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Ideal Oscillation of a Hydrogenated Deformable Rotor in a Gigahertz Rotation-Translation Nanoconverter at Low Temperatures

Bo Song, Jiao Shi, Jinbao Wang, Jianhu Shen, Kun Cai
2020 Sensors  
It was discovered that large-amplitude axial oscillation can occur on a rotor with an internally hydrogenated deformable part (HDP) in a rotation-translation nanoconverter.  ...  The conclusions can be applied to the design of an ideal nano-oscillator based on the present rotation-translation converter model.  ...  [35] presented a nanodevice called a rotation-translation system in an NVT ensemble. In their model, a deformable part (DP) made of graphene was connected to the CNT rotor.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20071969 pmid:32244648 pmcid:PMC7181254 fatcat:yl7imrmj4rdsvbwmhlaj2glyrm