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A Survey: Recent Advances and Future Trends in Honeypot Research

Matthew L. Bringer, Christopher A. Chelmecki, Hiroshi Fujinoki
2012 International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security  
This paper presents a survey on recent advances in honeypot research from a review of 80+ papers on honeypots and related topics mostly published after year 2005.  ...  In reviewing the literature, it became apparent that the research can be broken down into five major areas:  new types of honeypots to cope with emergent new security threats,  utilizing honeypot output  ...  Computer Network and Information Security, 2012, 10, 63-75 [14] . In the solution, honeypots and production servers are continuously shuffled within a network.  ... 
doi:10.5815/ijcnis.2012.10.07 fatcat:dlidikdrxfavhirshxm37avygq

Artemisa: An open-source honeypot back-end to support security in VoIP domains

Rodrigo do Carmo, Mohamed Nassar, Olivier Festor
2011 12th IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM 2011) and Workshops  
Moreover, the honeypot can play a role in the realtime adjustment of the security policies of the enterprise domain where it is deployed.  ...  Nevertheless, the security aspects are not yet fully mastered. In this paper we present an open-source implementation of a VoIP SIP-specific honeypot named Artemisa.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank the PJSIP project since we have used the PJSIP and the PJMEDIA libraries in our implementation. We also would like to thank Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1109/inm.2011.5990712 dblp:conf/im/CarmoNF11 fatcat:mrvprsbfbnaqdfji5ibmaduimy

An ISP Based Notification and Detection System to Maximize Efficiency of Client Honeypots in Protection of End Users

Masood Mansoori, Ray Hunt
2011 International journal of network security and its applications  
While organizations deploy several layers of security to protect their systems and data against unauthorised access, surveys reveal that a large fraction of end users do not utilize and/or are not familiar  ...  This work on progress paper proposes a design focused on the notion of increased participation of internet service providers in protecting end users.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to sincerely thank Michael Pearce for his contribution and help in writing this paper.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijnsa.2011.3505 fatcat:f3galysrtbhkzpjfbqxjoj4dcq

Enhancing the Design of a Secured Campus Network using Demilitarized Zone and Honeypot at Uew- kumasi Campus

Solomon Nii Nikoi, Christian Adu-Boahene, Alberta Nsiah-Konandu
2022 Asian Journal of Research in Computer Science  
The fusion of DMZ and Honeypot into the security models of the campus network made it more robust.  ...  counter in place.  ...  Campus Security using Honeypots Honeypot is a decoy that are closely monitored, and used in a network to track down hackers, and alert network administrators of a possible new threat.  ... 
doi:10.9734/ajrcos/2022/v13i130304 fatcat:2ndlnaqfengjzmbnrzenupy6sm

A Protocol Layer Survey of Network Security [chapter]

John V. Harrison, Hal Berghel
2005 Advances in Computers  
This chapter provides a survey of this electronic information battlefield.  ...  This survey differs from others in that it presents common categories of attacks from the perspective of the TCP/IP protocol stack layers.  ...  Attacks and probes that can covertly evade network security devices like firewalls by utilizing encryption will still be detected by a honeypot.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0065-2458(04)64003-4 fatcat:64psr274y5d3dkvn2bjpfpm2dm

Gaming the Game: Honeypot Venues Against Cheaters in Location-based Social Networks [article]

Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Prashant Krishnamurthy, Ke Zhang
2012 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose and analyze a honeypot venue-based solution, enhanced with a challenge-response scheme, that flags users who are generating fake spatial information.  ...  However, service convenience and security have followed disjoint paths in LBSNs and users can misuse the offered features. The major threat for the service providers is that of fake check-ins.  ...  In particular, we survey literature on location proofs and secure localization.  ... 
arXiv:1210.4517v1 fatcat:4tol42qlnzblddf5s3w22zuzhe

A Survey on Security in Wireless Sensor Networks

Waleed Al Shehri
2017 International journal of network security and its applications  
This paper surveys different security approaches for WSNs, examining various types of attacks and corresponding techniques for tackling these.  ...  Due to limitations of sensor nodes in terms of energy, storage and computational ability, many security issues have arisen in such applications.  ...  A honeypot is another security concept that contributes to effective network security.  ... 
doi:10.5121/ijnsa.2017.9103 fatcat:777d5hipu5aydnoa36duy4y2ye

Security and Trust in Cloud Computing: A Survey

Fatmeh Sedaghat, Majid Haghparast, Mehrdad Maeen
2017 International Journal of Security and Its Applications  
The data security and privacy issue in cloud environment is more important rather than the usual network because the information in cloud computing environment is significantly related to the network and  ...  So we tried to review these security affairs and we emphasize that even there are several security enhancement approaches, but a comprehensive cloud computing approach should be presented in IT world.  ...  In [44] , cyber security through the use of virtual networks provides a secure system.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijsia.2017.11.12.01 fatcat:rebt7tltlrbdvctghk3iol5keq

Collaborative Honeypot Defense in UAV Networks: A Learning-Based Game Approach [article]

Yuntao Wang, Zhou Su, Abderrahim Benslimane, Qichao Xu, Minghui Dai, Ruidong Li
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Low/medium interaction honeypots offer a promising lightweight defense for actively protecting mobile Internet of things, particularly UAV networks.  ...  Specifically, we first develop a honeypot game between UAVs and the network operator under both partial and complete information asymmetry scenarios.  ...  and programmable honeypot deployment and dynamic security policy enforcement for mitigated network attacks.Wang et al.[12]propose a hybrid IoT honeypot architecture for malware defense, which consists  ... 
arXiv:2211.01772v2 fatcat:3gikavbjknc4vjkjz5km3cagvq


2019 Issues in Information Systems  
As such, visualization plays a vital role in understanding and interpreting the status and security of a system.  ...  Fortunately, nowadays there are a multitude of approaches to gain insight and deeper understanding of malware and network anomalies to fend them off.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research is supported in part by NSF under grant CNS-1659795. Special thanks to all the assistance and guidance from mentors and faculties from Old Dominion University.  ... 
doi:10.48009/2_iis_2019_89-96 fatcat:ndvquo5ghbggho46lyp2n5eozy

A Survey on Security Metrics [article]

Marcus Pendleton and Richard Garcia-Lebron and Shouhuai Xu
2016 arXiv   pre-print
In this survey, we present a survey of knowledge on security metrics.  ...  The survey is centered on a novel taxonomy, which classifies security metrics into four categories: metrics for measuring the system vulnerabilities, metrics for measuring the defenses, metrics for measuring  ...  CONCLUSION We have presented a survey of security metrics.  ... 
arXiv:1601.05792v1 fatcat:kjlzqsfqozahrgm7vlugpknqom

Leveraging Kernel Security Mechanisms to Improve Container Security

Maxime Bélair, Sylvie Laniepce, Jean-Marc Menaud
2019 Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security - ARES '19  
In this survey, we propose a new taxonomy on container defense at the infrastructure level with a particular focus on the virtualization boundary, where interactions between kernel and containers take  ...  or honeypots.  ...  The following section illustrates why leveraging techniques presented in this survey can be needed for containers and how they can help to improve their security level in a use case, namely Telecom's Network  ... 
doi:10.1145/3339252.3340502 dblp:conf/IEEEares/BelairLM19 fatcat:cf7warlknnaaho6ssijei3cxfq

A Survey on Securing IoT Ecosystems and Adaptive Network Vision

Tejaswini Goli, Yoohwan Kim
2021 International Journal of Networked and Distributed Computing (IJNDC)  
So, we have inspected a mechanism in our Section 3.3 in which honeypots are used to log and collect latest network data for the ML systems to consume and train from.  ...  This paper does a survey covering various security challenges, solutions and covering few design aspects of IoT security and recommendations.  ...  Figure 12 | Honeypot design used in conjunction with ML framework and remediation framework.  ... 
doi:10.2991/ijndc.k.210617.001 fatcat:v65pclkzfjbjnjxl56kfwqas64

Privacy and security in online social networks: A survey

Imrul Kayes, Adriana Iamnitchi
2017 Online Social Networks and Media  
Online Social Networks (OSN) are a permanent presence in today's personal and professional lives of a huge segment of the population, with direct consequences to offline activities.  ...  We introduce a taxonomy of privacy and security attacks in OSNs, we overview existing solutions to mitigate those attacks, and outline challenges still to overcome.  ...  in Online Social Networks: A Survey • 1:11 consider a de-anonymization attack, where an attacker, equipped with the Privacy and Security in Online Social Networks: A Survey • 1:19 http  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.osnem.2017.09.001 fatcat:xme5wwkyfbhnpgoiwgadknageq

A Comprehensive Survey of Antiforensics for Network Security [chapter]

Rahul Chandran, Wei Yan
2013 Managing Trust in Cyberspace  
In order to employ and maintain a robust security of the computer networks, the network security professionals spend hours in implementing the monitoring tools, intrusion detection, and prevention systems  ...  In order to secure a network from outside attacks, it is necessary to understand the network traffic flow and content of the network packets.  ... 
doi:10.1201/b16318-21 fatcat:gkc66uvjbbh55ixfxqapdoevnu
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