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Incentive-Theoretic Bayesian Inference for Collaborative Science [article]

Stephen Bates, Michael I. Jordan, Michael Sklar, Jake A. Soloff
2024 arXiv   pre-print
interacting with each other and facing different incentives.  ...  We show how the principal can conduct statistical inference that leverages the information that is revealed by an agent's strategic behavior -- their choice to run a trial or not.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Jon McAuliffe and Aaditya Ramdas for helpful discussions.  ... 
arXiv:2307.03748v2 fatcat:otge7kptofd5ho74iuh76vuieq

Scientific self-correction: the Bayesian way

Felipe Romero, Jan Sprenger
2020 Synthese  
behavioral sciences.  ...  We investigate the merits of a particular countermeasure-replacing null hypothesis significance testing (NHST) with Bayesian inference-in the context of the meta-analytic aggregation of effect sizes.  ...  , ECAP17 in Munich, the Reasoning Club conference in Turin, the "Perspectives on Scientific Error" workshop in Tilburg, and the weekly seminar of the philosophy department of the University of Sydney for  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02697-x fatcat:oy57ixdhlfgqhkhc535t6kgyea

Commentary on Bryan Dowd's Paper "Separated at Birth: Statisticians, Social Scientists, and Causality in Health Services Research"

A. James O'Malley
2011 Health Services Research  
Extensive use of observational data and need for causally defensible results makes health services research an ideal stage for comparing disciplines.  ...  commentary concludes by describing causality from the operational subjective statistics viewpoint, which complements Dowd's paper because it has a different philosophical foundation than the frequentist and Bayesian  ...  However, a theoretical model (e.g., social science theorem) may be inherent in your asserted opinions about the observable quantities of interest.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1475-6773.2010.01232.x pmid:21371029 pmcid:PMC3064912 fatcat:klrio6z4pfc43a5365grlpx55i

Winner's Curse? On Pace, Progress, and Empirical Rigor

D. Sculley, Jasper Snoek, Alexander B. Wiltschko, Ali Rahimi
2018 International Conference on Learning Representations  
This short position paper highlights examples where progress has actually been slowed as a result, offers thoughts on incentive structures currently at play, and gives suggestions as seeds for discussions  ...  Rikelme et al. (2018) compared a variety of recent approaches for decision making using approximate inference in Bayesian deep neural networks.  ...  Incentivizing such collaborations is difficult in a field in which credit assignment is inferred via the low-bandwidth signal of author ordering.  ... 
dblp:conf/iclr/SculleySWR18 fatcat:ixlieizo45h5zcbwx6qibcnwey

Unsupervised Online Bayesian Autonomic Happy Internet-of-Things Management [article]

Rossi Kamal, Choong Seon Hong
2015 arXiv   pre-print
usage-context is iteratively estimated from the unreliable sensed data (i.e. learning model ), (c) followed by online filtering of Bayesian knowledge about usage-context (i.e. filtering model ).  ...  In this context, we have proposed an unsupervised online Bayesian mechanism, namely Whiz (Greek word, meaning Smart), in which, (a) once latent user-groups are initialized (i.e measurement model ), (b)  ...  Often estimation theory [16] , collaborative filtering [17] are used for inferring colocation patterns in media content-usage among fellow commuters and predicting bus route or arrival time from the  ... 
arXiv:1509.06856v1 fatcat:5hlw6bbysrdmpjdlf7m6hp5mcm

Calibrating the Scientific Ecosystem Through Meta-Research

Tom E. Hardwicke, Stylianos Serghiou, Perrine Janiaud, Valentin Danchev, Sophia Crüwell, Steven N. Goodman, John P.A. Ioannidis
2019 Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application  
While some scientists study insects, molecules, brains, or clouds, other scientists study science itself.  ...  Please see http://www.annualreviews.org/page/journal/pubdates for revised estimates.  ...  There are multiple approaches to statistical inference, including Bayesian and likelihood-based, but frequentist inference is the most prevalent (Chavalarias et al. 2016) .  ... 
doi:10.1146/annurev-statistics-031219-041104 fatcat:eyl2yaq73fbanokdwpx2mvsilq

Towards AI-Empowered Crowdsourcing [article]

Shipeng Wang, Qingzhong Li, Lizhen Cui, Zhongmin Yan, Yonghui Xu, Zhuan Shi, Xinping Min, Zhiqi Shen, Han Yu
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Crowdsourcing, in which human intelligence and productivity is dynamically mobilized to tackle tasks too complex for automation alone to handle, has grown to be an important research topic and inspired  ...  At the same time, the author investigated the incentive mechanism for the crowdsensing platform with incomplete information on social network effects and proposed an incentive mechanism based on Bayesian  ...  The proposed online double auctions incentive mechanism can achieve truthfulness and budget balance by theoretical analysis.  ... 
arXiv:2212.14676v2 fatcat:2hdfmowyffbuxorhyouipvbqgm

Crowd intelligence in AI 2.0 era

Wei Li, Wen-jun Wu, Huai-min Wang, Xue-qi Cheng, Hua-jun Chen, Zhi-hua Zhou, Rong Ding
2017 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering  
The Internet based cyber-physical world has profoundly changed the information environment for the development of artificial intelligence (AI), bringing a new wave of AI research and promoting it into  ...  Then, a Bayesian method based on the EM algorithm was used to infer the confusion matrices and the parameters of the linear classifier.  ...  To unify both steps, Wauthier and Jordan (2011) proposed a Bayesian framework under the name of Bayesian bias mitigation. 2.  ... 
doi:10.1631/fitee.1601859 fatcat:x6aijr7ud5eojjuelaq3sv4v7a

Investigating the Number of Non-linear and Multi-modal Relationships Between Observed Variables Measuring Growth-oriented Atmosphere

P. Nokelainen, T. Silander, P. Ruohotie, H. Tirri
2006 Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology  
Results showed that some of the highest bivariate correlations in both sub samples were explained via third variable in the nonlinear Bayesian dependence modeling (BDM).  ...  The incentive value of the job depends on the opportunities it offers for learning, i.e. developmental challenges, the employees' chances to influence, opportunities to learn collaboratively and the dignity  ...  inferences to be generally more reliable.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11135-006-9030-x fatcat:benlgalqgzbxrjjo336duwpgja

Philosophy of science and the replicability crisis

Felipe Romero
2019 Philosophy Compass  
For philosophers, the crisis should not be taken as bad news but as an opportunity to do work on several fronts, including conceptual analysis, history and philosophy of science, research ethics, and social  ...  Replicability is widely taken to ground the epistemic authority of science.  ...  The argument for Bayesian inference is foundational.  ... 
doi:10.1111/phc3.12633 fatcat:k4wfxqf4wraohfflybmgcprlge

Novelty versus Replicability: Virtues and Vices in the Reward System of Science

Felipe Romero
2017 Philosophy of Science  
My analysis leads us to qualify Kitcher and Strevens' contention that a priority-based reward system is normatively desirable for science.  ...  The reward system of science is the priority rule (Merton, 1957) . The first scientist making a new discovery is rewarded with prestige while second runners get little or nothing.  ...  Kitcher uses a formal decision-theoretic model to show that the reward system of science solves this problem.  ... 
doi:10.1086/694005 fatcat:t2ego5grnzaapgtaxr7tvcs2w4

Pragmatic-Pedagogic Value Alignment [article]

Jaime F. Fisac, Monica A. Gates, Jessica B. Hamrick, Chang Liu, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Malayandi Palaniappan, Dhruv Malik, S. Shankar Sastry, Thomas L. Griffiths, Anca D. Dragan
2018 arXiv   pre-print
In robotics, value alignment is key to the design of collaborative robots that can integrate into human workflows, successfully inferring and adapting to their users' objectives as they go.  ...  We argue that a meaningful solution to value alignment must combine multi-agent decision theory with rich mathematical models of human cognition, enabling robots to tap into people's natural collaborative  ...  In order to contribute to the objective, R will need to make inferences about θ from the actions of H (an Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) problem), and H will have an incentive to behave informatively  ... 
arXiv:1707.06354v2 fatcat:7swgocx7mjdkndep74ckg6kmra

Human Decision-Making in Multi-agent Systems [chapter]

Ming Cao
2021 Encyclopedia of Systems and Control  
avoid suboptimal collective behaviors and resolve social dilemmas, researchers have tried to understand how humans make decisions when interacting with other humans or smart machines and carried out theoretical  ...  of the beliefs or preference values of different options using new observed inputs through Bayesian inference.  ...  (iv) Availability for control: Some agents may not be available to be controlled directly, and even for those who are, the control is usually in the form of incentives that may only take effect in the  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-44184-5_100124 fatcat:7v3a3omswvcz5ala7d2uvz3ura

The Resistible Rise of Bayesian Thinking in Management

Laure Cabantous, Jean-Pascal Gond
2014 Journal of Management  
Relying on concepts from the Science, Technology and Society field of study, and Actor-Network Theory, we approach the production of scientific knowledge as a cultural, practical and material affair.  ...  in past and current attempts at importing Bayesianism.  ...  Acknowledgments Because the paper is an equal collaboration, the order of authorship is alphabetical."  ... 
doi:10.1177/0149206314558092 fatcat:pfskzxjjhvbwjoaliiwb762qv4

CONSEQUENCES — The 2nd Workshop on Causality, Counterfactuals and Sequential Decision-Making for Recommender Systems

Olivier Jeunen, Thorsten Joachims, Harrie Oosterhuis, Yuta Saito, Flavian Vasile, Yixin Wang
2023 Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems  
At the same time, exposure is often linked to economic incentives for the item producer, which platform-level metrics will be impacted by as well.  ...  The literature on the intersection of recommender systems, and causal or counterfactual inference, is often focused on short-term, user-focused metrics.  ...  She works in the fields of Bayesian statistics, machine learning, and causal infer- ence.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3604915.3608749 fatcat:3kx7yv677rh6jbi6qwh3r4eihu
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