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206 Hits in 3.9 sec

RNA polymerase II pausing regulates a quiescence-dependent transcriptional program, priming cells for cell cycle reentry [article]

Hardik P Gala, Debarya Saha, Nisha Venugopal, Ajoy Aloysius, Jyotsna Dhawan
2018 bioRxiv   pre-print
We propose a model wherein Pol II pausing restrains transcription to maintain G0, preconfigures gene networks required for the G0-G1 transition, and sets the timing of their transcriptional activation.  ...  Finally, we uncover a novel, unexpected repressive role of the super-elongation complex component Aff4 in G0-specific stalling.  ...  Left panel = Equal cell number normalization: Group B transcript used as reference for normalization and histogram shows their value is close to zero.  ... 
doi:10.1101/250910 fatcat:sfhr4snqanctrlf3sydaaacxre

Self-organization of self-clearing beating patterns in an array of locally interacting ciliated cells formulated as an adaptive Boolean network

Martin Schneiter, Jaroslav Rička, Martin Frenz
2019 Theory in biosciences  
Here, we present a simplified pluricellular epithelium model, which intends to make the self-organization of ciliary beating patterns as well as of the associated fluid transport across the airway epithelium  ...  In particular, the dynamical response of the network with respect to variations of the boundary conditions, updating schemes (representing intercellular signaling mechanisms) and the proportion of ciliated  ...  Figure 19 illustrates the frequency distribution of functioning (dark gray bars) as well as malfunctioning (bright gray bars) parameter sets considering their corresponding | g0 |-classes (10 logarithmically  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12064-019-00299-x pmid:31350677 pmcid:PMC6994478 fatcat:2r2eyscf7fgr7nqcevkoezzql4

A chan-vese model based on the Markov chain for unsupervised medical image segmentation

Quanwei Huang, Yuezhi Zhou, Linmi Tao, Weikang Yu, Yaoxue Zhang, Li Huo, Zuoxiang He
2021 Tsinghua Science and Technology  
Our method exploits abundant boundary and local region information in segmentation and thus can handle images with intensity inhomogeneity and object sparsity.  ...  In some subsequent experiments on parameters, we use 19 CT slices of one patient (referred to as MINI-CVIP).  ...  Most unsupervised image segmentation approaches involve utilizing features, such as color, brightness, or texture over local patches, and then perform pixel level clustering based on these features.  ... 
doi:10.26599/tst.2020.9010042 fatcat:4dqoe3y64zeypmftad42g2xhbe

Super-Tonks-Girardeau quench of dipolar bosons in a one-dimensional optical lattice [article]

Paolo Molignini, Barnali Chakrabarti
2024 arXiv   pre-print
By calculating particle density, correlations, entropy measures, and natural occupations, we establish the regimes of stability as a function of dipolar interaction strength.  ...  The other parameters are V0 ≈ 20Er and |g0| ≈ 81Er. The dotted lines indicate the system boundaries. FIG. 2 . 2 FIG. 2.  ...  The other parameters are V0 ≈ 20Er and |g0| ≈ 81Er. The dotted lines indicate the system boundaries. FIG. 8 . 8 FIG. 8.  ... 
arXiv:2401.10317v1 fatcat:qffdqzivwrg7lll4nn4kh2q6w4

Tidal disruption of stellar clusters and their remnants' spatial distribution near the galactic center [article]

Long Wang, D.N.C. Lin
2022 arXiv   pre-print
We consider an evolved power-law potential (with α = 0.5) and an evolved two-component potential (with α = 0.5 and f • (R g ) = 0.01) where ρ g0 increases exponentially as ρ g0 (t) = ρ g0 (0)e Rρt . (  ...  For a static power-law galactic potential, it can be approximated as: ∆ρ g ρ g0 R g R − ∆R α − R g R + ∆R α ≈ 2αρ g0 R α g ∆R 1 R α+1 (21) where ∆R is the maximum difference of R for the star (traveling  ... 
arXiv:2212.09215v1 fatcat:pvzn3nlr2rhcpfytku3wt6e5vm

Characterisation of red supergiants in theGaiaspectral range

Ricardo Dorda, Carlos González-Fernández, Ignacio Negueruela
2016 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
In addition, it is capable to separate most of the non-SGs in the sample, identifying as SGs only a very small fraction of them.  ...  Using the principal components, we develop an automatised method to differentiate CSGs from other bright late-type stars, and to classify them.  ...  by those objects considered equal or later than the given putative boundary.  ... 
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201628422 fatcat:zqe2aulb7zhdxldmgykmsd33ay

The red supergiant population in the Perseus arm

R Dorda, I Negueruela, C González-Fernández
2017 Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society  
We confirm that our method is as efficient at finding supergiants as the best classical methods, but with a far lower contamination by red giants than any other method.  ...  We compare our identification with a classification done using classical criteria and discuss their respective efficiencies and contaminations as identification methods.  ...  As the Ib-II subclass is the boundary between SGs (LC I) and bright giants (LC II), the morphology of the objects with this tag is intermediate.  ... 
doi:10.1093/mnras/stx3317 fatcat:nfk7g52lkvfktitpbxmdhmkudm

Tidal Disruption of Stellar Clusters and the Spatial Distribution of Their Remnants Near the Galactic Center

Long Wang, D. N. C. Lin
2023 Astrophysical Journal  
The NoTide model is shown as a dashed curve for reference.  ...  The NoTide model is shown as a dashed curve for reference. Figure 8 . 8 Figure 8.  ...  The major impact is the evolution of r t as R decreases. The speed of the inspiral as controlled by r  does not suppress tidal compression but only affects the timescale.  ... 
doi:10.3847/1538-4357/acac97 fatcat:mp3pozud4new3mz7mmgswm73w4

Constraining the structure of the planet-forming region in the disk of the Herbig Be star HD 100546

E. Tatulli, M. Benisty, F. Ménard, P. Varnière, C. Martin-Zaïdi, W.-F. Thi, C. Pinte, F. Massi, G. Weigelt, K.-H. Hofmann, R. G. Petrov
2011 Astronomy and Astrophysics  
Date Baseline Projected PA Date Baseline Projected PA length (m) ( • ) length (m) ( • ) 2009-01-06 H0-E0 48 42 2009-04-24 H0-E0 44 -76 G0-E0 16 42 G0-E0 15 -76 H0-G0 32 42  ...  H0-G0 29 -76 2009-04-05 D0-H0 62 66 2009-04-25 H0-E0 44 -74 G1-D0 61 119 G0-E0 15 -74 G1-H0 52 6 H0-G0 29 -74 2009-04-08 K0-A0 125 72 2009-04-30 D0-H0 62 77 G1-A0 85 106  ... 
doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201016165 fatcat:zajsxyqr2nfqbhw6haze62oeyq

Review of x-ray free-electron laser theory

Zhirong Huang, Kwang-Je Kim
2007 Physical Review Special Topics. Accelerators and Beams  
High-gain free-electron lasers (FELs) are being developed as extremely bright sources for a next-generation x-ray facility.  ...  Abstract High-gain free-electron lasers (FELs) are being developed as extremely bright sources for a nextgeneration x-ray facility.  ...  Hence, the radiation power builds up as P ∝ exp(z/L G0 ), with L G0 = λ u /(4π √ 3ρ) as in Eq. (6). F.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevstab.10.034801 fatcat:k4yuxxfjbjhtfcvqak6vstpv4e

Photodissociation and X-Ray Dominated Regions [article]

Mark G. Wolfire, Livia Vallini, Mélanie Chevance
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this review, we describe the dominant thermal, chemical, and radiation transfer processes in PDRs and XDRs, as well as a brief description of models and their use to analyze observations.  ...  Their interpretation is, however, in dispute as observations suggest a prominent role for stellar winds while they are much less important in theoretical models. ∙ A significant fraction of molecular mass  ...  These are usually interpreted as the bright classic PDRs.  ... 
arXiv:2202.05867v2 fatcat:twbj6o75uvd77k23fbn4jj36du

Lopsided Galaxies, Weak Interactions, and Boosting the Star Formation Rate

Gregory Rudnick, Hans‐Walter Rix, Robert C. Kennicutt, Jr.
2000 Astrophysical Journal  
We quantify lopsidedness as the amplitude of the m=1 Fourier component of the azimuthal surface brightness distribution, averaged over a range of radii.  ...  Using the evolutionary population synthesis code of Bruzual & Charlot we model the spectra as an "underlying population" and a superimposed "boost population" with the aim of constraining the fractional  ...  We quantify lopsidedness as the amplitude of the m \ 1 Fourier component of the SA3 1 T azimuthal surface brightness distribution averaged over a range of radii.  ... 
doi:10.1086/309169 fatcat:vqn3cm2ambczbf3uerkdnj3uci

Stability and dynamics of two-soliton molecules [article]

U. Al Khawaja
2010 arXiv   pre-print
The problem of soliton-soliton force is revisited.  ...  We investigate the molecule's stability against perturbations such as reflection from surfaces, scattering by barriers, and collisions with other solitons.  ...  This agrees with our earlier result that two equal solitons with zero relative speed and finite separation, do not exist as an exact solution. C.  ... 
arXiv:1004.3000v3 fatcat:e5jnsb74cjexphnza7ihbkezx4

Using UAS Hyperspatial RGB Imagery for Identifying Beach Zones along the South Texas Coast

Lihong Su, James Gibeaut
2017 Remote Sensing  
The analysis of shoreline variability usually uses a group of shoreline indicators visibly discernible in coastal imagery, such as the seaward vegetation line, wet beach/dry beach line, and instantaneous  ...  Patterns with a U value of less than or equal to two are designated as "uniform".  ...  Texture Features The similar land objects may have similar geometric patterns as manifested by grey-level variation in an image, which is referred to as texture.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs9020159 fatcat:vinquqp6yfdunchwtffrzwnms4

Spectral classification of stars based on LAMOST spectra [article]

Chao Liu, Wen-Yuan Cui, Bo Zhang, Jun-Chen Wan, Li-Cai Deng, Yonghui Hou, Yuefei Wang, Ming Yang, Yong Zhang
2015 arXiv   pre-print
About 40% of the OB and K type stars are mis-classified as A and G type stars, respectively.  ...  The equivalentwidths of the prominent spectral lines, playing the similar role as the multi-color photometry, form a clean stellar locus well ordered by MK classes.  ...  To be convenient, we also mark the averaged effective temperatures along the stellar loci as the reference.  ... 
arXiv:1505.05940v1 fatcat:m2m5s4byh5fxjciwflvam6bzuq
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