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Fuzzy Distance Based Attribute Reduction in Decision Tables

Cao Chinh Nghia, Vu Duc Thi, Nguyen Long Giang, Tan Hanh
2017 Research and Development on Information and Communication Technology  
In recent years, fuzzy rough set based attribute reduction has attracted the interest of many researchers.  ...  In this paper, we propose a fuzzy distance based attribute reduction method on the decision table with numerical attribute value domain.  ...  ATTRIBUTE REDUCTION BASED ON FUZZY DISTANCE MEASURE In this section, we present an attribute reduction method of the decision table with numerical attribute value using the fuzzy distance measure.  ... 
doi:10.32913/mic-ict-research-vn.v2.n36.356 fatcat:csu3j26gurajlm6p4pn2odjqxy

About a Fuzzy Distance between Two Fuzzy Partitions and Application in Attribute Reduction Problem

Cao Chinh Nghia, Demetrovics Janos, Nguyen Long Giang, Vu Duc Thi
2016 Cybernetics and Information Technologies  
In recent years, researches have proposed methods based on fuzzy rough set approach to solve the problem of attribute reduction in decision tables with numerical value domain.  ...  In this paper, we proposeafuzzy distance between two partitions and an attribute reduction method in numerical decision tables based on proposed fuzzy distance.  ...  In this paper, we propose an attribute reduction method on the decision table with numerical attribute value which uses fuzzy distance based on fuzzy rough set.  ... 
doi:10.1515/cait-2016-0064 fatcat:hgor4kgpybektmdsmk253nj4ce

Hybrid Attribute Reduction for Classification Based on A Fuzzy Rough Set Technique [chapter]

Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu, Zongxia Xie
2005 Proceedings of the 2005 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining  
Based on the information measure, a general definition of significance of nominal, numeric and fuzzy attributes is presented.  ...  In this paper a unified information measure is proposed to computing discernibility power of a crisp equivalence relation and a fuzzy one, which is the key concept in classical rough set model and fuzzy  ...  A fuzzy-rough attribute reduction, called fuzzy-rough QUICKREDUCT algorithm, was given in [42] based on fuzzy dependency function.  ... 
doi:10.1137/1.9781611972757.18 dblp:conf/sdm/Hu05 fatcat:ekepggpu2vcyfgip7mzn47lknu

Distance Measure Assisted Rough Set Feature Selection

Neil Mac Parthalain, Qiang Shen, Richard Jensen
2007 IEEE International Fuzzy Systems conference proceedings  
The use of this measure in rough set feature selection can result in smaller subset sizes than those obtained using the dependency function alone.  ...  This paper presents a novel rough set FS technique which uses the information of both the lower approximation dependency value and a distance metric for the consideration of objects in the boundary region  ...  DISTANCE MEASURE ASSISTED ROUGH SET ATTRIBUTE REDUCTION As discussed previously, almost all techniques for rough set attribute reduction adopt an approach to minimisation that employs the information contained  ... 
doi:10.1109/fuzzy.2007.4295518 dblp:conf/fuzzIEEE/MacParthalainSJ07 fatcat:h2zkgp4pofbmra2dpyc4arz3i4

Modified Uncertainty Measure of Rough Fuzzy Sets from the Perspective of Fuzzy Distance

Jie Yang, Taihua Xu, Fan Zhao
2018 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Then, from the perspective of fuzzy distance, we introduce a modified uncertainty measure based on the fuzziness-based uncertainty measure and present that our method not only is strictly monotonic with  ...  As an extension of Pawlak's rough sets, rough fuzzy sets are proposed to deal with fuzzy target concept.  ...  From the perspective of fuzzy distance, we present a modified fuzziness-based uncertainty measure for the rough fuzzy sets.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/4160905 fatcat:46m5apb565gzboyyyyl4la2mai

A Distance Measure Approach to Exploring the Rough Set Boundary Region for Attribute Reduction

Neil Parthaláin, Qiang Shen, Richard Jensen
2010 IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering  
The use of this measure in rough set feature selection can result in smaller subset sizes than those obtained using the dependency function alone.  ...  Feature Selection (FS) or Attribute Reduction techniques are employed for dimensionality reduction and aim to select a subset of the original features of a data set which are rich in the most useful information  ...  MEASURE ASSISTED ROUGH SET ATTRIBUTE REDUCTION As discussed previously, almost all techniques for rough set attribute reduction adopt an approach to minimization that examines only the information contained  ... 
doi:10.1109/tkde.2009.119 fatcat:vfdmnvirxzcfjjwx6caoupnnae

Information-preserving hybrid data reduction based on fuzzy-rough techniques

Qinghua Hu, Daren Yu, Zongxia Xie
2006 Pattern Recognition Letters  
Based on the information measure, a general definition of significance of nominal, numeric and fuzzy attributes is presented.  ...  In this paper, an information measure is proposed to computing discernibility power of a crisp equivalence relation or a fuzzy one, which is the key concept in classical rough set model and fuzzy-rough  ...  A fuzzy-rough attribute reduction, called fuzzy-rough QUICKREDUCT algorithm, was given in Shen and Jensen, 2004 ) based on fuzzy dependency function.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patrec.2005.09.004 fatcat:krhmbjf6crfpbdzjf4cvu4pjky

Relative Knowledge Distance Measure of Intuitionistic Fuzzy Concept

Jie Yang, Xiaodan Qin, Guoyin Wang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Baoli Wang
2022 Electronics  
Knowledge distance is used to measure the difference between granular spaces, which is an uncertainty measure with strong distinguishing ability in a rough set.  ...  Firstly, a micro-knowledge distance (md) based on information entropy is proposed to measure the difference between intuitionistic fuzzy information granules.  ...  Zheng [36] proposed an improved roughness method to measure the uncertainty of covering-based rough intuitionistic fuzzy sets.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11203373 fatcat:4pt2rfjnijfyfgoeij4ttedcoi

A Bit-Chain Based Algorithm for Problem of Attribute Reduction [chapter]

Thanh-Trung Nguyen, Viet-Long Huu Nguyen, Phi-Khu Nguyen
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
One of key problems of knowledge acquisition in theoretical study of rough sets is attribute reduction.  ...  Set of maximal random prior forms is put forward as an effective way for attribute reduction.  ...  A Greedy Reduction Algorithm based on Consistency [18] and Distance Measure Assisted Rough Set Attribute Reduction < a 1 a 2 2 … a m > ∩ < b 1 b 2 … b m > = < c 1 c 2 … c m >, a i , b i ∈ {0,1}, c i  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-28487-8_44 fatcat:ydns5mo65nfqxcabv4b6bmu5jq

Fuzzy distance-based filter-wrapper incremental algorithms for attribute reduction when adding or deleting attribute set

Ho Thi Phuong, Nguyen Long Giang
2021 Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology  
In this paper, we propose incremental algorithms that find reducts following filter-wrapper approach using fuzzy distance measure in the case of adding and deleting attribute set.  ...  The fuzzy rough set theory is considered an effective tool to solve the attribute reduction problem directly on the original decision system, without data preprocessing.  ...  using fuzzy distance when deleting attribute set is as follows: Algorithm IFW_FDAR_DA (Incremental Filter-Wrapper Fuzzy Distance-based Attribute Reduction Algorithm when Deleting Attributes).  ... 
doi:10.15625/2525-2518/59/2/15698 fatcat:k5ha24v7nnapvfp7qojpiszkf4

Fuzzy Rough Sets Theory Reducts for Quantitative Decisions – Approach for Spatial Data Generalization [chapter]

Anna Fiedukowicz
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The proposed method is based on the tnorm of fuzzy indiscernibility based on attribute value and fuzzy indiscernibility based on decision, which is calculated for each pair of objects.  ...  Such tools as reducts and fuzzy reducts, though useful, are still insufficient for the quantitative decisions, common in cartographical generalization.  ...  Fuzzy Rough Sets The hybrid of the fuzzy sets theory and rough sets theory, enabling to create fuzzy reducts, employs the attributes in quantitative scale.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-19941-2_30 fatcat:tclxcqqohjbxlgupu6exbwes6i

Hybrid attribute reduction based on a novel fuzzy-rough model and information granulation

Qinghua Hu, Zongxia Xie, Daren Yu
2007 Pattern Recognition  
We derive several attribute significance measures based on the proposed fuzzy-rough model and construct a forward greedy algorithm for hybrid attribute reduction.  ...  In this paper, we introduce a simple and efficient hybrid attribute reduction algorithm based on a generalized fuzzy-rough model.  ...  In essence, all the measures can be divided into two classes: the distance-based measures and consistency-based measures.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2007.03.017 fatcat:e7d2bqld7vdj7ph7tozvblnlkq

Distance: A more comprehensible perspective for measures in rough set theory

Jiye Liang, Ru Li, Yuhua Qian
2012 Knowledge-Based Systems  
Moreover, a rough set framework based on the set distance is also a very interesting perspective for understanding rough set approximation.  ...  In this study, through introducing set distance and partition distance to rough set theory, we investigate how to understand measures from rough set theory in the viewpoint of distance, which are inclusion  ...  Set distance and fuzziness measure of a rough set In this subsection, we will research the set distance characterization of the fuzziness measures of a rough set and a rough decision. Proposition 6.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.knosys.2011.11.003 fatcat:u6k4rwjtrbfzfjmvzd6hdaoilm

Data Mining Based on Fuzzy Rough Set Theory and Its Application in the Glass Identification

Ruying Sun
2009 Modern Applied Science  
To overcome the disadvantage of determining artificially the class number, fuzzy C means clustering is introduced to fuzzify the continual attribute, and the best minute class number is obtained by cluster  ...  The relationship of glass composition and its application is excavated using data mining method in this paper.  ...  Eliminate redundant attributes used attribute reduction algorithm based on fuzzy rough set and structure new decision table, and then eliminate redundant attribute value of the new decision table.  ... 
doi:10.5539/mas.v3n8p100 fatcat:kbnjq63rebcbdmwj4r3koqgoje

Fuzzy - Rough Feature Selection With Π- Membership Function For Mammogram Classification [article]

K.Thangavel, R.Roselin
2012 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, Fuzzy-Rough feature selection with π membership function is proposed. The selected features are used to classify the abnormalities with help of Ant-Miner and Weka tools.  ...  If all the extracted features are used, most of the cases are misidentified. Hence feature selection procedure is sought.  ...  (%) Fuzzy Rough Quick Reduct (%) Fuzzy Rough Entropy Based Quick Reduct (%) Fuzzy Rough Quick Reduct with π- membership  ... 
arXiv:1205.4336v2 fatcat:hxkda5ha7zeuloh3lg7sdxpfda
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