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Program Committee

2006 2006 Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Source Code Analysis and Manipulation  
The invited papers were One Million Sense-Tagged Instances for Word Sense Disambiguation and Induction by Ng Hwee Tou (National University of Singapore), How are you two related?  ...  of Hamburg) and Using a Grammar Implementation to Teach Writing Skills by Dan Flickinger (Stanford).  ...  Several others contributing to its content are: Polish language version of Wikipedia and Wikisource, Walenty valency dictionary (Przepiórkowski et al., 2014) and National Corpus of Polish (Przepiórkowski  ... 
doi:10.1109/scam.2006.23 dblp:conf/scam/X06c fatcat:2dhsf7loj5hlffu2jxpmlo2qcq

Parameters Winter Issue 2022-23

2022 Parameters  
In "Why Do Senior Officers Sometimes Fail in Character? The Leaky Character Reservoir,"  ...  Buchholz argues that a concept of positive strategic shock would benefit the US Department of Defense's planning processes and makes recommendations based on three methods of thinking.  ...  Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Katie Matthew, Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership, Thayer Hall, West Point, NY 10996, or by e-mail to katie.matthew@westpoint.edu  ... 
doi:10.55540/0031-1723.3181 fatcat:he5erbmrqnalvhkrq7kl22uv6u

Collection Management Matters: The DataBase Dance: Waltzing with a Big Budget Cut

Glenda Alvin
2015 Against the Grain  
We do not exist to maximize profits, and in this philosophy we are aligned with the principles of a Benefit Corporation.  ...  Knowing this principle does help explain how the world works and the rationality behind some irrational consequences.  ...  First Folio, an original draft of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, the 1455 Gutenberg Bible, the dust cover of The Hobbit designed by Tolkien, and The Gloucester Magna Carta, dating from 1217; the library  ... 
doi:10.7771/2380-176x.7057 fatcat:7dokmhpbw5b75m2gnpbulnfftu

Not Self-Indulgence, but Self-Preservation: Open Access and the Ethics of Care [chapter]

Eileen Joy
This chapter explores how certain forms of academic publishing—especially scholar-led, community-owned, open-access platforms and presses—might enable better forms of institutional life conducive to personal  ...  in privatizing and outsourcing higher education, students are saddled with staggering levels of debt, and the casualization of academic labor is at an all-time high.  ...  It is easy to see how in principle these platforms offer value as a more efficient way of doing what is already done. every year than it would be possible to read in a lifetime.  ... 
doi:10.17613/e8y2-tm39 fatcat:ph3i6lxovnhmjn4sml2pgw3cgq

Narrating Sentiment in Mason & Dixon: A Modernist Novel of Feeling [article]

Creon Upton, University Of Canterbury
In my fourth and final chapter, I examine how this narrator manages the sentimental content of the novel, concentrating on the character of Mason.  ...  This thesis approaches Thomas Pynchon's novel, Mason & Dixon, in terms of its narrative structure and sentimental content.  ...  "The Savages of America," intones the Doctor, "-what Powers do they possess, and how do they use them?"  ... 
doi:10.26021/5049 fatcat:l4ht6hkb6zfldk4l2yzylxhql4

Xiangchou, Nostalgia, and Solastalgia: Environmental Distress in 21st Century Chinese Ecofiction [article]

Fan Ni
philosopher Glen Albrecht to describe homesickness caused not by exile, but by the destruction of one's environment.  ...  For names of Chinese literary works mentioned, I use English translation plus Chinese original words and publication dates.  ...  Tony has been an amazing support to me, especially with his intellectual rigor and admirable personality. I not only benefited immensely from his remarkable scholarship in literary criticism and  ... 
doi:10.26182/0dfa-pp77 fatcat:rjgrtnortzeurfyww5whriltpu