, the user can only control the wheelchair discretely and cannot modify the specified track arbitrarily.  ...  Thus, the control of the wheelchair should rely on the navigation system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3071599 fatcat:xhpadb25wrboreocs6pm7ergku

Combining BCI with Virtual Reality: Towards New Applications and Improved BCI [chapter]

Fabien Lotte, Josef Faller, Christoph Guger, Yann Renard, Gert Pfurtscheller, Anatole Lécuyer, Robert Leeb
2012 Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces  
The P300 BCI was used to select the command and SSVEP was used to switch on and off the BCI system [16] .  ...  Besides BCI performances, other data can also be used to investigate the influence and impact of VR on the BCI.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29746-5_10 fatcat:ggqe4sbxyfbhho54lqpk6mdwqy

Hybrid Brain-Computer Interface Systems: Approaches, Features, and Trends [chapter]

Bijay Guragain, Ali Haider, Reza Fazel-Rezai
2018 Evolving BCI Therapy - Engaging Brain State Dynamics  
In this review chapter, single BCI systems are briefly discussed and more detail discussions on hybrid BCIs, their modifications, operations, and performances with comparisons in terms of signal processing  ...  So far, various modifications on single BCI systems as well as hybrid are done and the hybrid BCIs have shown increased but insufficient performance.  ...  P300-MI hybrid A hybrid P300-MI was used in [70] to control appliances in a virtual environment, in which P300 was used as a device control to operate control panel of virtual devices and MI as a navigation  ... 
doi:10.5772/intechopen.75132 fatcat:pv2zjc346vhgbfkh7un5ycemnq

Hybrid Brain–Computer Interface Techniques for Improved Classification Accuracy and Increased Number of Commands: A Review

Keum-Shik Hong, Muhammad Jawad Khan
2017 Frontiers in Neurorobotics  
In the case of reactive tasks, SSVEP is most widely combined with P300 to increase the number of commands. Passive BCIs, however, are rare.  ...  Active and reactive tasks sometimes are combined: motor imagination with steady-state evoked visual potentials (SSVEP) and motor imagination with P300.  ...  Navigation and target selection in a virtual environment was demonstrated in Su et al. (2011) using the hybrid MI-P300-based paradigm.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnbot.2017.00035 pmid:28790910 pmcid:PMC5522881 fatcat:wcg2mc32mvei3mtvsyropxbzim

Brain-Computer Interface Systems Used for Virtual Reality Control [chapter]

Gert Pfurtscheller, Robert Leeb, Josef Faller, Christa Neuper
2011 Virtual Reality  
to restore grasping, or navigate a wheelchair in a realistic environment.  ...  ., 2004) makes the SSVEP BCI easier to use, more likely to provide effective communication for a broader population of users, more reliable, and less fatiguing.  ... 
doi:10.5772/13467 fatcat:3muwxem3anh5nbcy4ipihq6r7a

Toward smarter BCIs: extending BCIs through hybridization and intelligent control

B Z Allison, R Leeb, C Brunner, G R Müller-Putz, G Bauernfeind, J W Kelly, C Neuper
2011 Journal of Neural Engineering  
Software that allows high-level control, incorporates context and the environment and/or uses virtual reality can substantially improve BCI systems.  ...  Throughout the paper, we critically address the real benefits of these improvements relative to existing technology and practices.  ...  Additionally, evoked potentials (P300) [52] and SSVEPs [53, 54] have been used to control VR feedback and augmented reality [55] .  ... 
doi:10.1088/1741-2560/9/1/013001 pmid:22156029 fatcat:thbpziri6rhfdeb6vsfgy7aage

Comparative Study of SSVEP- and P300-Based Models for the Telepresence Control of Humanoid Robots

Jing Zhao, Wei Li, Mengfan Li, Mikhail A. Lebedev
2015 PLoS ONE  
The visual stimuli of both the SSVEP-and P300-based models were implemented on a LCD computer monitor with a refresh frequency of 60 Hz.  ...  Comparative studies reveal that the SSVEP model yielded faster response to the subject's mental activity with less reliance on channel selection, whereas the P300 model was found to be suitable for more  ...  Hong Hu, and Mr. Qi Li for their assistance in performing the experiments reported in this paper. The authors also appreciate the suggestions of the reviewers which have greatly improved the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142168 pmid:26562524 pmcid:PMC4642929 fatcat:fwulbdm2w5dw7j66ivlx6falem

An Introductory Tutorial on Brain–Computer Interfaces and Their Applications

Andrea Bonci, Simone Fiori, Hiroshi Higashi, Toshihisa Tanaka, Federica Verdini
2021 Electronics  
Recent advances in biomedical engineering, computer science, and neuroscience are making brain–computer interfaces a reality, paving the way to restoring and potentially augmenting human physical and mental  ...  The present tutorial aims to survey the principal features and challenges of brain–computer interfaces (such as reliable acquisition of brain signals, filtering and processing of the acquired brainwaves  ...  Most BCIs rely on one of three types of mental activities, namely, motor imagery [64] , P300 [65] , and steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) [66] .  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics10050560 fatcat:g2d57exmcbghlkf2rekmgdjhae

Enrichment of Human-Computer Interaction in Brain-Computer Interfaces via Virtual Environments

Alonso-Valerdi Luz María, Mercado-García Víctor Rodrigo
2017 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
intentions but also on user emotions, and (4) regulate user mental state to increase the differentiation between control and noncontrol modalities.  ...  Those cognitive processes take place while a user navigates and explores a virtual environment (VE) and are mainly related to spatial memory storage, attention, and perception.  ...  Furthermore, the influences of human factors (such as mental fatigue, frustration, or idleness) and distraction sources (such as other people's conversations, ambient noises, or household appliances working  ... 
doi:10.1155/2017/6076913 pmid:29317861 pmcid:PMC5727652 fatcat:v5b5kasvmff7nhlm33jr4rojsy

Artificial Intelligence Algorithms in Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces for Motor Rehabilitation Applications: Systematic Review and Future Directions

Josefina Gutierrez-Martinez, Jorge A. Mercado-Gutierrez, Blanca E. Carvajal-Gámez, Jorge L. Rosas-Trigueros, Adrian E. Contreras-Martinez
2021 Frontiers in Human Neuroscience  
Numerous studies have been published on P300- and SSVEP-based non-invasive BCIs, but many of them present two shortcomings: (1) they are not aimed for motor rehabilitation applications, and (2) they do  ...  Of the remaining, 28.48% were for spelling, 12.73% for diverse applications (control of wheelchair or home appliances), and only 7.77% were focused on motor rehabilitation.  ...  and mental fatigue.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnhum.2021.772837 pmid:34899220 pmcid:PMC8656949 fatcat:7ziwytx3kzdkjddhvx3bruejde

Brain Computer Interfaces for Improving the Quality of Life of Older Adults and Elderly Patients

Abdelkader Nasreddine Belkacem, Nuraini Jamil, Jason A. Palmer, Sofia Ouhbi, Chao Chen
2020 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
Then, we describe the state of the art of possible assistive BCI applications for controlling an exoskeleton, a wheelchair and smart home for elderly people with motor control impairments.  ...  The basic age-related brain and body changes, the effects of age on cognitive and motor abilities, and several BCI paradigms with typical tasks and outcomes are thoroughly described.  ...  a virtual wheelchair with 14 movements commands Average accuracy during the navigation tasks was above 90% and the optional task has an average of accuracy above 95% Kaufmann et al., 2014 17  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2020.00692 pmid:32694979 pmcid:PMC7339951 fatcat:t2bwewpvyrcfdiklv5jopr6vce

Driving a Semiautonomous Mobile Robotic Car Controlled by an SSVEP-Based BCI

Piotr Stawicki, Felix Gembler, Ivan Volosyak
2016 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
We also did not observe any negative influence of the simultaneous live video feedback and SSVEP stimulation on the performance of the BCI system.  ...  In order to test the control application, a mobile robotic car (MRC) was introduced and a four-class BCI graphical user interface (with live video feedback and stimulation boxes on the same screen) for  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Thomas Grunenberg from the Faculty of Technology and Bionics at Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences for building, programming, and maintaining MRCs  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/4909685 pmid:27528864 pmcid:PMC4977417 fatcat:yopuowengbb7tnkgsnkkbqk2au

A Brain Controlled Wheelchair to Navigate in Familiar Environments

B Rebsamen, Cuntai Guan, Haihong Zhang, Chuanchu Wang, Cheeleong Teo, M H Ang, E Burdet
2010 IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering  
Figure 5 . 6 : 56 Influence of the threshold on performances of the P300 interface.  ...  Emphasis was put on user's safety and comfort: the motion guidance strategy ensures smooth, safe and predictable navigation, while mental effort and fatigue are minimized by reducing control to destination  ...  of the code used for the setting up the RTAI system and creating the various components of the system, as described in Section 3.3.2.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tnsre.2010.2049862 pmid:20460212 fatcat:5hfqzrvoy5hizgizxxzuxl535i

Challenges in clinical applications of brain computer interfaces in individuals with spinal cord injury

Rüdiger Rupp
2014 Frontiers in Neuroengineering  
Additionally, spasmolytic medication and the acute stress reaction with associated episodes of depression may have a negative influence on the modulation of brain waves and therefore the ability to concentrate  ...  However, clinicians and patients face many challenges in the application of BCIs.  ...  One of the study subjects fell asleep during the training, which indicates a high physical and mental workload during the operation of the BCI.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fneng.2014.00038 pmid:25309420 pmcid:PMC4174119 fatcat:xx5ux2felnasxdbonys5uqiqvi

A Prototype SSVEP Based Real Time BCI Gaming System

Ignas Martišius, Robertas Damaševičius
2016 Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience  
We have developed a prototype three-class brain-computer interface system, based on the steady state visually evoked potentials paradigm and the Emotiv EPOC headset.  ...  In this paper we discuss the typical architecture, paradigms, requirements, and limitations of electroencephalogram-based gaming systems.  ...  Acknowledgment The authors also would like to acknowledge the contribution of the COST Action IC1303-Architectures, Algorithms and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE).  ... 
doi:10.1155/2016/3861425 pmid:27051414 pmcid:PMC4804071 fatcat:uds2mnprcvgfnloavgzvxiz7zu
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