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Grounding Ontologies with Social Processes and Natural Language

Christophe Debruyne, Trung-Kien Tran, Robert Meersman
2013 Journal on Data Semantics  
In hybrid ontologies, concepts are described both formally and informally and the agreements are being grounded in community interactions.  ...  We show how the informal descriptions can drive the ontology construction process and how commitments from the ontology to the application are exploited to steer the agreement processes.  ...  In this article we have presented a method and tool for hybrid ontology engineering called GOSPL, which stands for Grounding Ontologies with natural Language and Social Processes.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s13740-013-0023-3 fatcat:d23r2llb6bayvpddr5iwyimc5u

A New Approach to Ontology-Based Semantic Modelling for Opinion Mining

Rowida Alfrjani, Taha Osman, Georgina Cosma
2016 2016 UKSim-AMSS 18th International Conference on Computer Modelling and Simulation (UKSim)  
The methodology also considers procedures to link between the formal ontology and Natural Language Processing. Our approach successfully enriches the ontology with the relevant ground facts.  ...  With the fast growth of World Wide Web 2.0, a great number of opinions about a variety of products have been published in blogs, forums, and social networks.  ...  INTEGRATING THE SEMANTICALLY MODELLED ONTOLOGY WITH NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING ENGINE In this section, we discuss the process of integrating a semantic ontology for a chosen domain with a natural language  ... 
doi:10.1109/uksim.2016.15 dblp:conf/uksim/AlfrjaniOC16 fatcat:5rdb3k4lgjcfzdgveosuu7mcra

Using the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) for Grounding Legal Domain Ontologies

Mirna El Ghosh, Habib Abdulrab, Hala Naja, Mohamad Khalil
2017 Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management  
The ontology modelling language OntoUML is used for the conceptual modelling process.  ...  The domain ontology is modularized in four independent modules. The top ontology modules are discussed in this work: upper and core.  ...  : Application a la Vallee de la Seine et son Environnement"), Lebanese University and the National Support from the National Council for Scientific Research in Lebanon (CNRS).  ... 
doi:10.5220/0006507302190225 dblp:conf/ic3k/GhoshANK17 fatcat:ctdonzjbfrh5feqefbx2mprtve

Social Constructionism as Cognitive Science

2004 Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour  
These processes are generally associated with language and the ability to construct stories that conform to the emergent rules of 'language games'.  ...  This view allows one to espouse a variety of critical postures with regard to realist commitments within the social and behavioural sciences, ranging from outright relativism (language constructs all of  ...  ground social functions in natural functions as suggested above.  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1468-5914.2004.00253.x fatcat:nl24dztt7nhinilm4srygtx2ui

What Say You: An Ontological Representation of Imperative Meaning for Human-Robot Interaction

Robert Porzel, Vanja Sophie Cangalovic
2020 Joint Ontology Workshops  
tasks given to them via natural language.  ...  The research effort described herein concerns the latter, i.e. how to model the output of a natural language understanding system in a formal ontology in such a way that robotic agents can carry out the  ...  For this, a primary branch of the ontology represents the ground physical model, e.g. objects and actions, while a secondary branch represents the social model, e.g. roles and tasks.  ... 
dblp:conf/jowo/PorzelC20 fatcat:yent6wikrjdvhc2hrjvp4icbxm

Technology Enhanced Learning: The Role of Ontologies for Feedback in Music Performance

Matthew John Yee-King, Thomas Wilmering, Maria Teresa Llano Rodriguez, Maria Krivenski, Mark d'Inverno
2019 Frontiers in Digital Humanities  
Through this comparison, we find that the grounded ontology includes elements of the teacher's ontology as well as elements relating to practical and social aspects of the annotation platform, while the  ...  We compare the grounded and teacher's ontologies by examining structural, semantic and expressive features.  ...  The grounded ontology specified additional conceptual categories associated with the social nature of the feedback process, allowing for a more throughout analysis of interactions between students, tutors  ... 
doi:10.3389/fdigh.2018.00029 fatcat:zcxpnacqyvd63kf6jaitlw42me

Grounded Theory in Second/Foreign Language Education Research

Muhlisin Rasuki
2021 ELLITE: Journal of English Language, Literature, and Teaching  
Given that second/foreign language education may be viewed as a social activity and that certain issues in second/foreign language education may be studied from social science perspectives, the present  ...  Grounded theory constitutes research methodology commonly used in the field of social sciences to investigate social phenomena.  ...  That is, while the field of natural sciences (e.g., physics, chemistry, astronomy, etc.) are mainly concerned with studying natural phenomena that are governed by "natural forces", the field of social  ... 
doi:10.32528/ellite.v6i2.6099 fatcat:zekksebv7fewfi7shswyphli7u

GOSPL: A Method and Tool for Fact-Oriented Hybrid Ontology Engineering [chapter]

Christophe Debruyne, Robert Meersman
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper we present GOSPL, which stands for Grounding Ontologies with Social Processes and Natural Language.  ...  Social interactions between the community members drive the ontology evolution process and result in more stable and agreed upon ontologies.  ...  Acknowledgements This work was partially funded by the Brussels Institute for Research and Innovation through the Open Semantic Cloud for Brussels Project.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33074-2_12 fatcat:c42i6lkalzdjfj4zeacslelw6q

Ontological Problems of Economics

Leonid Tutov, Varvara Rogozhnikova
2018 Joint Ontology Workshops  
The paper aims to light up some interesting and serious problems of economic ontology.  ...  This study was partly published in 2017 in the first Russian textbook for postgraduates of Lomonosov Moscow State University, "Philosophy and methodology of economics".  ...  The first understanding of ontology connected with the notion of substance, while the second one implies the role of subject and language in the process of cognition.  ... 
dblp:conf/jowo/TutovR18 fatcat:hv7t7dybljfexdvg6i3tacbhvi

Using a Method and Tool for Hybrid Ontology Engineering: an Evaluation in the Flemish Research Information Space

Christophe Debruyne, Pieter De Leenheer
2014 Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research  
The experiment showed that having a formalism grounded in natural language leverages the ontology construction process for the stakeholders.  ...  The method emphasizes the use of natural language descriptions of concepts next to formal descriptions, and usesfor the formal definitionsa fact-oriented formalism grounded in natural language.  ...  We would also like to thank Geert van Grootel and Namik Akyel from EWI for providing the FRIS portal database dump.  ... 
doi:10.4067/s0718-18762014000200005 fatcat:raiur46unjb4ni5bopq6t5icse

What Is Language?

Carlos Santana
2016 Ergo, An Open Access Journal of Philosophy  
A pluralist ontology of language, however, involves pitfalls for research on language, and to avoid this pitfalls researchers should temper the pluralist attitude with two strictures.  ...  Linguists (and philosophers of language) have long disagreed about the ontology of language, and thus about the proper subject matter of their disciplines.  ...  Consider, for instance, the applied linguistics involved in developing natural language processing systems.  ... 
doi:10.3998/ergo.12405314.0003.019 fatcat:7awcceplp5ho5pgiiwkz6xuwpi

Mind the gap!

Pieter De Leenheer, Stijn Christiaens
2007 Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Pragmatic web - ICPW '07  
Ontologies, being formal, computer-based specifications of shared conceptualisations of the worlds under discussion, are instrumental in this process by providing shared semantic resources.  ...  sharing; and (ii) by presenting the DOGMA ontology framework and how it provides extension points to this semiotics engineering.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to thank Robert Meersman and Aldo de Moor for the valuable discussions about theory and case.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1324237.1324246 dblp:conf/icpw/LeenheerC07 fatcat:tvb5krk7jzddthnz5bnhkkkcbi

Dynamic semantic ontology generation: a proposal for social robots [chapter]

Javier Sevilla Salcedo, M. A. Quispe-Flores, Sara Carrasco-Martínez, Jaime González-Jiménez, José Carlos Castillo, Álvaro Castro-González, María Malfaz, Miguel Ángel Salichs
Applied to social robotics, it could lead to a natural and fluid human-robot interaction.  ...  Ontologies are useful representations of semantic knowledge, as they capture the relationships between objects and entities.  ...  Acknowledgement This work was supported by project Robots sociales para estimulación física, cognitiva y afectiva de mayores (ROSES) RTI2018-096338-B-I00 funded by Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI  ... 
doi:10.17979/spudc.9788497498043.557 fatcat:p3fyovz6wfguzdxfnq4hnec5cu

Sen's capability approach and Post Keynesianism: similarities, distinctions, and the Cambridge tradition

Nuno Ornelas Martins
2009 Journal of post Keynesian economics  
on themes such as openness and uncertainty, and by a common social philosophy.  ...  I argue that the capability approach, like Post Keynesianism, can be situated within the Cambridge economic tradition, a tradition grounded on classical economics, and characterized by an ontological focus  ...  These topics cannot be addressed without the use of a plurality of methods and languages and naturally lead to the existence of not only plural methods and languages but also ongoing debates and exchanges  ... 
doi:10.2753/pke0160-3477310409 fatcat:mwtlt5f2dvhdzmxrlxbsutxspu

Using stories to bridge the chasm between perspectives: How metaphors and genres are used to share meaning [article]

Emily Keen, Simon Milton, Rachelle Bosua
2016 arXiv   pre-print
Natural language, although complex in structure, contains considerable detail. All instances of language serve the purpose of making sense of experience and the intent of actors.  ...  Specifically, we consider actor's use of language as a tool to span perspectives and how functional discourse analysis tools and techniques enable a deeper interpretive understanding of the layers of discourse  ...  The following section will discuss the value of interpreting the social meaning and use of language in ontology concept formulation.  ... 
arXiv:1606.03543v1 fatcat:bghwvjskhzfmbkxw3z2amlpi3m
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