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A Genetic Algorithm for Finding a Small and Diverse Set of Recent News Stories on a Given Subject: How We Generate AAAI's AI-Alert

Joshua Eckroth, Eric Schoen
This paper describes the genetic algorithm used to select news stories about artificial intelligence for AAAI's weekly AIAlert, emailed to nearly 11,000 subscribers.  ...  We demonstrate its effectiveness by comparing several engagement metrics from six months of "A/B testing" experiments that compare random story selection vs. a simple scoring algorithm vs. our new genetic  ...  We developed a new genetic algorithm for story selection and conducted a six-month experiment in which readers received either the original TopClass selections, the new genetic algorithm selections, or  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v33i01.33019357 fatcat:5cubotvvfbh5vfvarvowul2wnm

Automatic Multi Document Summarization Approaches

2012 Journal of Computer Science  
news story in order to generate a better summary.  ...  With the aim of enhancing multi document summarization, specifically news documents, a novel type of approach is outlined to be developed in the future, taking into account the generic components of a  ...  Another weight learning approach was described by Bossard and Rodrigues (2011) who approximated the best weight combination using a genetic algorithm for their multi document summarizer.  ... 
doi:10.3844/jcssp.2012.133.140 fatcat:6wry32zaufczbkm7f62nor5ipq

Text summarization using python: Simplifying complex information automatically and effectively

Meghna Chaudhary
2019 The Pharma Innovation  
In contrast to TextBlob, which uses its own extractive summarization solution, NLTK uses the TextRank algorithm and Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) for summarization.  ...  A dataset of news stories is used to test the text summarizer's performance, and the results demonstrate its capacity to provide precise and succinct summaries.  ...  SA-GA Hybrid Algorithm In this method, we use a combination of genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) to present a new method called SA-GA.  ... 
doi:10.22271/tpi.2019.v8.i1l.25401 fatcat:pcvmpfgc6raclchjmt6bevhbv4

Optimum Performance-Based Seismic Design Using a Hybrid Optimization Algorithm

S. Talatahari, A. Hosseini, S. R. Mirghaderi, F. Rezazadeh
2014 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Comparison of the results of the hybrid algorithm with those of other metaheuristic algorithms shows the efficiency of the hybrid algorithm.  ...  The algorithm is based on the concepts of the charged system search in which each agent is affected by local and global best positions stored in the charged memory considering the governing laws of electrical  ...  The performance-based optimum results for the metaheuristic algorithm are summarized in Table 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/693128 fatcat:22hbyk5l4jhe5lszucuebxcm54

Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Placement of Steel Plate Shear Walls for Steel Frames

Jianian He, Shuhong Lin, Yicheng Li, Xian Dong, Shizhe Chen
2022 Buildings  
Furthermore, an improved genetic algorithm (IGA) was established to optimize the steel frame for 5, 10, and 20 stories.  ...  of conventional SPSW configurations, and this proportion gap expanded to approximately 15–25% for the 10-story and 20-story steel frames; (ii) the steel frame weight could be significantly reduced if  ...  indicators for high-rise buildings.  ... 
doi:10.3390/buildings12060835 fatcat:3dauti4lhbhghl6t7lx4kqzu2q

Page 603 of American Society of Civil Engineers. Collected Journals Vol. 126, Issue 5 [page]

2000 American Society of Civil Engineers. Collected Journals  
‘Integrated genetic algorithm for optimization of space structures.” J. Aerosp. Engrg., ASCE, 6(4), 315 328. Adeli, H., and Cheng, N.-T. (1994).  ...  in each story, and the same cross-sectional area is used for inclined members in each story.  ... 

Suggesting New Plot Elements for an Interactive Story

Spyridon Giannatos, Mark Nelson, Yun-Gyung Cheong, Georgios Yannakakis
2011 Proceedings of the AAAI Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference  
This is intended to lay the groundwork for a future system that would generate new content online, allowing for interactive stories larger than those explicitly written by the author.  ...  We present a system that uses evolutionary optimization to suggest new story-world events that, if added to an existing interactive story, would most improve the average interactive experience, according  ...  We generate new plot points using a standard genetic algorithm (GA) (Mitchell 1998 ). 3 According to our implementation, each member of the GA population represents a possible new plot point.  ... 
doi:10.1609/aiide.v7i2.12474 fatcat:ovaimgg7nzan5ekfzm7nz537q4

Improved Text Summarization of News Articles Using GA-HC and PSO-HC

Muhammad Mohsin, Shazad Latif, Muhammad Haneef, Usman Tariq, Muhammad Attique Khan, Sefedine Kadry, Hwan-Seung Yong, Jung-In Choi
2021 Applied Sciences  
Modified GA and adaptive PSO based sentence ranking models are proposed for text summary in news text documents.  ...  This study proposed two automatic text summarization models which are Genetic Algorithm with Hierarchical Clustering (GA-HC) and Particle Swarm Optimization with Hierarchical Clustering (PSO-HC).  ...  Data Availability Statement: The CASIA b dataset is utilized for the experimental process. This dataset is publically available for research purpose.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app112210511 fatcat:nvq5ltd7irhznkio7iffiohmwy

Automatic Text Summarization for Hindi Using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm

Arti Jain, Anuja Arora, Jorge Morato, Divakar Yadav, Kumar Vimal Kumar
2022 Applied Sciences  
In this research, the ATS methodology is proposed for the Hindi language using Real Coded Genetic Algorithm (RCGA) over the health corpus, available in the Kaggle dataset.  ...  In comparison with existing summarization tools, the ATS extractive method gives a summary reduction of 65%.  ...  Genetic Algorithm for Summarization The Genetic Algorithm [23, 24] is observed as an optimization function with a wide range of application domains.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app12136584 fatcat:3v6ixtn3hzcklbsanexgc5okce

News Text Summarization Based on Multi-feature and Fuzzy Logic

Yan Du, Hua Huo
2020 IEEE Access  
INDEX TERMS News text summarization, genetic algorithm, multi-feature, fuzzy logic system.  ...  In this study, a new automatic summarzation model for news text which based on fuzzy logic rules, multi-feature and Genetic algorithm (GA) is introduced.  ...  CONCLUSION In this paper,we proposed a new model based on Multifeature, genetic algorithm and fuzzy logic for news text summarization.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3007763 fatcat:q3knsdjf2jda7hcozg3tafjjpe

Intelligent location-based mobile news service system with automatic news summarization

Chih-Ming Chen
2010 Expert systems with applications  
Finally, an intelligent location-based mobile news service system with automatic news summarization for location-based news services was implemented by combining the proposed multi-document news summarization  ...  This scheme identifies a key paragraph in a news story as a summary based on three evaluation scores, in order to dispatch news information to mobile devices with small screens.  ...  A good k can be selected using various heuristic or optimal techniques, such as cross-validation and genetic algorithm (Li, Lu, & Yu, 2004 ).  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2010.03.055 fatcat:tqzqre7s7ng5jb6eihp3rvo3zu

Page 963 of Psychological Abstracts Vol. 82, Issue 2 [page]

1995 Psychological Abstracts  
[from the chapter] — reports some experiments in applying genetic algorithms for assessing the confidence of automatically assigned multiple keywords for news stories © using Memory Based Reasoning (MBR  ...  ) .. . to classify the stories, . . . assign a confidence score per news story, that allows one to refer stories with low classification confidence to a human coder  ... 

Optimal FRP Jacket Placement in RC Frame Structures Towards a Resilient Seismic Design

G. Mahdavi, K. Nasrollahzadeh, M. A. Hariri-Ardebili
2019 Sustainability  
Two meta-heuristic algorithms (i.e., genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization) are adopted for this purpose. The number of FRP layers is assumed to be the design variable.  ...  The proposed algorithm offers a unique technique for the design of more resilient structures.  ...  In an another study Choi [15] employed a multi-objective optimization by genetic algorithm to present an optimum design for a three-story frame retrofitted with FRP.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su11246985 fatcat:qqvcdcy3wvboxe6tgjx3v62vme

Global Simultaneous Optimization of Oil, Hysteretic and Inertial Dampers Using Real-Valued Genetic Algorithm and Local Search

Ryohei Uemura, Hiroki Akehashi, Kohei Fujita, Izuru Takewaki
2021 Frontiers in Built Environment  
In the first stage, a real-valued genetic algorithm is used for searching an approximate global optimal solution.  ...  A method for global simultaneous optimization of oil, hysteretic and inertial dampers is proposed for building structures using a real-valued genetic algorithm and local search.  ...  Genetic Algorithms for Multiobjective Optimization: Formulation, Discussion and Generalization. Proc. Fifth Int. Conf. Genet. Algorithms , 416–423. Hanson, R. D., and Soong, T. T. (2001).  ... 
doi:10.3389/fbuil.2021.795577 fatcat:dn56hxuzq5ejhldqfas3tkwbdq

Plot Induction and Evolutionary Search for Story Generation

Neil Duncan McIntyre, Mirella Lapata
2010 Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics  
Instead, we employ evolutionary search techniques to explore the space of possible stories which we argue are well suited to the story generation task.  ...  Experiments on generating simple children's stories show that our system outperforms previous data-driven approaches.  ...  We describe below how we developed a genetic algorithm for our story generation problem.  ... 
dblp:conf/acl/McIntyreL10 fatcat:3kpztaib5bgdpaa2lu4fhqvrqu
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