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1,473 Hits in 7.3 sec

Human–Machine Interface in Transport Systems: An Industrial Overview for More Extended Rail Applications

Simon Enjalbert, Livia Maria Gandini, Alexandre Pereda Baños, Stefano Ricci, Frederic Vanderhaegen
2021 Machines  
It presents and comments on different HMIs from the perspective of vehicle automation equipment and simulators of different application domains.  ...  This paper provides an overview of Human Machine Interface (HMI) design and command systems in commercial or experimental operation across transport modes.  ...  The kit enables the development of Artificial Intelligence assistants for both drivers and passengers.  ... 
doi:10.3390/machines9020036 fatcat:4bbgblanebcwxna4lpq4s4epzi

Smart Driver Monitoring Robotic System to Enhance Road Safety : A Comprehensive Review [article]

Farhin Farhad Riya, Shahinul Hoque, Xiaopeng Zhao, Jinyuan Stella Sun
2024 arXiv   pre-print
for driver monitoring.  ...  These robotic systems, equipped with artificial intelligence and sophisticated sensors, not only monitor but actively engage with the driver, addressing cognitive and emotional states in real-time.  ...  The fusion of robots into driver monitoring systems represents a paradigm shift, ushering in a new era of interactive and intelligent vehicles.  ... 
arXiv:2401.15762v1 fatcat:3oxwnokrxbc3lhiifq47q6re64

On Driver Behavior Recognition for Increased Safety: A Roadmap

Luca Davoli, Marco Martalò, Antonio Cilfone, Laura Belli, Gianluigi Ferrari, Roberta Presta, Roberto Montanari, Maura Mengoni, Luca Giraldi, Elvio G. Amparore, Marco Botta, Idilio Drago (+3 others)
2020 Safety  
Our investigation highlights a lack of advanced Driver Monitoring Systems (DMSs) for ADASs, which could increase driving quality and security for both drivers and passengers.  ...  DCS relies on multiple non-obtrusive sensors and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for uncovering the driver state and uses it to implement innovative Human–Machine Interface (HMI) functionalities.  ...  interaction between the driver and the highly automated system  ... 
doi:10.3390/safety6040055 fatcat:rntcjtvwkjaa5mrxsc2lji5kdy

Object Detection, Recognition, and Tracking Algorithms for ADASs—A Study on Recent Trends

Vinay Malligere Shivanna, Jiun-In Guo
2023 Sensors  
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs) are becoming increasingly common in modern-day vehicles, as they not only improve safety and reduce accidents but also aid in smoother and easier driving.  ...  The key components of ADASs are object detection, recognition, and tracking algorithms that allow vehicles to identify and track other objects on the road, such as other vehicles, pedestrians, cyclists  ...  We extend our heartfelt thanks to all the members and staff of the Intelligent Vision System Laboratory (iVSL), National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan R.O.C.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s24010249 pmid:38203111 pmcid:PMC10781282 fatcat:pdpycubhlzcfhovi77bj5tv6ue

Adaptive Transitions for Automation in Cars, Trucks, Busses and Motorcycles

Frederik Diederichs, Alessia Knauss, Marc Willbrink, Yannis Lilis, Evangelia Chrysochoou, Anna Anund, Evangelos Bekiaris, Stella Nikolaou, Nikos Dimokas, Svitlana Finer, Hamid Sanatnama, Luca Zanovello (+13 others)
2020 IET Intelligent Transport Systems  
State-of-the-art systems do not take the driver state, personal preferences, and predictions of road conditions into account.  ...  The detection of driver states during manual and automated driving and an appropriate design of the human-machine interaction (HMI) are crucial steps to support these transitions.  ...  driver support system' (reported in [16] ), 'application of real-time intelligent aid for driving and navigation enhancement' [17] , 'communication multimedia unit inside CAR' [18] , and the 'advanced  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-its.2018.5342 fatcat:efs55kambvhazkm6oeda4eu7kq

New insights, new challenges; person centred transport design

Andree Woodcock
2012 Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation  
This paper uses the Hexagon Spindle model of ergonomics to provide a framework for the development of person centred approaches to vehicle and transport design.  ...  The benefits of taking this approach, and the factors that might be included under a more inclusive definition of automotive and transport ergonomics are explained.  ...  The realization that transport needs to change is driving government policy and car manufacturers to provide alternatively powered vehicles (such as electric and hybrid vehicles) and encourage drivers  ... 
doi:10.3233/wor-2012-0781-4879 fatcat:nkvdkxlxsna6xbva5ul2acho6e

Environmental-Based Speed Recommendation for Future Smart Cars

Ioannis Galanis, Iraklis Anagnostopoulos, Priyaa Gurunathan, Dona Burkard
2019 Future Internet  
Thus, systematic techniques for combining information provided by on- and off-vehicle car connectivity are of remarkable importance for the availability and robustness of the overall system.  ...  Modern vehicles are enhanced with increased computation, communication and sensing capabilities, providing a variety of new features that pave the way for the deployment of more sophisticated services.  ...  We also conducted another experiment on a hybrid driving scenario that included highway road segment and urban driving. Figure 7a presents the RSI estimation for the hybrid driving scenario.  ... 
doi:10.3390/fi11030078 fatcat:duhywb3i3nevjjel22ghoz64ie

21st century trucking: A trajectory for ergonomics and road freight

M. Bedinger, G.H. Walker, M. Piecyk, P. Greening
2016 Applied Ergonomics  
Acknowledgment The research presented in this paper was funded by EPSRC grant Centre for Sustainable Road Freight, award reference: EP/K00915X/1.  ...  In the medium term, we expect to see communications integration with intelligent transport systems, and the development of increasingly autonomous vehicles.  ...  Electric hybrid vehicle use was identified for niche industries or applications by 2025.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.apergo.2015.06.022 pmid:26130420 fatcat:nixob3c2g5h5bo3ulggae573sa

Real-Time Estimation of Drivers' Trust in Automated Driving Systems

Hebert Azevedo-Sa, Suresh Kumaar Jayaraman, Connor T. Esterwood, X. Jessie Yang, Lionel P. Robert, Dawn M. Tilbury
2020 International Journal of Social Robotics  
Trust miscalibration issues, represented by undertrust and overtrust, hinder the interaction between drivers and self-driving vehicles.  ...  Results show that the proposed approach was successful in computing trust estimates over successive interactions between the driver and the automated driving system.  ...  The authors would also like to thank Quantum Signal, LLC, for providing ANVEL software and their development support.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12369-020-00694-1 fatcat:pr2j3elte5bynappljx4xdljpm

Driver Distraction Using Visual-Based Sensors and Algorithms

Alberto Fernández, Rubén Usamentiaga, Juan Carús, Rubén Casado
2016 Sensors  
Non-intrusive methods are strongly preferred for monitoring distraction, and vision-based systems have appeared to be attractive for both drivers and researchers.  ...  These authors have estimated that distraction and inattention account for somewhere between 25% and 75% of all crashes and near crashes [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] .  ...  Privacy Issues Related to Camera Sensors Although there is a widespread agreement for intelligent vehicles to improve safety, the study of driver behaviour to design and evaluate intelligent vehicles requires  ... 
doi:10.3390/s16111805 pmid:27801822 pmcid:PMC5134464 fatcat:ku6ytfqa3zavtligyipcvxmydi

A Comprehensive Survey of Driving Monitoring and Assistance Systems

Muhammad Qasim Khan, Sukhan Lee
2019 Sensors  
to assist drivers for a safe and comfortable driving experience.  ...  research areas, and their interaction is explored.  ...  However, vehicles without intelligent headlight adjustment systems still pose the danger to the drivers driving a vehicle with such a system.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19112574 pmid:31174275 pmcid:PMC6603637 fatcat:s5sebu4alncdtkhp5mg4dnuif4

Test Environment Design for Wireless Vehicle Communications

Peter Lerchbaumer, Alejandro Ochoa, Elisabeth Uhlemann
2007 Vehicular Technology Conference-Fall (VTC-FALL), Proceedings, IEEE  
The research in wireless communications and in-vehicle computing systems has opened up new fields of applications for transportation systems.  ...  This thesis treats different issues that influence the performance of wireless vehicle communication systems and it proposes a general design procedure for the construction of a test environment for VANETs  ...  Acknowledgements The development of this Master's thesis has been a joint undertaking in the Deparment of Transport, Information and Communication at Volvo Technology Corporation in Göteborg, Sweden.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vetecf.2007.464 dblp:conf/vtc/LerchbaumerOU07 fatcat:oni4rphny5f63lnighk3zxlbau

Systems for Safety and Autonomous Behavior in Cars: The DARPA Grand Challenge Experience

U. Ozguner, C. Stiller, K. Redmill
2007 Proceedings of the IEEE  
| In this paper, we review technologies for autonomous ground vehicles and their present capabilities in research and in the automotive market.  ...  We outline technology requirements for enhanced functions and for infrastructure development.  ...  , artificial intelligence, driver psychology, human machine interaction, market acceptance, and legal issues and liability.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2006.888394 fatcat:3dank4mrhvhjxb5xrz2c2rhgvm

Vehicle Telematics Via Exteroceptive Sensors: A Survey [article]

Fernando Molano Ortiz, Matteo Sammarco, Luís Henrique M. K. Costa, Marcin Detyniecki
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Then, we review in detail all exteroceptive sensors of some interest for vehicle telematics, highlighting advantages, drawbacks, and availability in off-the-shelf devices.  ...  We conclude showing open challenges using exteroceptive sensors both for industry and research.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior -Brasil (CAPES) -Finance Code 001, CNPq, FAPERJ, and FAPESP Grant 15/24494-8.  ... 
arXiv:2008.12632v1 fatcat:lwzwvdldnbbmhlkwsjzipowfly

Autonomous driving: a bird's eye view

Margarita Martínez-Díaz, Francesc Soriguera, Ignacio Pérez
2019 IET Intelligent Transport Systems  
Electric vehicles and sharing systems are suitable options, although both require some refinement to incentivise a broader range of customers.  ...  For instance, there is a need for cooperation and management strategies geared towards traffic efficiency.  ...  The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) allocated 75 MHz of spectrum in the 5.9 GHz band in 2003 to be used by intelligent transportation systems (ITS) for vehicle safety and mobility applications  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-its.2018.5061 fatcat:6italo4a2zbdfl6qfgliqeu6ra
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