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Hybrid routing with periodic updates (HRPU) in wireless mesh networks

A. Damle, D. Rajan, S.M. Faccin
2006 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 2006. WCNC 2006.  
This paper proposes HRPU, a hybrid routing algorithm for wireless mesh networks.  ...  In HRPU, the mesh portal periodically broadcasts a mesh update message, which allows all nodes to have a route towards the mesh portal stored semipermanently in their routing table.  ...  This paper proposes hybrid routing with periodic updates (HRPU), a novel routing algorithm for wireless mesh networks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wcnc.2006.1683484 dblp:conf/wcnc/DamleRF06 fatcat:rx5gxokhufdy5a2d3thtmyz62q

Watch-Nodes-Based Wormhole Attacks Detection in Wireless Mesh Networks

Liang-yu Luan, Ying-fang Fu, Peng Xiao, Ling-xi Peng
2012 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems  
Wormhole attacks, as a devastating type of threats in wireless mesh networks, have received much attention in recent years.  ...  In this scheme, the combination of a number of techniques, such as distributed voting, watch-nodes-based detection and identity-based cryptosystem are used.  ...  Source Routing) 15 and HRPU (Hybrid Routing with Periodic Updates) 16 , and the sensor TinyOS beaconing routing protocol 17 .  ... 
doi:10.1080/18756891.2012.733220 fatcat:3hav4vr5qne6hm5ug44gwh7xvi