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Genome Warehouse: A Public Repository Housing Genome-scale Data [article]

Meili Chen, Yingke Ma, Song Wu, Xinchang Zheng, Hongen Kang, Jian Sang, Xingjian Xu, Lili Hao, Zhaohua Li, Zheng Gong, Jingfa Xiao, Zhang Zhang (+2 others)
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
The Genome Warehouse (GWH) is a public repository housing genome assembly data for a wide range of species and delivering a series of web services for genome data submission, storage, release, and sharing  ...  Collectively, GWH serves as an important resource for genome-scale data management and provides free and publicly accessible data to support research activities throughout the world.  ...  dot and 102 an incremental number to represent the version (e.g., GWHAAAA00000000.1). 103 Database components 104 GWH is a centralized resource housing genome-scale data, with the purpose to 105 archive  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.02.10.430367 fatcat:ywnzqmoan5dulgz42xlmfs5y3y

PhycoMine: A Microalgae Data Warehouse [article]

Rodrigo Raul Dorado Goitia, Diego Mauricio Riano-Pachon, Alexandre Victor Fassio, Flavia Vischi Winck
2021 bioRxiv   pre-print
PhycoMine is data warehouse system created to fostering the analysis of complex and integrated data from microalgae species in a single computational environment.  ...  These widgets were created to facilitate data visualization of the gene expression levels in different experimental setups, for which RNA-seq experimental data is available in data repositories.  ...  Finally, a script developed in house in R language, processed the data by tximport function, generating the resulting file in a table format that contains the levels of genetic expression and can be included  ... 
doi:10.1101/2021.09.27.462046 fatcat:weto5ctrwbgprdq3ze4nqoqzea

Migrating a research data warehouse to a public cloud: challenges and opportunities

Michael G Kahn, Joyce Y Mui, Michael J Ames, Anoop K Yamsani, Nikita Pozdeyev, Nicholas Rafaels, Ian M Brooks
2021 JAMIA Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association  
Objective Clinical research data warehouses (RDWs) linked to genomic pipelines and open data archives are being created to support innovative, complex data-driven discoveries.  ...  We describe our experience in migrating a multi-institutional RDW to a public cloud. Materials and Methods This study is descriptive.  ...  Compass as a data steward of fully identified patient clinical and genomic data.  ... 
doi:10.1093/jamia/ocab278 pmid:34919694 pmcid:PMC8922165 fatcat:d4xflguhyvbmze2necxfmzpmsa

Information and Communication Technology [chapter]

2007 Warehouse Management  
The aim is to provide a representative example of a research institution in the wider field of information and communications technology (ICT), with a specific focus on cognitive interaction and robotics  ...  After a brief introduction to the general structure and mission of CITEC, we will discuss the general scope of the case study, as well as how the methods presented in the introduction to this book have  ...  In particular, the module enables the management of a local publication repository which is synchronised with the PUB repository.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-35220-4_7 fatcat:dluy52mstbeqxkrynauxq2ejem

TargetMine, an Integrated Data Warehouse for Candidate Gene Prioritisation and Target Discovery

Yi-An Chen, Lokesh P. Tripathi, Kenji Mizuguchi, Vladimir Uversky
2011 PLoS ONE  
An integrated approach that combines results from multiple data types is best suited for optimal target selection. We developed TargetMine, a data warehouse for efficient target prioritisation.  ...  It enables complicated searches that are difficult to perform with existing tools and it also offers integration of custom annotations and in-house experimental data.  ...  In the post-genomic era, attempts at function annotation increasingly employ data from different types of repositories.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017844 pmid:21408081 pmcid:PMC3050930 fatcat:fvfqc77ymjfmlmviaqhb6wjkha

Six methodological steps to build medical data warehouses for research

N.B. Szirbik, C. Pelletier, T. Chaussalet
2006 International Journal of Medical Informatics  
Medical data repositories Privacy Ontology building Requirement elicitation Long-term care for elderly a b s t r a c t Purpose: We propose a simple methodology for heterogeneous data collection and central  ...  We developed this methodology by the lessons learned when we had to build a data repository, containing information about elderly patients flows in the UK's long-term care system (LTC).  ...  Acknowledgements We thank Teresa Temple and Peter Crowther from the London Borough of Merton Social Services Department for providing data and feedback during model development, and Peter Millard, visiting  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2006.04.003 pmid:16762589 fatcat:nwogqatcufefhmyy6hswywnnzi

Data integration and genomic medicine

Brenton Louie, Peter Mork, Fernando Martin-Sanchez, Alon Halevy, Peter Tarczy-Hornoch
2007 Journal of Biomedical Informatics  
We conclude this paper with challenges still not addressed in genomic medicine and gaps that remain in data integration research to facilitate genomic medicine.  ...  These data integration concepts and methodologies are then aligned with informatics challenges in genomic medicine and presented as potential solutions.  ...  Data cleansing is difficult in a federation. No data is housed locally so data cleansing must be done on-the fly [37] .  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2006.02.007 pmid:16574494 fatcat:mndnwkzzpzcu5ayqyg2ohyc75u

InSilico DB genomic datasets hub: an efficient starting point for analyzing genome-wide studies in GenePattern, Integrative Genomics Viewer, and R/Bioconductor

Alain Coletta, Colin Molter, Robin Duqué, David Steenhoff, Jonatan Taminau, Virginie de Schaetzen, Stijn Meganck, Cosmin Lazar, David Venet, Vincent Detours, Ann Nowé, Hugues Bersini (+1 others)
2012 Genome Biology  
However, multiple hurdles related to data management stand in the way of their efficient large-scale utilization. The solution proposed is a web-based data storage hub.  ...  Having clear focus, flexibility and adaptability, InSilico DB seamlessly connects genomics dataset repositories to state-of-the-art and free GUI and command-line data analysis tools.  ...  are also grateful to Michael Reich, Ted Liefeld, and Peter Carr of the GenePattern and GenomeSpace development teams for their help in the implementation of the InSilico DB/GenePattern and GenomeSpace data  ... 
doi:10.1186/gb-2012-13-11-r104 pmid:23158523 pmcid:PMC3580496 fatcat:riwbfy7t6zbkzoygltew3wrkia

TEMBLOR – Perspectives of EBI Database Services

Henning Hermjakob, Rolf Apweiler
2002 Comparative and Functional Genomics  
The availability of complete genomic data allows a whole range of new large-scale experiments such as the generation of whole-genome gene expression data, high-throughput protein identification by mass  ...  same time allowing easy submission to the public repository after publication.  ... 
doi:10.1002/cfg.133 pmid:18628871 pmcid:PMC2447230 fatcat:mm66zbhv4rcy5lfi6722twzf54

Applying data warehouse concepts to gene expression data management

V.M. Markowitz, T. Topaloglou
2001 Proceedings 2nd Annual IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE 2001)  
In this paper we present a method for applying data warehouse and on-line analytical processing concepts to gene expression data management.  ...  This method has been employed in developing the data management system that is used to host Gene Logic's GeneExpress® database products.  ...  Resources (NCGR) (see http://www.ncgr.org/genex/index.html), with alternative proposals for organizing gene expression data as part of their efforts to establish public gene expression data repositories  ... 
doi:10.1109/bibe.2001.974413 dblp:conf/bibe/MarkowitzT01 fatcat:ff4ue4dlwrhkbm7sd6av7vyzp4

Empowering Mayo Clinic Individualized Medicine with Genomic Data Warehousing

Iain Horton, Yaxiong Lin, Gay Reed, Mathieu Wiepert, Steven Hart
2017 Journal of Personalized Medicine  
To address this need, the Center for Individualized Medicine at Mayo Clinic has implemented a genomic data warehouse and a workflow management system to bring data from institutional electronic health  ...  The genomic data warehouse is positioned to play a key role in enhancing the research capabilities and advancing individualized patient care at Mayo Clinic.  ...  Implementation of the Warehouse Genomic Data Warehouse The Mayo Clinic genomic data warehouse system is built on the Oracle Translational Research Center (Oracle TRC) product, which provides a central  ... 
doi:10.3390/jpm7030007 pmid:28829408 pmcid:PMC5618153 fatcat:es2rfye7bzha3g5btqaia6dr7q

Perceptions toward establishing a biobank and clinical data warehouse: Voices from the community

Ida J. Spruill, Youlanda C. Gibbs, Marilyn Laken, Tiffany Williams
2014 Clinical Nursing Studies  
This qualitative pilot project was designed to engage the community in the planning process of establishing a Biobank and Clinical Data Warehouse.  ...  This is a pivotal time in health care, especially in lieu of the evolving genomic era.  ...  A clinical data warehouse is a facility or repository that houses all electronic health and clinical data.  ... 
doi:10.5430/cns.v2n3p97 fatcat:6lkqv6i2sjanrf4li3aprqotuy

Database Resources of the National Genomics Data Center in 2020

2019 Nucleic Acids Research  
The National Genomics Data Center (NGDC) provides a suite of database resources to support worldwide research activities in both academia and industry.  ...  Newly released resources include three human genome databases (PGG.SNV, PGG.Han and CGVD), eLMSG, EWAS Data Hub, GWAS Atlas, iSheep and PADS Arsenal.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We thank a number of users for submitting data, sending suggestions, reporting bugs and getting involving in community curation.  ... 
doi:10.1093/nar/gkz913 pmid:31702008 pmcid:PMC7145560 fatcat:rx2p2whldnh5zpg2pyjs3mtaba

An integrative data analysis platform for gene set analysis and knowledge discovery in a data warehouse framework

Yi-An Chen, Lokesh P. Tripathi, Kenji Mizuguchi
2016 Database: The Journal of Biological Databases and Curation  
This toolkit features interactive data analysis tools to query and analyse the biological data compiled within the TargetMine data warehouse.  ...  We have previously developed TargetMine, an integrated data warehouse optimized for target prioritization.  ...  Comparisons with Similar Resources As a data warehouse, TargetMine is not an alternative to large public databases, rather it is designed to provide an alternative usage to collate and summarize biological  ... 
doi:10.1093/database/baw009 pmid:26989145 pmcid:PMC4795931 fatcat:g32ewsxnb5gq5chad742fww2ia

Linking the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium bread wheat reference genome sequence to wheat genetic and phenomic data [article]

Michael Alaux, Jane Rogers, Thomas Letellier, Raphaël Flores, Françoise Alfama, Cyril Pommier, Nacer Mohellibi, Sophie Durand, Erik Kimmel, Célia Michotey, Claire Guerche, Mikaël Loaec (+12 others)
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
gene expression, and genetic and phenomic data from other international collaborative projects already stored in the GnpIS information system.  ...  produced by the International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium.  ...  The IWGSC data repository is thus hosted by URGI to support public and private 53 parties in data management as well as analysis and usage of the sequence data.  ... 
doi:10.1101/363259 fatcat:n326wu2jqjg4rewisgqneijgta
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