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Kamsuriah Ahmad, Siti Zarith Sofia Itmin
2022 Journal of Information System and Technology Management  
The primary purpose of data integration in data warehouse is to consolidate data from various heterogeneous data source.  ...  The success factors proposed in this study could be used as a reference to the system developers in improving the performance of data integration process.  ...  GGP-2019-024), Centre for Software Technology and Management (SOFTAM) of Faculty of Information Science and Technology, National University of Malaysia (UKM).  ... 
doi:10.35631/jistm.727019 fatcat:eudknkslczhpvhcykghga2vmki

Data warehousing in disease management programs

D C Ramick
2001 Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM  
This article surveys recent warehousing techniques from HMOs to map out critical issues relating to the preparation, design, and implementation of a successful data warehouse.  ...  Discussions of scope, data cleansing, and storage management are included in depicting warehouse preparation and design; data implementation options are contrasted.  ...  Once the planning and designing of the data warehouse are complete, an implementation process must be chosen.  ... 
pmid:11452582 fatcat:4cfg7iulerebpmocpuvqbkveau

Life cycle of a data warehousing project in healthcare

R Verma, J Harper
2001 Journal of healthcare information management : JHIM  
The team is designing and implementing data marts and a "star schema" style of data modeling--a useful tool for management to evaluate results before investing further.  ...  Hill Physicians Medical Group (and its medical management firm, PriMed Management) early on recognized the need for a data warehouse.  ...  The transactional system had been used for the processing of claims and the input of daily authorization requests for medical procedures.  ... 
pmid:11452573 fatcat:ig7vyqcgt5gcbbkp3zinactug4

Warehouse Processes Improvement by Pick by Voice Technology

2018 Tehnički Vjesnik  
Although it results in certain benefits, the implementation of a pick by voice system generates large initial costs.  ...  The comparison has been made from the aspect of workers productivity in the warehouse, the accuracy of goods collection and time required for workers training.  ...  Warehouse Process with HHD Warehouse Processes with Pick by Voice As a proof of improvement, in measurable segments such as picking and the search time is given, with processed data after implementing  ... 
doi:10.17559/tv-20160829152732 fatcat:4wjlipoe3vfczi2m6iwv2g7tki


Cornelia Kraus, Raul Valverde
2014 American Journal of Applied Sciences  
The approach relies on a generic and re-usable store procedure for data analytics.  ...  The data warehouse was tested with two datasets collected from an operational supply chain database from the inventory management and warranty claims processes.  ...  for effective and successful data warehouse design and implementation.  ... 
doi:10.3844/ajassp.2014.1507.1518 fatcat:6ckfoqznmfe25f2w4ob2ks47ka


2013 Issues in Information Systems  
Unfortunately, 40% to 50% of data warehouse initiatives end in costly failure. The search for root causes converged on not understanding the user's business problems.  ...  Data warehouses, when implemented correctly, promise to meet this need by integrating and organizing key operational data in a form that is consistent, reliable, timely, and readily available, wherever  ...  [18] sought to develop a Data Warehouse Process Maturity (DWP-M) model that guided both the implementation and operation of a data warehouse.  ... 
doi:10.48009/1_iis_2013_376-384 fatcat:bj6tsrilxjd4fjrtxu5jrnue4e

Building the data warehouse

Stephen R. Gardner
1998 Communications of the ACM  
Understanding these definitions is critical for all aspects of the data warehouse development process.  ...  Data warehouse support and enhancement comprises a series of followup operational and value processes supporting the operations and maintenance of a data warehouse.  ... 
doi:10.1145/285070.285080 fatcat:astwnpmyifcu7jtizazxfwzede

Movement Societies and Digital Protest: Fan Activism and Other Nonpolitical Protest Online

Jennifer Earl, Katrina Kimport
2009 Sociological theory  
nonpolitical claims online using data on claims made in quasi-random samples of online petitions, boycotts, and e-mailing or letter-writing campaigns.  ...  Theorizing that the Internet, as a new media, is positioned to accelerate the diffusion of protest practices, we develop and test hypotheses about the use of movement practices for fan activism and other  ...  See Earl (2006) for a more detailed description of the API and the data collection process more generally.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1467-9558.2009.01346.x fatcat:rvcacheg2rh25fuohwpy6nj57e

An Integrative and Uniform Model for Metadata Management in Data Warehousing Environments

Robert Müller, Thomas Stöhr, Erhard Rahm
1999 Design and Management of Data Warehouses  
Due to the increasing complexity of data warehouses, a centralized and declarative management of metadata is essential for data warehouse administration, maintenance and usage.  ...  Therefore, we suggest a uniform and integrative model for data warehouse metadata.  ...  as a base for a data warehouse repository.  ... 
dblp:conf/dmdw/MullerSR99 fatcat:wdef64v5n5guzki3o5ufu2ytkm

The Application of Business Intelligence Systems in Logistics. Review of Selected Practical Examples

Aleksandra Grabińska, Leszek Ziora
2019 System Safety: Human - Technical Facility - Environment  
processes.  ...  Its content embraces the characteristic of BI systems, its functionality, construction and benefits resulting from its implementation.  ...  load of data) and the second called BI in memory where the use of data warehouse is not necessary.  ... 
doi:10.2478/czoto-2019-0130 fatcat:63r4rf6yizf6fih7t5pf6eoowy

PS2-56: Building the Virtual Data Warehouse Using Data from a Healthcare Billing System

R. Krajenta, L. Lamerato, K. Wells
2012 Clinical Medicine & Research  
Content areas and data elements that are commonly required for research studies are identified, and data dictionaries are created for each of the content areas, specifying a common format for each of the  ...  remain at the local sites; there is no multi-site physical database at a centralized data coordinating center. At the core of the VDW are a series of standardized file definitions.  ...  The potential for overwhelming amounts of data in billing sources is possible due to the level of detail; however, this same level of detail is a rich source for specific care components that would not  ... 
doi:10.3121/cmr.2012.1100.ps2-56 fatcat:nlr2be4cyrfb7ebrlxpcjr7ngm

Warehouses information system design and development

R A Darajatun, Sukanta
2017 IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering  
Master data designed as complete as possible to be prepared applications used in a variety of process logistic warehouse variations.  ...  In the process of collecting data the author uses the method of observation, interviews, and literature.  ...  from customer/claimed Table 2 . 2 List of modules 3 Area Process Detail Transfer Stock Change stock from part number A to part number B BOM Bill of Material, Part Database Other Daily Sales Report detail  ... 
doi:10.1088/1757-899x/277/1/012002 fatcat:olsmnfaheve4hchmttclv6w5k4


2011 Issues in Information Systems  
Based on empirical information, a data warehouse costs in excess of one million dollars and it is estimated that approximately 67% of the efforts at implementation result in failures.  ...  The literature on business intelligence mentions several critical factors that play an important role in the successful implementation of data warehouses.  ...  In this research, we analyze factors that are critical for successful implementation of data warehouses for enterprises in Puerto Rico by studying six businesses.  ... 
doi:10.48009/1_iis_2011_88-96 fatcat:re3ggoquqbeerposvlkxvaapri

PDM based I-SOAS Data Warehouse Design [article]

Zeeshan Ahmed
2010 arXiv   pre-print
Static and Unintelligent Search, Platform Independent System and Successful PDM System Implementation, briefly presents a semantic based solution i.e. I-SOAS.  ...  This research paper briefly describes the industrial contributions of Product Data Management in any organization's technical and managerial data management.  ...  I-SOAS DATA WAREHOUSE TECHNOLOGIES INVOLVED For the implementation of I-SOAS Data Warehouse we are considering MySQL Data Warehousing platform. Fig 7 . 7 I-SOAS: Data Warehouse Technologies Involved  ... 
arXiv:1008.1337v1 fatcat:rc5bf4kx3rdvtei6wcu6a7pz7a


2014 Issues in Information Systems  
Company B is in charge of transaction processes, medicine discounts, claims and intranet service for its 900 pharmacies.  ...  CONCLUSIONS This study helps to identify elements of best practices in implementing effective data warehouses for a variety of industries.  ... 
doi:10.48009/1_iis_2014_277-284 fatcat:2p2brtx2drgrhbrgbq3qsbghxa
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