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Portable movement modeling for PCS networks

Yuguang Fang, I. Chlamtac, Yi-Bing Lin
2000 IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology  
In this paper, we propose a new model for the portable movement in personal communications services (PCSs) networks.  ...  Based on this model with general interservice time and registration area residence time distributions, analytic expression for the probability that a portable moves across registration areas (RAs) is obtained  ...  Stephen Rappaport and the anonymous reviewers for their detailed and constructive suggestions which greatly improve the quality of this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1109/25.875258 fatcat:jjn5w23rpnfztmcfkrdhaw2qja

All But War Is Simulation: The Military-Entertainment Complex

Timothy Lenoir
2000 Configurations  
As a skydiver plummets to earth alternating anxious glances between the camera and his chute, which appears on the screen one agonizing row of pixels at a time, the voiceover asks: "Time for a Pentium  ...  In a similar vein, one of Intel's 1999 ads for the Pentium II processor articulates the consumer's desire for ever-faster uploads, and ultimately for fusing the digital and the real.  ...  Changes in these technologies have a profound impact on our sense of the real.  ... 
doi:10.1353/con.2000.0022 fatcat:625xpmxyqfhsxhuvua5ctixl3i

Student Preferences on Gaming Aspects for a Serious Game in Pharmacy Practice Education: A Cross-Sectional Study

Huan Ying Chang, David Yan Hong Poh, Li Lian Wong, John Yin Gwee Yap, Kevin Yi-Lwern Yap
2015 JMIR Medical Education  
This study aims to determine the types of gaming aspects that students would like to play in a pharmacy-related serious game.  ...  However, little is known about students' gaming preferences and the types of serious games they like to play for education.  ...  The conference explores issues in the development, use, and marketing of educational games. The initiative seeks to encourage research and development of educational games.  ... 
doi:10.2196/mededu.3754 pmid:27731304 pmcid:PMC5041348 fatcat:ouqfijqanvd75ipeuzebtteese

Novel mediator architectures for Grid information systems

Alexander Wöhrer, Peter Brezany, A. Min Tjoa
2005 Future generations computer systems  
An important factor of the strength of a modern enterprise is its capability to effectively store and process information.  ...  Several technical obstacles arise in the design and implementation of a system for integration of such data sources, most notably distribution, autonomy, and data heterogeneity.  ...  Networking and operating system software will enable this dead time to be utilised in the background, without interfering with the PC user when one is using it.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.future.2004.09.018 fatcat:awe7tjxqpzbcpojgly256mw3lq

REVISTA ECONOMICĂ Journal of economic-financial theory and practice CNCSIS reference: B+, Code 478 Frequency: 6 issues/year Editor Deputy Editor Scientific Committee Editorial Board THE IMPACT OF SEMANTIC WEB TO BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE

Dan Popescu, Liviu Mihăescu, Dan Popescu, H Lucian, Liviu Mihăescu, Lucian, Acad Văcărel, -Romanian Academy, Prof Lucian-Liviu, Albu, Ciumara, Francesco D'esposito (+37 others)
The purpose of this research is to identify, describe and analyse if there is the impact on the Semantic Web solutions for Business Intelligence and how it manifests.  ...  Business Intelligence are high-level decisions support applications, their role being to provide to management, based on information from the company, a picture of its situation at some time but also on  ...  "Impacts" of ICTmeasures the economic and social effects of ICT (on competitiveness, and well-being) .  ... 

Models for predicting the quality of experience of cloud gaming services [article]

Saman Zadtootaghaj, Technische Universität Berlin, Sebastian Möller
The gaming industry is one of the largest in the entertainment markets for the past several decades and is steadily growing with the introduction of emerging technologies such as hardware video encoding  ...  and the new generation of broadband cellular networks, 5G.  ...  Such a difference in the effect of degradation on participants’ ratings offers challenges in the development of gaming QoE models that rely solely on parameters from network and compression.  ... 
doi:10.14279/depositonce-12497 fatcat:r7jriojwcfeixhcchpe5fn5xxu

Plan Canada - Volume 33, Number 4 (July 1993) [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, Vancouver Island University-Royal Roads University, Vancouver Island University-Royal Roads University
CADD, GIS and MIS in planning|La CDAO et les SIG en urbanisme  ...  As well, the creation of the data model on which CAD images are based is costly -both in terms of time and money-and the effectiveness of CAD as an analytical and illustrative tool can be undermined if  ...  The attitudes of municipal officials have a significant impact on the support and legislative endorsement of home business.  ... 
doi:10.25316/ir-7091 fatcat:u7s2clgscfgahdbpehijfrwih4

The Role of General Practitioners in Disaster Health Management [article]

Penelope Burns, University, The Australian National
They are a medical resource, knowledgeable about the local community context, and remain to share the journey of adaptation and recovery with their local community in the days to years of aftermath.  ...  The research aim was to identify the role of GPs in disaster health management, and to propose a system of involvement that aligns with: - the epidemiological evidence of disaster healthcare needs relevant  ...  Acknowledgements: We thank the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Foundation for their support on some early work in this field.  ... 
doi:10.25911/3bte-tf05 fatcat:xbxyudpyp5h6ng25pke7d3znvu