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Adaptive Information Infrastructures for the e-Society [chapter]

Mihaela Ulieru
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Computational intelligence techniques endow the AIIs with learning and discovery capabilities, emulating social and biological behavior.  ...  for global manufacturing and emergency response management, this work exploits latest advances in information and networking technologies to set a systematic framework for the design of the information  ...  The approach integrates multi-agent technology with the holonic paradigm proposed by A. Koestler in his attempt to create a model for self-organization in biological systems [12] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11494676_3 fatcat:4wqaumzkd5dmhdlxpcpgotzh2a

Holonic and multi-agent technologies for service and computing oriented manufacturing

André Thomas, Theodor Borangiu, Damien Trentesaux
2015 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing  
Holonic systems are, actually by definition, targeting challenges that include coping with the heterogeneous nature of manufacturing systems and their on-line interactive nature in combination with competitive  ...  Multi-agent systems is a suitable implementing approach to address these challenge by offering an alternative way to design control systems, based on the decentralization of control functions over distributed  ...  It puts forward a class of fuzzy multi-agent systems capable to transpose in practice decision makers' strategies with adaptation to the value chain environment.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10845-015-1188-4 fatcat:l7jmvufszzcjrhikkuomiuweri

To a Formal Modeling Approach of Error Recovery in Production Systems Based on Holonic Multi-agent Systems Specification [chapter]

Belhassen Mazigh, Ahmed Hammed, Vincent Hilaire
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Multi-agent systems seem to be adapted for representing this kind of problem in an attempt to arrive at a reconfigurable, adaptive, and "intelligent" manufacturing systems.  ...  The objective of this work consists in proposing a specification, modeling and structural analysis approach of error recovery production systems using holonic multi-agent systems and Object Petri Nets  ...  The authors of [4] proposed a strategy for online recovering of the manufacturing operationality by using a multi-agent based decision support system with fuzzy reasoning.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-30947-2_41 fatcat:zghp3a3sq5cl5g3hbmsy7z7nem

AI and machine learning techniques for managing complexity, changes and uncertainties in manufacturing

László Monostori
2003 Engineering applications of artificial intelligence  
The application of pattern recognition (PR) techniques, expert systems (ESs), artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy systems (FSs) and nowadays hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in manufacturing  ...  On the other hand, agent-based (holonic) systems are highlighted as promising tools for managing complexity, changes and disturbances in production systems.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the National Research Foundation, Hungary, Grant Nos. T 026486 and T034632.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0952-1976(03)00078-2 fatcat:p5menqthubhaxl2gh5rcovdi6i


László Monostori
2002 IFAC Proceedings Volumes  
The application of pattern recognition (PR) techniques, expert systems (ESs), artificial neural networks (ANNs), fuzzy systems (FSs) and nowadays hybrid artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in manufacturing  ...  On the other hand, agent-based (holonic) systems are highlighted as promising tools for managing complexity, changes and disturbances in production systems.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was partially supported by the National Research Foundation, Hungary, Grant Nos. T 026486 and T034632.  ... 
doi:10.3182/20020721-6-es-1901.01644 fatcat:2axfpsm4vncqfh46lqkgkjghci

Extended Editorial: Past, present and future of behaviourally adaptive engineered systems

Imre Horváth, José Pablo Suárez Rivero, Pedro Manuel Hernández Castellano
2019 Journal of Integrated Design & Process Science  
cell by holonic fuzzy agents.  ...  with modelling of a face-featureproduct-workcenter-cell network and providing the needed adaptivity by holonic fuzzy agents Nr.  ...  Since 1997, he is a full professor at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering of the Delft University of Technology. He is heading the Cyber-Physical System Design research group.  ... 
doi:10.3233/jid190006 fatcat:7lufxxm7yjbhjjbrsgsz6c6zsy

Implementation of agent based holonic control in discrete manufacturing

T.K. Jana, P. Saha, B. Sarkar, J. Saha
2013 Advances in Production Engineering & Management  
and cooperation by a group of intelligent system entities.  ...  The control is implemented by Linux operating system with Java.  ...  Holonic manufacturing and multi agent system Holonic Manufacturing System (HMS) was developed in the framework of Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) that is promised to offer very high degrees of flexibility  ... 
doi:10.14743/apem2013.3.163 fatcat:ccb5lswk25hproc4frcfbhs4ki

Dynamic Switching Mechanism to Support Self-organization in ADACOR Holonic Control System

Paulo Leitão, José Barbosa
2016 IFAC-PapersOnLine  
In these systems, the self-organization model assumes a critical issue to ensure the correct evolution of the system structure into different operating configurations.  ...  In these systems, the self-organization model assumes a critical issue to ensure the correct evolution of the system structure into different operating configurations.  ...  Multi-agent systems (MAS) (Wooldridge, 2002) and Holonic Manufacturing Systems (HMS) (Deen, 2003) are suitable approaches to realize the CPS solutions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.12.179 fatcat:u2wpi32yf5drxoptesxsyz4rwu

Modular industrial equipment in cyber-physical production system: Architecture and integration

Maxim Ya. Afanasev, Yuri V. Fedosov, Anastasiya A. Krylova, Sergey A. Shorokhov
2017 2017 21st Conference of Open Innovations Association (FRUCT)  
This approach allows one to combine the advantages of classical hierarchical control systems with the flexibility and reliability of decentralized multi-agent networks and also to carry out seamless integration  ...  The modular control system under consideration is based on a multi-agent network, in which each entity (module) acts as an integral and indivisible part of the object as well as the enlarged structure.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable and constructive comments and suggestions that greatly contributed to improve the quality of the final version  ... 
doi:10.23919/fruct.2017.8250158 dblp:conf/fruct/AfanasevFKS17a fatcat:ida2hdo4n5gshm2dee3kaqszkq

From Sensors to Applications: A Proposal to Fill the Gap

Vincenzo Di Lecce, Marco Calabrese, Claudio Martines
2013 Sensors & Transducers  
The proposed computational model uses the notion of 'holon', a concept that is well suited for multi-level information processing, from the raw data level up to the knowledge-oriented information level  ...  With the impressive growth of todays computational and miniaturization technologies, it is likely that the distance between sensors and applications could be covered by one single device or system only  ...  In particular, holon is a recursive agent [26] with peculiar computational aspects such as self-modularity and self-organization.  ... 
doaj:906643b2c5ae4c7493a7a8d1e3f64a49 fatcat:rghp6gyszjbghds4jbx3ilykyy

Agent-Based Systems for Manufacturing

L. Monostori, J. Váncza, S.R.T. Kumara
2006 CIRP annals  
In the paper software agents and multi-agent systems are introduced and through a comprehensive survey, their potential manufacturing applications are outlined.  ...  The emerging paradigm of agent-based computation has revolutionized the building of intelligent and decentralized systems.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank all the contributors for having sent material and/or helped to improve earlier versions of the paper: L.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2006.10.004 fatcat:l6vwhxy7yfcexgjzm3xapqhniq

Multi-objective scheduling in an agent based Holonic manufacturing system

T. K. Jana, B. Bairagi, S. Paul, Sk. Sahnawaj, B. Sarkar, J. Saha
2013 Decision Science Letters  
The present paper is aimed at multi-objective scheduling in an agent based holonic manufacturing system to satisfy the goal of several communities namely the product, the resource, and the organization  ...  and are commensurable with multi agent paradigm.  ...  The present paper is aimed at multi-objective scheduling in an agent based holonic manufacturing system to satisfy the goal of several communities namely the product, the resource, and the organization  ... 
doi:10.5267/j.dsl.2013.07.003 fatcat:urxyiwqkvvfbdcyaw3g4dkv3m4

Robustness Analysis of Holonic Multi-Agent Systems: Application to Traffic Signals Control

2018 Tehnički Vjesnik  
Multi-Agent Systems (MASs) provide a powerful tool to model distributed systems.  ...  Holonic Multi-Agent Systems (HMASs) present a suitable organization, especially in large-scale systems. The idea behind HMASs is a division of a system into smaller sub-systems in a recurrent way.  ...  The holonic multi-agent system has proven to be an effective solution to several problems associated with hierarchical and self-organizing constructions [24] and has been successfully applied to a wide  ... 
doi:10.17559/tv-20161221220842 fatcat:fetjpd23dfh7xk2m3f3vwoayxa

Coupling predictive scheduling and reactive control in manufacturing hybrid control architectures: state of the art and future challenges

Olivier Cardin, Damien Trentesaux, André Thomas, Pierre Castagna, Thierry Berger, Hind Bril El-Haouzi
2015 Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing  
One important research activity in that field focuses on holonic/multi-agent control systems that couple predictive/proactive and reactive mechanisms into agents/holons.  ...  Nowadays, industrials are seeking for models and methods that are not only able to provide efficient overall production performance, but also for reactive systems facing a growing set of unpredicted events  ...  Auto-adaptive architectures were basically studied under three concepts, either with multi-agent systems (MAS), holonic manufacturing systems (HMS) or product-driven systems (PDS).  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10845-015-1139-0 fatcat:sawrik5sg5akzghtjefwatkmnm

From Automation to Autonomy - a New Trend for Smart Manufacturing [chapter]

H. S. Park
2013 DAAAM International Scientific Book 2013  
Today's dilemma of the manufacturing system is to realize stable processes while manufacturing's environment is affected by global competition, high degree of complexity and autonomy, short delivery times  ...  From an engineering perspective, the SM is the reinforced application of advanced intelligence and cognitive technologies to enable rapid productivity, dynamic response to product quality demand and real-time  ...  Concept of an ADACOR holonic manufacturing system (Leitao, 2008; Leitao, 2004) Autonomy in manufacturing systems is shown by the self-learning capability.  ... 
doi:10.2507/daaam.scibook.2013.03 fatcat:gbtgnr7rkbgrjcd5pzcycvdoty
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