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Good Classifiers are Abundant in the Interpolating Regime [article]

Ryan Theisen, Jason M. Klusowski, Michael W. Mahoney
2021 arXiv   pre-print
"bad" classifiers are extremely rare.  ...  Our results show that the usual style of analysis in statistical learning theory may not be fine-grained enough to capture the good generalization performance observed in practice, and that approaches  ...  We also thank the authors of [GKH20] for sharing their implementation of the LIN-ESS algorithm.  ... 
arXiv:2006.12625v2 fatcat:y3pe5x3f7vdhhpvcioufr3oidi

Benthic diatom community dynamics in Mediterranean intermittent streams: Effects of water availability and their potential as indicators of dry-phase ecological status

Maria Helena Novais, Eduardo A. Morales, Alexandra Marchã Penha, Miguel Potes, Agnès Bouchez, Amélie Barthès, Maria João Costa, Rui Salgado, Jorge Santos, Manuela Morais
2020 Science of the Total Environment  
The relative abundance of ecological guilds changed with aquatic states, with the low-profile guild dominating in eurheic and arheic conditions (except during Summer), being replaced by motile taxa in  ...  Changes in diatom assemblages reflect the aquatic regime of sites, changes in aquatic states through time and mesohabitats (dry biofilm, samples collected in pools or under flowing conditions).  ...  (ARH Alentejo) for the estimations on the percentage of the river network with intermittent regime.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137462 pmid:32143097 fatcat:zgo3ayytjzhy3mc37c3plpp32i

Towards Generalized and Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection [article]

Yiting Li, Haiyue Zhu, Jun Ma, Chek Sing Teo, Cheng Xiang, Prahlad Vadakkepat, Tong Heng Lee
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Moreover, such learning from only few annotated training samples further adds the flexibility for the object detector, which is highly expected in many applications such as autonomous driving, robotics  ...  In this paper, to address the above incremental few-shot learning issues, a novel Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection (iFSOD) method is proposed to enable the effective continual learning from few-shot  ...  (c) Linear interpolation with the knowledge base model is performed in each iteration with an adaptive ratio in SMM.  ... 
arXiv:2109.11336v1 fatcat:6cjeqmznazbutnxniog6b5rmh4

Geostatistical Analysis of Mangrove Ecosystem Health: Mapping and Modelling of Sampling Uncertainty Using Kriging

Rhyma Purnamasayangsukasih Parman, Norizah Kamarudin, Faridah Hanum Ibrahim, Ahmad Ainuddin Nuruddin, Hamdan Omar, Zulfa Abdul Abdul Wahab
2022 Forests  
Via linear weight combination, the prediction map shows that mangrove ecosystem health in Kuala Trong throughout the Sungai Kerang is excellent (5: MQI > 1.5).  ...  timber harvesting operations and anthropogenic activities in the landward areas.  ...  Acknowledgments: We thank the Perak Forestry Department for the approval of our study in the Matang Mangrove Forest Reserve.  ... 
doi:10.3390/f13081185 fatcat:n2fxcr4zivdvtedfht4j3u5wbm

Spatial distribution of N-cycling microbial communities showed complex patterns in constructed wetland sediments

David Correa-Galeote, Diana E. Marco, Germán Tortosa, David Bru, Laurent Philippot, Eulogio J. Bedmar
2012 FEMS Microbiology Ecology  
We investigated the spatial distribution of N-cycling microbial communities and genes involved in nitrification and denitrification in constructed wetland sediments receiving irrigation water.  ...  Constructed wetlands are used for biological treatment of wastewater from agricultural lands carrying pollutants such as nitrates.  ...  D.E.M. is a member of the National Research Council (CONICET, Argentina) and thanks MEC for a Sabbatical Leave at Department of Soil Microbiology and Symbiotic Systems (Agencia CSIC, Granada, Spain).  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1574-6941.2012.01479.x pmid:22928965 fatcat:smrtyomyr5cffjyi5cwvno6lea


Dudy D. Wijaya, Nabila S.E. Putri, Yan A. Rahmawan, Sidik T. Wibowo, Akhmad Y. Basuki, Muhammad S. Fathulhuda, Vera Sadarviana
2021 Jurnal Meteorologi dan Geofisika  
On the other side, the maximum phase of the semi-annual cycle in general occurs around November and May, whose amplitude is approximately between 1-5 mm.  ...  Our results are consistent with other results using rainfall data.</p>  ...  We acknowledge the anonymous reviewers and the editors for their constructive comments. This research is funded by the Penelitian Luar Negeri ITB 2020.  ... 
doi:10.31172/jmg.v22i2.835 fatcat:mdorni4y6ncwxpncuy7flhktsi

HIGAN: Cosmic Neutral Hydrogen with Generative Adversarial Networks [article]

Juan Zamudio-Fernandez, Atakan Okan, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Seda Bilaloglu, Asena Derin Cengiz, Siyu He, Laurence Perreault Levasseur, Shirley Ho
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In order to maximize the scientific return of these surveys, those predictions need to include different observables and be precise on non-linear scales.  ...  We do so by sampling from a 100-dimension manifold, learned by the generator, that characterizes the fully non-linear abundance and clustering of cosmic HI from the state-of-the-art simulation IllustrisTNG  ...  fully non-linear regime are needed.  ... 
arXiv:1904.12846v1 fatcat:tqgxdxk4mzae7gnq42edip6mrq

Comparative Analysis of Spatial Interpolation Methods in the Mediterranean Area: Application to Temperature in Sicily

Annalisa Piazza, Francesco Conti, Francesco Viola, Emanuele Eccel, Leonardo Noto
2015 Water  
are taken into account.  ...  The interpolation algorithms were optimized by using a subset of the available dataset, while the remaining subset was used to validate the results in terms of the accuracy and bias of the estimates.  ...  the  ... 
doi:10.3390/w7051866 fatcat:f7gnbr2mwzcffkxnsi7mgujjzq

Evaluating the effects of climate on weathering processes of rocks based on Peltier models in Kermanshah province

H. Farahmand, M. A. Arian, A. Khakzad, M. Afshar
2016 Journal of Fundamental and Applied Sciences  
Among these models, two models related to weathering regimes and morphogenetic regimes were evaluated in case of Kermanshah province and the regimes related to each station were determined from the related  ...  Among these models, two models related to weathering regimes and morphogenetic regimes were evaluated in case of Kermanshah province and the regimes related to each station were determined from the related  ...  Conditions such as good drainage, intense washing and abundance of vegetation cover lead to deep and wide weathering in humid regions.  ... 
doi:10.4314/jfas.8vi2s.112 fatcat:364g3vhwfzcg3mw4yqd226b4ya

Modeling habitat suitability of the invasive clam Corbicula fluminea in a Neotropical shallow lagoon, southern Brazil

T. C. L. Silveira, A. M. S. Gama, T. P. Alves, N. F. Fontoura
2016 Brazilian Journal of Biology  
This study aimed to model the habitat suitability for an invasive clam Corbicula fluminea in a coastal shallow lagoon in the southern Neotropical region (–30.22, –50.55).  ...  Were identified that C. fluminea occur mainly in sandy sediments with few organic matter, in shallow areas nor by the shore.  ...  Acknowledgements We wish to thank Jane Elith by the comments and the help with the functions of 'gbm' package.  ... 
doi:10.1590/1519-6984.01915 pmid:27097092 fatcat:3yucorgkrzdydh2jla5zkqrpai

Korg: a modern 1D LTE spectral synthesis package [article]

Adam J. Wheeler, Matthew W. Abruzzo, Andrew R. Casey, Melissa K. Ness
2022 arXiv   pre-print
The disagreements between Korg and the other codes are no larger than those between the other codes, although disagreement between codes is substantial.  ...  We examine the case of a C_2 band in detail, finding that uncertainties on physical inputs to spectral synthesis account for a significant fraction of the disagreement.  ...  None of the codes correctly model the hydrogen lines in the metalpoor regime.  ... 
arXiv:2211.00029v1 fatcat:k6odpzuajre37hrcsvu7laxnna

New metallicity calibration for Seyfert 2 galaxies based on the N 2 O 2 index

C. S. Castro, O. L. Dors, M. V. Cardaci, G. F. Hägele
2017 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  
Regarding the possible existence of correlations between the luminosity L( Hβ), the electron density, and the color excess E(B-V) with the metallicity in this kind of objects, we do not find correlations  ...  We find the new Z/Z_-N2O2 relation using the obtained metallicity values and the corresponding observational emission line intensities for each object of the sample.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the anonymous referee for his/her useful comments and suggestions that helped us to substantially clarify and improve the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1093/mnras/stx150 fatcat:nfnvdesignh67plns4vq7sriiq

Spectral mapping of the Paraíba do Sul River plume (Brazil) using multitemporal Landsat images

Natália de Moraes Rudorff
2011 Journal of Applied Remote Sensing  
as a spectral reference for each OAS, and maps the fractional abundance of the OAS present in the scene.  ...  Effects of changes in the hydrological regime and water quality of the PSR have been less studied in its estuary and coastal zone.  ...  Leila Fonseca for preliminary orientations in the image processing. N.M.R has a PhD fellowship from the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES).  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.3630220 fatcat:366iasmllbhelbqhcql445oaay

Evaluation of interpolation techniques for the creation of gridded daily precipitation (1 × 1 km2); Cyprus, 1980-2010

Corrado Camera, Adriana Bruggeman, Panos Hadjinicolaou, Stelios Pashiardis, Manfred A. Lange
2014 Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres  
This study aims to evaluate the performance of 15 simple or complex interpolation techniques in reproducing daily precipitation at a resolution of 1 km 2 over topographically complex areas.  ...  Regression analyses utilizing geographical copredictors and neighboring interpolation techniques were evaluated both in isolation and combined.  ...  The authors would like to thank Evangelios Tyrlis and Andries De Vries for their time and support in the discussion and presentation of Cyprus climatology.  ... 
doi:10.1002/2013jd020611 fatcat:ezorlj2xj5eyjbyngub4erez3u

Mapping Sagebrush Distribution Using Fusion of Hyperspectral and Lidar Classifications

Jacob T. Mundt, David R. Streutker, Nancy F. Glenn
2006 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing  
Hyperspectral processing utilized a spectral subset (605 nm to 984 nm) of the reflectance data to classify sagebrush presence to an overall accuracy of 74 percent.  ...  The methods and results of this study lay the framework for utilizing coregistered hyperspectral and lidar data to describe semi-arid shrubs in greater detail than would be feasible using either dataset  ...  ISU would also like to acknowledge the Idaho Delegation for their assistance in obtaining this grant.  ... 
doi:10.14358/pers.72.1.47 fatcat:hzprexhy7rh6bl5qwzggsxwyuy
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