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High-Level Executable Specifications of Distributed Algorithms [chapter]

Yanhong A. Liu, Scott D. Stoller, Bo Lin
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper describes a method for specifying complex distributed algorithms at a very high yet executable level, focusing in particular on general principles for making properties and invariants explicit  ...  We have studied and experimented with a variety of important distributed algorithms, including well-known difficult variants of Paxos, by specifying them in a very high-level language with an operational  ...  High-Level Specifications of Distributed Algorithms Our method aims to specify distributed algorithms at a high level while keeping them fully executable as they are designed for.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33536-5_11 fatcat:li2ihrype5cqzkd3kpg7e3dpwu

Moderately Complex Paxos Made Simple: High-Level Executable Specification of Distributed Algorithms [article]

Yanhong A. Liu, Saksham Chand, Scott D. Stoller
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This paper describes the application of a high-level language and method in developing simpler specifications of more complex variants of the Paxos algorithm for distributed consensus.  ...  We show the following results: 1.English and pseudocode descriptions of distributed algorithms can be captured completely and precisely at a high level, without adding, removing, or reformulating algorithm  ...  We thank hundreds of students in distributed algorithms and distributed systems courses and projects for extending, developing variants of, testing, evaluating, and model checking our executable specifications  ... 
arXiv:1704.00082v4 fatcat:bgxu4vaprva3tj2pehtrq4fkbi

Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems [chapter]

Scott D. Stoller, Yanhong A. Liu
2019 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our approach to creating algorithm-level diversity is to start from a high-level executable specification and generate different algorithms that satisfy it.  ...  Our approach to creating algorithm-level diversity is to start from a high-level executable specification and generate different algorithms that satisfy it.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-22479-0_19 fatcat:m2tskznocnaknkedxzpar3xrhm

Compiling machine learning algorithms with SystemML

M. Boehm, D. Burdick, A. Evfimievski, B. Reinwald, P. Sen, S. Tatikonda, Y. Tian
2013 Proceedings of the 4th annual Symposium on Cloud Computing - SOCC '13  
The flexibility provided by the high-level language leads to significant productivity gains for developers of machine learning algorithms in terms of lines of code and development time compared to Java  ...  SystemML applies optimizations at different levels of abstraction during algorithm compilation, and generates low-level execution plans for the runtime (Figure 1) .  ...  The flexibility provided by the high-level language leads to significant productivity gains for developers of machine learning algorithms in terms of lines of code and development time compared to Java  ... 
doi:10.1145/2523616.2525965 dblp:conf/cloud/BoehmBERSTT13 fatcat:7uokmzc54rdc7iexuda2nkrmfm

Architecture, Metadata and Ontologies in the Knowledge Grid

Mario Cannataro, Carmela Comito, Antonio Congiusta, Carlo Mastroianni, Andrea Pugliese, Domenico Talia, Paolo Trunfio, Pierangelo Veltri
2003 Metadata Management in Grid and P2P Systems  
High level K-Grid layer includes services used to: compose, validate, and execute a parallel and distributed knowledge discovery computation. store and analyze the discovered knowledge.  ...  , if KEPR High level K-Grid layer Core K-Grid layer RPS Result Presentation Service RAEMS Resource Alloc.  ...  KEPR KMR High level K-Grid layer Generation of the execution plan corresponding to the graphic model of the application (EPMS).  ... 
dblp:conf/mmgps/CannataroCCMPTTV03 fatcat:ibeva3axcndepagff5peab67li

Early performance estimation of image compression methods on soft processors

Adam Powell, Christos-S. Bouganis, Peter Y.K. Cheung
2012 22nd International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL)  
This estimate is performed using both high-level algorithm parameters and soft processor architecture parameters. For system designers this can result in fast design space exploration.  ...  The model can predict the execution time of an algorithm with an average of 139% less relative error than predictions using only architecture parameters with the same framework.  ...  By using domain-specific knowledge, key char- acteristics of the algorithm can be used that add low-level descriptiveness to the high-level parameters.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fpl.2012.6339213 dblp:conf/fpl/PowellBC12 fatcat:b2zconpihzh25ky2rtbcefwmyq

FACADE : a fast and sensitive algorithm for the segmentation and calling of high resolution array CGH data

Bradley P. Coe, Raj Chari, Calum MacAulay, Wan L. Lam
2010 Nucleic Acids Research  
Specifically, defining contiguous regions of alterations or segmentation can be computationally intensive and popular algorithms can take hours to days for the processing of arrays comprised of hundreds  ...  Here, we describe Fast Algorithm for Calling After Detection of Edges (FACADE), a highly sensitive and easy to use algorithm designed to rapidly segment and call high resolution array data.  ...  Conflict of interest statement. None declared.  ... 
doi:10.1093/nar/gkq548 pmid:20551132 pmcid:PMC2926625 fatcat:6kkwiykoufbr5dhi2vrkcpybhy

A Graphical Framework for High Performance Computing Using An MDE Approach

Julien Taillard, Frederic Guyomarc'h, Jean-Luc Dekeyser
2008 16th Euromicro Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing (PDP 2008)  
Although the model approach and High Performance Computing are two different fields, the latter can take advantage of modeling to make design, reuse and parallel programming easier.  ...  In this section, the Model Driven Engineering (MDE) and how it could be used in the High Performance Computing (HPC) field is presented.  ...  An important point to obtain a high performance application is the distribution of the tasks on the execution platform.  ... 
doi:10.1109/pdp.2008.74 dblp:conf/pdp/TaillardGD08 fatcat:mehoex6nvre35ckct4df6av5lq

Algorithm Diversity for Resilient Systems [article]

Scott D. Stoller, Yanhong A. Liu
2019 arXiv   pre-print
specifications of distributed algorithms.  ...  To prevent different parallel schedules from causing variants' behaviors to diverge, we present a synchronized execution algorithm for DistAlgo, an extension of Python for high-level, precise, executable  ...  In this paper, we focus on Python and DistAlgo [25, 24] , an extension of Python for high-level, precise, executable specifications of distributed algorithms.  ... 
arXiv:1904.12409v1 fatcat:wdkqie7s7rhi3prd6lutunml5y

Framework For Efficient Cosimulation And Fast Prototyping On Multi-Components With Aaa Methodology: Lar Codec Study Case

Erwan Flécher, Mickael Raulet, Ghislain Roquier, Marie Babel, O. Deforges
2007 Zenodo  
Publication in the conference proceedings of EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, 2007  ...  Thanks to high-level language modeling, this enables the design of a real-time application with a high level of abstraction.  ...  Firstly, languages that are highly target-dependent have to be used for optimized execution. Secondly, fast design and efficient algorithm cosimulation require high-level languages such as Matlab.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.40543 fatcat:rf3kwvaherfv5mckeubyqojiru

An Integration Platform for Metacomputing Applications [chapter]

Toan Nguyen, Christine Plumejeaud
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
It is the claim of this paper that formal specification techniques, together with distributed integration platforms, provide a sound and efficient support for high performance distributed computing in  ...  Formal specifications provide rigourous and provable approaches for complex applications definition and configuration, while distributed integration platforms provide standardised deployment and execution  ...  Part of this project is funded by INRIA through ARC " Couplage " and by the French RNRT program, through the VTHD project.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-46043-8_48 fatcat:2hnshx5juzfojhm3pilblgnxbq

Towards an Analytics Query Engine

Nantia Makrynioti, Vasilis Vassalos
2016 International Conference on Extending Database Technology  
This vision paper presents new challenges and opportunities in the area of distributed data analytics, at the core of which are data mining and machine learning.  ...  At first, we provide an overview of the current state of the art in the area and then analyse two aspects of data analytics systems, semantics and optimization.  ...  machine learning algorithms, as well as hiding low-level details of distributed execution.  ... 
dblp:conf/edbt/MakryniotiV16 fatcat:yhrewhzlhne3tdcevvyhigguha

Flexible Linear Algebra Development and Scheduling with Cholesky Factorization

Azzam Haidar, Asim YarKhan, Chongxiao Cao, Piotr Luszczek, Stanimire Tomov, Jack Dongarra
2015 2015 IEEE 17th International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, 2015 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cyberspace Safety and Security, and 2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems  
Our taskprogramming abstraction enables the developer to write a single algorithm that will execute efficiently across the distributed heterogeneous machine.  ...  Additionally, effectively using distributed memory nodes brings out another level of complexity where the workload must be carefully partitioned over the nodes.  ...  The results were obtained in part with the financial support of the Russian Scientific Fund, Agreement N14-11-00190.  ... 
doi:10.1109/hpcc-css-icess.2015.285 dblp:conf/hpcc/HaidarYCLTD15 fatcat:x66ibo3q75gbbfgjf6k43yrynq

Declarative Machine Learning - A Classification of Basic Properties and Types [article]

Matthias Boehm, Alexandre V. Evfimievski, Niketan Pansare, Berthold Reinwald
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Declarative machine learning (ML) aims at the high-level specification of ML tasks or algorithms, and automatic generation of optimized execution plans from these specifications.  ...  Specification alternatives range from ML algorithms expressed in domain-specific languages (DSLs) with optimization for performance, to ML task (learning problem) specifications with optimization for performance  ...  Operation Semantics The second major goal of declarative ML is to specify ML tasks or algorithms using domain-specific, high-level operations with well-defined semantics to simplify algorithm usage or  ... 
arXiv:1605.05826v1 fatcat:dzkrt6dl4fe57jwfhfa25sy37m

Extended Optimization Procedures for Static List based Task Scheduling Algorithms for He DCS

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
in Scheduling isminimized.This paper identifies, a specific different algorithm Sorted Nodes in Leveled DAG Division (SNLDD)based on Task-Scheduling.  ...  The Distributed computational system performs scheduling tasks achievedby the processors to minimize the execution time in any application.Despite the problem in determining NP-Complete the execution time  ...  Figure 6 describes the speed of the processors in the distributed computing systems when 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 are considered. It shows that when the number of processors is where the speed is high.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.b1003.0982s1119 fatcat:oque4onl55crxacnycwfvcymga
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