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Implementing a MATLAB-Based Self-configurable Software Defined Radio Transceiver [chapter]

Benjamin Drozdenko, Ramanathan Subramanian, Kaushik Chowdhury, Miriam Leeser
2015 Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering  
Software defined radio (SDR) transitions the communication signal processing chain from a rigid hardware platform to a user-controlled paradigm, allowing unprecedented levels of flexibility in parameter  ...  In this work, we describe a bidirectional transceiver implemented in MATLAB that runs on the USRP platform and allows automated, optimal selection of the parameters of the various processing blocks associated  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported by MathWorks under the Development-Collaboration Research Grant A#: 1-945815398.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24540-9_13 fatcat:4vz4ktn33feangtyypzfrvmm4e

Radio frequency and channel investigation using software defined radio in MATLAB And simulink environment

S.O. Ugwuanyi, M.A. Ahaneku
2018 Nigerian Journal of Technology  
This paper is a four section investigation of various communication principles to demonstrate the capabilities of using MATLAB and Software Defined Radio (RTL-SDR R820T) to receive, decode, analyse and  ...  The final section of the paper presents a short research on the potential benefits and a survey into the future of Software Defined Radio (SDR).  ...  INTRODUCTION Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a computer based software transceiver scanner that makes use of terrestrial standards in the modified Digital Video Broadcasting Television (DVB-T) principles  ... 
doi:10.4314/njt.v37i4.26 fatcat:soql67bnanhjhizkh4nfz6u2eu

Designing a Secure Software-Defined Radio Transceiver using the Logistic Map

Reem Hashim Ahmed, Ekhlas Kadhum Hamza
2021 Engineering Journal  
Designing soft defined radio transceiver using MATLAB R 2011a and system generator ISE14.1/SIMULINK.  ...  While traditional radio transceivers are not cost-effective and their components should be integrated, software-defined radio (SDR) ones have opened up a new class of wireless technologies with high security  ...  The software-defined radio is commonly defined as a transmitter and receiver.  ... 
doi:10.31026/j.eng.2021.06.05 fatcat:buy45g5e7jg5xagwzua7q6kage

Implementation of Transceiver module for SDR system using ADALM PLUTO platform

Sowjanya. P., Satyanarayana P.
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Software Defined Radio (SDR) provides a comprehensive radio communication platform, based on which new technology can be used through software update.  ...  In this platform, the transformation and expansion of the radio functions are done in a software version without the need for a modification of the equipment.  ...  We have presented design and implementation of a transceiver module for software defined radio system with ADALM PLUTO platform.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i4.6.20490 fatcat:sh6vrfn3v5csrcizbucrvcxndi

Open-Access Full-Duplex Wireless in the ORBIT Testbed [article]

Tingjun Chen, Mahmood Baraani Dastjerdi, Guy Farkash, Jin Zhou, Harish Krishnaswamy, Gil Zussman
2018 arXiv   pre-print
In particular, an ORBIT node with a National Instruments (NI)/Ettus Research Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) N210 software-defined radio (SDR) was equipped with the Columbia FlexICoN Gen-1 customized  ...  We also discuss potential FD wireless experiments that can be conducted based on the implemented open-access FD transceiver and baseline program.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported in part by NSF grants ECCS-1547406 and CNS-1827923, DARPA RF-FPGA program, DARPA SPAR program, a Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship, Texas Instruments, Intel, and a  ... 
arXiv:1801.03069v2 fatcat:rrf7n4sifvg37jdde6lkezzfna

Platforms and testbeds for experimental evaluation of cognitive ad hoc networks

Kaushik Chowdhury, Tommaso Melodia
2010 IEEE Communications Magazine  
The article first describes the internal organization of typical existing software defined radio platforms. Then the existing software frameworks are discussed and classified.  ...  Consequently, the challenges involved in integration of these platforms to form multihop networks are discussed, and the major efforts for large-scale testbed implementations described.  ...  Currently, the OSSIE software (SCA-Based Open Source Software Defined Radio) provides an implementation of a software defined radio built over the SCA framework assuming the presence of an underlying USRP  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcom.2010.5560593 fatcat:v3ttlulikfajbfm67gnx3u6fwi

Improving transport design for WARP SDR deployments

Krishna C. Garikipati, Kang G. Shin
2014 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM workshop on Software radio implementation forum - SRIF '14  
Software-Defined radios (SDRs) are a popular platform for developing and implementing wireless protocols.  ...  Their basic architecture consists of radio front-ends hosted on an FGPA board, and a back-end processing host for running bulk of the signal processing in software.  ...  ., MATLAB/MEX-based implementation is slower than a pure C program.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2627788.2627789 dblp:conf/sigcomm/GarikipatiS14 fatcat:ugsivshgc5bjrcyqnwf36o5zum

Software Defined Electronics: A Revolutionary Change in Design and Teaching Paradigm of RF Radio Communications Systems

Géza Kolumbán
2015 ICT Express  
This tutorial, written for interested readers who have no solid background in software defined radio, virtual instrumentation and SoC technology, surveys the SDE theory, uses a step-by-step approach for  ...  The band-pass property makes the substitution of each RF/microwave/ optical analog signal processing possible with a low-frequency digital one in Software Defined Electronics (SDE).  ...  Both the FM-DCSK radio transceiver and the noisy radio channels are implemented in baseband and entirely in software.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s2405-9595(15)30021-7 fatcat:nbu3lo5pinhrhm7csk6pxfe6xu

KUAR: A Flexible Software-Defined Radio Development Platform

G. J. Minden, J. B. Evans, L. Searl, D. DePardo, V. R. Petty, R. Rajbanshi, T. Newman, Q. Chen, F. Weidling, J. Guffey, D. Datla, B. Barker (+4 others)
2007 2007 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks  
In this paper, we present the details of a portable, powerful, and flexible software-defined radio development platform called the Kansas University Agile Radio (KUAR).  ...  The KUAR hardware implementation and software architecture are discussed in detail. Radio configurations and applications are presented.  ...  A set of these constraints, defined by a user, are given to a rule based engine which analyzes the constraints against a pre-defined set of radio component implementation techniques, various modulation  ... 
doi:10.1109/dyspan.2007.62 fatcat:hic6zbkzgjcdtpoad46fjwwr5q

High-Level System Design of IEEE 802.11b Standard-Compliant Link Layer for MATLAB-Based SDR

Ramanathan Subramanian, Benjamin Drozdenko, Eric Doyle, Rameez Ahmed, Miriam Leeser, Kaushik Roy Chowdhury
2016 IEEE Access  
Software defined radio (SDR) allows unprecedented levels of flexibility by transitioning the radio communication system from a rigid hardware platform to a more user-controlled software paradigm.  ...  In this work, our contribution is the design of a bidirectional transceiver that runs on the commonly used USRP platform and implemented in MATLAB using standard tools like MATLAB Coder and MEX to speed  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by MathWorks under the Development-Collaboration Research Grant A#: 1-945815398.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2016.2553671 fatcat:x4zkdayz65g33keyaclcdlqjxu

A Survey Of Software Radios: Reconfigurable Platforms, Development Tools And Future Directions

Hassan Nasser, Damascus University, Abdelrazak Badawieh, Abdulkarim Assalem, Damascus University, Al-Baath University
2020 Radioelectronics Nanosystems Information Technologies  
[35] : It is a method to implement radios on FPGA to achieve configurability by using an HDL language called Bluespec, through which all hardware blocks of a radio transceiver are written.  ...  Radio (SDR): "A Radio in which some or all of the physical layer functions are software defined".  ... 
doi:10.17725/rensit.2020.12.207 fatcat:w5aqf5xrjvf7vh5eyk472gmk7i

Angle-of-arrival-assisted Relative Interferometric localization using Software Defined Radios

Jonathan Friedman, Anna Davitian, Dustin Torres, Danijela Cabric, Mani Srivastava
2009 MILCOM 2009 - 2009 IEEE Military Communications Conference  
We have developed and implemented a software-defined model in Matlab, and have designed, simulated, and implemented an SDR-ARI transceiver utilizing USRP hardware and gnuRadio software.  ...  In this work, we present SDR-ARI -a Software Defined Radio (SDR) approach to an Angle-of-arrival-assisted Relative Interferometric (ARI) RADAR transceiver.  ...  SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO APPROACH TO ARI The use of Software Defined Radio [5] in our implementation of the ARI system has added several very important advantages.  ... 
doi:10.1109/milcom.2009.5379787 fatcat:lkolpbb55nhlrp52wwhdix4lq4

Utilizing Low-Cost Linux Micro-Computer Android Phone Solutions on Cube-Satellites [article]

Ahmed Farid, Ahmed Samy, Ahmed Shalaby, Ahmed Tarek, Mahmoud Ayyad, Muhammad Assem, Samy Amin
2022 arXiv   pre-print
As for software, the project makes use of open-source modules and locally developed code to implement needed functionalities, in addition to a mechanism to operate a virtual desktop Linux OS in parallel  ...  the B.Sc. project Subsystems for 2 nd Iteration Cairo University Cube-Satellite greatly appreciates the Nano-Satellite Symposium Office s acceptance of this paper for presentation at Japan in front of a  ...  This was implemented in the project, but as a Matlab script.  ... 
arXiv:2205.08255v1 fatcat:rrat2334dberde4dmy2qencvvm

An Approach to Achieve Zero Turnaround Time in TDD Operation on SDR Front-End

Muhammad Aslam, Xianjun Jiao, Wei Liu, Ingrid Moerman
2018 IEEE Access  
Thanks to the digitization and softwarization of radio communication, the development cycle of new radio technologies can be significantly accelerated by prototyping on software-defined radio (SDR) platforms  ...  The impact is measured for an in-house IEEE 802.15.4 compliant transceiver. When compared against the conventional TDD approach, only a 7.5-dB degradation is observed with the BBHD-RFFD approach.  ...  Her main research interests include collaborative and cooperative networks, intelligent cognitive radio networks, real-time software-defined radio, flexible hardware/software architectures for radio/network  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2018.2883253 fatcat:33dedt7meffurj65v23kg76su4

Methods and Proposals for Solutions in the Applicability of a Software-Defined Radio in Maritime Communication

Miroslav Bistrović, Domagoj Komorčec
2022 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering  
A step forward regarding frequency range and level of networking can be achieved with the application of a software-defined radio.  ...  Furthermore, the software-defined radio and SDR configuration development are described according to their theoretical feasibility in the maritime domain.  ...  A software-defined radio (SDR) can be defined as a system consisting of an antenna set, generic hardware and a software platform.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jmse10010118 fatcat:imywjxeihzbrfgrs2lks5ixz7e
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