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Image-Based Recognition of Individual Trouts in the Wild

Lingcong Zhao, Marius Pedersen, Jon Yngve Hardeberg, Borre Dervo
2019 2019 8th European Workshop on Visual Information Processing (EUVIP)  
) automatically with images taken in the wild.  ...  Although big variation in illumination, poses of the trouts, and resolution we validated that just using a small patch taken from the head of the trout, which can minimize the variations, it's possible  ...  Thus, the goal of this paper is to propose an automatic image-based method for individual recognition of brown trouts (Salmo trutta) in the wild.  ... 
doi:10.1109/euvip47703.2019.8946137 dblp:conf/euvip/ZhaoPHD19 fatcat:5rshysknlvcdlp5jegkta6qjzu

Photo Identification of Individual Salmo trutta Based on Deep Learning

Marius Pedersen, Ahmed Mohammed
2021 Applied Sciences  
The method was evaluated on a dataset called NINA204 based on 204 videos of brown trout and on a dataset TROUT39 containing 39 brown trouts in 288 frames.  ...  Individual fish identification and recognition is an important step in the conservation and management of fisheries. One of most frequently used methods involves capturing and tagging fish.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app11199039 fatcat:mjdxtxniwfaynblj7ru4hqb4iy

Experimental Tests for Heritable Morphological Color Plasticity in Non-Native Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) Populations

Peter A. H. Westley, Ryan Stanley, Ian A. Fleming, Stephanie M. Carlson
2013 PLoS ONE  
Skin and fin coloration quantified with digital photography and image analysis indicated strong plastic effects in response to substrate color; individuals reared on dark substrate had both darker melanin-based  ...  Here we report on experimental tests to determine whether the intensity of cryptic coloration patterns in a global invader (brown trout, Salmo trutta) was primarily the result of plasticity or heritable  ...  We thank Thomas Quinn and members of his research group for insightful conversations during the writing and analysis of the paper and for funding Jennifer ''Adobe Photoshop Wizard'' Reeve, who kindly cropped  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0080401 pmid:24260385 pmcid:PMC3832361 fatcat:ffsmhylfibailfp4lksl5mo3te

Geometric morphometrics reveals sexual and genotypic dimorphisms in the brown trout

Ghislaine Monet, Ayhan Uyanik, Alexis Champigneulle
2006 Aquatic Living Resources  
The recognition of hybrid trout is more random because very near to Mediterranean trout. The existence of a sexual dimorphism could be established in spite of the absence of information on the sex.  ...  The objective is to study different factors of variations in the body shape of trout (Salmo trutta) belonging to the Mediterranean lineage (indigenous trout) or Atlantic lineage (introduced trout), and  ...  This study was carried out as part of an INTERREG IIIA ALCOTRA program named: Identification, conservation and rehabilitation of autochtonous brown trout populations in Haute-Savoie (France) and in the  ... 
doi:10.1051/alr:2006004 fatcat:ngxg3pdk7vfirkf55xto6kgc4i

Lipopolysaccharide O-Antigen Prevents Phagocytosis of Vibrio anguillarum by Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) Skin Epithelial Cells

Kristoffer Lindell, Anna Fahlgren, Erik Hjerde, Nils-Peder Willassen, Maria Fällman, Debra L. Milton, Stephen V. Gordon
2012 PLoS ONE  
In addition, the O-antigen transport mutants could not colonize the skin but they did colonize the intestines of rainbow trout.  ...  In summary, rainbow trout skin epithelial cells play a role in the fish innate immunity by clearing bacteria from the skin epidermis.  ...  In-vivo bioluminescent imaging of V. anguillarum during an infection of rainbow trout To visualize V. anguillarum during an infection of rainbow trout using in vivo bioluminescent imaging, the bacterial  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0037678 pmid:22662189 pmcid:PMC3360773 fatcat:nqiar6kugvgardujiiwyk2diy4

Construction of a virulent, green fluorescent protein-tagged Yersinia ruckeri and detection in trout tissues after intraperitoneal and immersion challenge

TJ Welch, GD Wiens
2005 Diseases of Aquatic Organisms  
The derivative, YRNC10-gfp, was highly GFP fluorescent, retained the gfp-km marker in the absence of kanamycin selection, and exhibited in vitro growth kinetics similar to those of the wild type strain  ...  In summary, this is the first report of the construction of a virulent, GFP-tagged Y. ruckeri, which may be a useful model for detecting and imaging the interactions between an aquatic pathogen and the  ...  In comparison, the wild-type strain yielded an average of 65% mortality that ranged from 61 to 67%.  ... 
doi:10.3354/dao067267 pmid:16408843 fatcat:sdz7fysihrh7vneusqort7tx3u

Morphological survey as powerful detection tool of pure and local phenotypes in Salmo trutta complex

Massimo Lorenzoni, Antonella Carosi, Massimo Giovannotti, Gianandrea La Porta, Andrea Splendiani, Vincenzo Caputo Barucchi
2019 Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems  
The information collected confirmed the powerful of morphological surveys in the screening of conservation status of wild trout populations.  ...  The native Mediterranean trout populations in central Italy are at risk of extinction. Hybridization with the alien Atlantic trout represents one of the major threats to the species.  ...  This study was funded by Lifeþ TROUT Project (LIFE12 NAT/IT/0000940) for the recovery and conservation of Mediterranean trout (Salmo trutta complex) in the central Apennines (Italy), within the framework  ... 
doi:10.1051/kmae/2019041 fatcat:hdn5muk7lbg5rfqzmcsj2fupm4

Disruptive colouration in reef fish: does matching the background reduce predation risk?

Genevieve A. C. Phillips, Martin J. How, Julia E. Lange, N. Justin Marshall, Karen L. Cheney
2017 Journal of Experimental Biology  
Vertically barred patterns provide protection for prey from visual predators even when they mismatch the spatial frequency of background habitats.  ...  We also blurred an image of humbugs against a coral head from the field (humbugs in the wild) and analysed it using the FFT analysis.  ...  The minimum resolvable angle (θ) was calculated as 0.092° and 0.103° for the slingjaw and coral trout respectively based on the number of cone cells in the highest density regions (Table 1 ).  ... 
doi:10.1242/jeb.151480 pmid:28566354 fatcat:4dm4owdadnbpnnc32piq7bvddi

Does the parasitic freshwater pearl mussel M. margaritifera harm its host?

Gethin R. Thomas, John Taylor, Carlos Garcia de Leaniz
2013 Hydrobiologia  
We examined the physiological response of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) to encystment by the parasitic larvae (glochidia) of the freshwater pearl mussel, Margaritifera margaritifera.  ...  There were no significant difference in mean blood haematocrit between encysted and uninfected trout, but encysted trout took c. 6 h longer to reach basal ventilation rate than controls suggesting that  ...  Acknowledgments We are grateful to Sofia Consuegra and two anonymous reviewers for useful comments on the manuscript and to Andrew Rowley for help with the histology.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10750-013-1515-8 fatcat:jl2seqzfdrbufhejdlvol7bnda

Extending the Locavore Movement to Wild Fish and Game: Questions and Implications

Keith G. Tidball, Moira M. Tidball, Paul Curtis
2013 Natural Sciences Education  
Together the authors created the Seneca County Wild Harvest Table extension web-based resource.  ...  to "push a new public image based on deeper traditions: we are stewards of the land, hunting on ground that we know and love, collecting indigenous, environmentally sustainable food for ourselves and  ... 
doi:10.4195/nse.2013.0024 fatcat:pfvgjymztzdk3og2jzyaey6egy

The rainbow trout CMP-sialic acid synthetase utilises a nuclear localization signal different from that identified in the mouse enzyme

J. Tiralongo, A. Fujita, C. Sato, K. Kitajima, F. Lehmann, M. Oschlies, R. Gerardy-Schahn, A. K Munster-Kuhnel
2007 Glycobiology  
The terminal sugar sialic acid (Sia) plays a pivotal role in cell-cell interaction and recognition.  ...  In summary, our data describing structural differences in the NLS of vertebrate CMP-Sia-syn, and the independence of Sia activation from the subcellular localization of the enzyme, provide supporting evidence  ...  Acknowledgements J.T. gratefully acknowledges the Australian Research Council for the award of an Australian Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Prof.  ... 
doi:10.1093/glycob/cwm064 pmid:17580313 fatcat:jzfd2srtzndazlud6ernn4k3lu

Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) habitat overlap with wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) in natural streams: do habitat and landscape factors override competitive interactions?

Scott D. Roloson, Kyle M. Knysh, Michael R.S. Coffin, Karen L. Gormley, Christina C. Pater, Michael R. van den Heuvel
2018 Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences  
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I want to thank the many volunteer anglers who fished long and hard and the CDFG Heritage & Wild Trout Statewide Crew for all their support both in angling and serving  ...  Wild Trout X Symposium -Conserving Wild Trout (2010) Se ss io n 6: Re so ur ce Ext ra ct io n a nd W ild T ro ut Re sto ra tion Ef fo rt s 319 MEADE PEAK RANCH: A SUSTAINABLE MODEL FOR CONSERVING YELLOWSTONE  ...  Accompanying this trend is recognition of the inherent value of fishing for and observing wild trout by some anglers.  ... 
doi:10.1139/cjfas-2017-0342 fatcat:ulbpgjgnwjdrplf4yyvrlnffdy

Development of a genetic method for the identification of salmon, trout, and bream in seafood products by means of PCR–RFLP and FINS methodologies

Montserrat Espiñeira, Juan M. Vieites, Francisco Javier Santaclara
2009 European Food Research and Technology  
In the present study, two alternative methods for identifying 13 salmon, trout and bream species were developed.  ...  The main novelty of this work lies in the applicability of the developed methods to all kinds of processed products, including those undergoing intensive processes of transformation, as for instance canned  ...  We also thank Kristi Millar and Tobi Ming (PaciWc Biological Station, Canada) for providing some of the samples included in this work.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00217-009-1107-z fatcat:fk6kofcu7zcufjq4brhhwrf2iy

Vets and aquaculture: an evolving relationship

Ronnie Soutar
2015 The Veterinary Record  
Feature Feature Vet futures Vets and aquaculture: an evolving relationship Aquaculture is one of the largest farming sectors in the UK, particularly in Scotland.  ...  As part of Veterinary Record's continuing series of articles discussing the state of different sectors of the veterinary profession, Ronnie Soutar describes the growth of aquaculture and the evolving relationship  ...  Acknowledgements the author would like to thank John Webster for his editorial assistance.  ... 
doi:10.1136/vr.h4415 pmid:26358450 fatcat:zfhp3aiajrdtdaqvwuv2ivuxgi

Unlocking the potential of deep learning for marine ecology: overview, applications, and outlook

Morten Goodwin, Kim Tallaksen Halvorsen, Lei Jiao, Kristian Muri Knausgård, Angela Helen Martin, Marta Moyano, Rebekah A Oomen, Jeppe Have Rasmussen, Tonje Knutsen Sørdalen, Susanna Huneide Thorbjørnsen, David Demer
2022 ICES Journal of Marine Science  
To promote the use of DL towards ecosystem-based management of the sea, this paper aims to bridge the gap between marine ecologists and computer scientists.  ...  Off-the-shelf algorithms find, count, and classify species from digital images or video and detect cryptic patterns in noisy data.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank four anonymous reviewers for their feedback which improved the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsab255 fatcat:w7pxpzfdmvfszes66kujlmasc4
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