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Identifying and characterizing ZMap scans: a cryptanalytic approach [article]

Johan Mazel, Rémi Strullu
2019 arXiv   pre-print
These methods can be used to identify ZMap scans with a small number of addresses extracted from the scan.  ...  We then perform an in-depth characterization of these scans regarding, for example, targeted prefix and probing speed.  ...  Second, we identified and characterized 28.5% of all scans in our datasets. Our characterization results may thus be biased towards scans that were identified by the Det2 method.  ... 
arXiv:1908.04193v2 fatcat:7gegxkx4kzfcvk45j3wnuwgoau

TLS on Android – Evolution over the last decade [article]

Marten Oltrogge, Universität Des Saarlandes
[103] present results of 110 scans of IPv4 address space. They use ZMap [104] , their internet-wide scanning approach for surveying the entire IPv4 address space in less than 45 minutes.  ...  In a more recent approach in 2017, O'Neill et al.  ...  A App Generators APPENDIX B. NETWORK SECURITY CONFIGURATION  ... 
doi:10.22028/d291-36083 fatcat:2yc4gy2ya5gwzm7ear52xxd32m